SET decimal dot. DATA LIST FILE "C:\XXX\FIN_PAQ12_MAR31.txt" / CNT 1 - 3 (A) SUBNATIO 4 - 10 (A) STRATUM 11 - 17 (A) OECD 18 - 18 (F,0) NC 19 - 24 (A) SCHOOLID 25 - 31 (A) StIDStd 32 - 36 (A) PA01Q01 37 - 37 (F,0) PA01Q02 38 - 38 (F,0) PA01Q03 39 - 39 (F,0) PA02Q01 40 - 40 (F,0) PA02Q02 41 - 41 (F,0) PA03Q01 42 - 42 (F,0) PA03Q02 43 - 43 (F,0) PA03Q03 44 - 44 (F,0) PA03Q04 45 - 45 (F,0) PA05Q01 46 - 46 (F,0) PA05Q02 47 - 47 (F,0) PA05Q03 48 - 48 (F,0) PA05Q04 49 - 49 (F,0) PA07Q01 50 - 50 (F,0) PA08Q01 51 - 51 (F,0) PA09Q01 52 - 52 (F,0) PA09Q02 53 - 53 (F,0) PA09Q03 54 - 54 (F,0) PA09Q04 55 - 55 (F,0) PA09Q05 56 - 56 (F,0) PA09Q06 57 - 57 (F,0) PA09Q07 58 - 58 (F,0) PA10Q01 59 - 59 (F,0) PA10Q02 60 - 60 (F,0) PA10Q03 61 - 61 (F,0) PA10Q04 62 - 62 (F,0) PA10Q05 63 - 63 (F,0) PA10Q06 64 - 64 (F,0) PA10Q07 65 - 65 (F,0) PA10Q08 66 - 66 (F,0) PA10Q09 67 - 67 (F,0) PA10Q10 68 - 68 (F,0) PA10Q11 69 - 69 (F,0) PA11Q01 70 - 70 (F,0) PA12Q01 71 - 71 (F,0) PA12Q02 72 - 72 (F,0) PA12Q03 73 - 73 (F,0) PA12Q04 74 - 74 (F,0) PA12Q05 75 - 75 (F,0) PA12Q06 76 - 76 (F,0) PA12Q07 77 - 77 (F,0) PA12Q08 78 - 78 (F,0) PA12Q09 79 - 79 (F,0) PA12Q10 80 - 80 (F,0) PA12Q11 81 - 81 (F,0) PA13Q01 82 - 82 (F,0) PA13Q02 83 - 83 (F,0) PA13Q03 84 - 84 (F,0) PA13Q04 85 - 85 (F,0) PA13Q05 86 - 86 (F,0) PA13Q06 87 - 87 (F,0) PA13Q07 88 - 88 (F,0) PA14Q01 89 - 89 (F,0) PA14Q02 90 - 90 (F,0) PA14Q03 91 - 91 (F,0) PA14Q04 92 - 92 (F,0) PA15Q01 93 - 93 (F,0) PA15Q02 94 - 94 (F,0) PA15Q03 95 - 95 (F,0) PA15Q04 96 - 96 (F,0) PA15Q05 97 - 97 (F,0) PA18Q01 98 - 98 (F,0) PA18Q02 99 - 99 (F,0) PA18Q03 100 - 100 (F,0) PA19Q01 101 - 101 (F,0) PA19Q02 102 - 102 (F,0) PA19Q03 103 - 103 (F,0) PA19Q04 104 - 104 (F,0) PA19Q05 105 - 105 (F,0) PA19Q06 106 - 106 (F,0) PA21Q01 107 - 107 (F,0) PA21Q02 108 - 108 (F,0) PA21Q03 109 - 109 (F,0) PA21Q04 110 - 110 (F,0) PA21Q05 111 - 111 (F,0) PA21Q06 112 - 112 (F,0) PA22Q01 113 - 116 (A) PA23Q01 117 - 120 (A) PA24N0101 121 - 126 (A) PA24N0102 127 - 132 (A) PA24N0103 133 - 138 (A) PA24N0104 139 - 144 (A) PA24N0105 145 - 150 (A) PA24N0106 151 - 156 (A) PA24N0107 157 - 162 (A) PA24N0108 163 - 168 (A) PA24N0109 169 - 174 (A) PA24N0110 175 - 180 (A) PA24N0111 181 - 186 (A) PA24N0112 187 - 192 (A) PA24N0113 193 - 198 (A) PA24N0201 199 - 204 (A) PA24N0202 205 - 210 (A) PA24N0203 211 - 216 (A) PA24N0204 217 - 222 (A) PA24N0205 223 - 228 (A) PA24N0206 229 - 234 (A) PA24N0207 235 - 240 (A) PA24N0208 241 - 246 (A) PA24N0209 247 - 252 (A) PA24N0210 253 - 258 (A) PA24N0211 259 - 264 (A) PA24N0212 265 - 270 (A) PA24N0213 271 - 276 (A) PA25Q01 277 - 277 (F,0) PA25Q02 278 - 278 (F,0) OCOD3 279 - 282 (A) OCOD4 283 - 286 (A) OCOD5 287 - 290 (A) PARINVOL 291 - 299 (F,4) PARSUPP 300 - 308 (F,4) PQBFMJ 309 - 313 (F,2) PQBMMJ 314 - 318 (F,2) PQCITIZF 319 - 319 (F,0) PQCITIZM 320 - 320 (F,0) PQCOB_F 321 - 326 (A) PQCOB_M 327 - 332 (A) PQCOB_MGM 333 - 338 (A) PQCOB_MGF 339 - 344 (A) PQCOB_PGM 345 - 350 (A) PQCOB_PGF 351 - 356 (A) PQEDASP 357 - 357 (F,0) PQFISCED 358 - 358 (F,0) PQHISCED 359 - 359 (F,0) PQHISEI 360 - 364 (F,2) PQIMMIGF 365 - 365 (F,0) PQIMMIGM 366 - 366 (F,0) PQLANGNF 367 - 369 (A) PQLANGNM 370 - 372 (A) PQMCAR 373 - 381 (F,4) PQMIMP 382 - 390 (F,4) PQMISCED 391 - 391 (F,0) PQOCCASP 392 - 396 (F,2) PQSCHOOL 397 - 405 (F,4) senwgt_PaQ 406 - 414 (F,4) VER_PAQ 415 - 421 (A) . execute. variable labels NC "National Centre 6-digit Code" CNT "Country code 3-character" OECD "OECD country" SUBNATIO "Adjudicated sub-region code 7-digit code (3-digit country code + region ID + stratum ID)" STRATUM "Stratum ID 7-character (cnt + region ID + original stratum ID)" SCHOOLID "School ID 7-digit (region ID + stratum ID + 3-digit school ID)" STIDSTD "Student ID" PA01Q01 "Completed Quest - Mother" PA01Q02 "Completed Quest - Father" PA01Q03 "Completed Quest - Other" PA02Q01 "Parent Age - Father" PA02Q02 "Parent Age - Mother" PA03Q01 "Father Qualification - " PA03Q02 "Father Qualification - " PA03Q03 "Father Qualification - " PA03Q04 "Father Qualification - " PA05Q01 "Mother Qualification - " PA05Q02 "Mother Qualification - " PA05Q03 "Mother Qualification - " PA05Q04 "Mother Qualification - " PA07Q01 "Annual Household Income" PA08Q01 "Education Cost" PA09Q01 "School - Teach Competent" PA09Q02 "School - Achieve High" PA09Q03 "School - Content Good" PA09Q04 "School - Discipline Good" PA09Q05 "School - Progress Monitored" PA09Q06 "School - Progress Information" PA09Q07 "School - Education Good" PA10Q01 "Activities - Discuss behaviour own initiative" PA10Q02 "Activities - Discuss behaviour teacher" PA10Q03 "Activities - Volunteer maintenance" PA10Q04 "Activities - Volunteer clubs" PA10Q05 "Activities - Volunteer library" PA10Q06 "Activities - Assist teacher" PA10Q07 "Activities - Guest speaker" PA10Q08 "Activities - School government" PA10Q09 "Activities - Discuss progress own initiative" PA10Q10 "Activities - Discuss progress teacher" PA10Q11 "Activities - Volunteer in school canteen" PA11Q01 "Available Schooling" PA12Q01 "School Selection - Short distance" PA12Q02 "School Selection - Good reputation" PA12Q03 "School Selection - Course availability" PA12Q04 "School Selection - Particular philosophy" PA12Q05 "School Selection - Teaching approach" PA12Q06 "School Selection - Other family members" PA12Q07 "School Selection - Low expenses" PA12Q08 "School Selection - Financial aid" PA12Q09 "School Selection - Pleasant environment" PA12Q10 "School Selection - High achievements" PA12Q11 "School Selection - Safe environment" PA13Q01 "With Child - Wellbeing at school" PA13Q02 "With Child - Eat main meal" PA13Q03 "With Child - Time talking" PA13Q04 "With Child - Homework help" PA13Q05 "With Child - Performance math" PA13Q06 "With Child - Math materials" PA13Q07 "With Child - Applying math" PA14Q01 "Math Skills Importance - Get good jobs" PA14Q02 "Math Skills Importance - Employer appreciation" PA14Q03 "Math Skills Importance - Job requirement" PA14Q04 "Math Skills Importance - Advantage in job market" PA15Q01 "Math Career - In family" PA15Q02 "Math Career - Child interest" PA15Q03 "Math Career - Child expectation" PA15Q04 "Math Career - Child study interest" PA15Q05 "Math Career - Child study expectation" PA18Q01 "Repeat Grade - At < ISCED 1>" PA18Q02 "Repeat Grade - At < ISCED 2>" PA18Q03 "Repeat Grade - At < ISCED 3>" PA19Q01 "Expected completed levels - " PA19Q02 "Expected completed levels - " PA19Q03 "Expected completed levels - " PA19Q04 "Expected completed levels - " PA19Q05 "Expected completed levels - " PA19Q06 "Expected completed levels - " PA21Q01 "Family Country of Birth - Mother" PA21Q02 "Family Country of Birth - Father" PA21Q03 "Family Country of Birth - Maternal Grandmother" PA21Q04 "Family Country of Birth - Maternal Grandfather" PA21Q05 "Family Country of Birth - Paternal Grandmother" PA21Q06 "Family Country of Birth - Paternal Grandfather" PA22Q01 "Father Age Arrival Test Country" PA23Q01 "Mother Age Arrival Test Country" PA24N0101 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0102 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0103 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0104 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0105 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0106 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0107 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0108 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0109 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0110 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0111 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0112 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0113 "Country of Citizenship - Mother" PA24N0201 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0202 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0203 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0204 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0205 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0206 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0207 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0208 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0209 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0210 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0211 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0212 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA24N0213 "Country of Citizenship - Father" PA25Q01 "Language Spoken at Home - Mother" PA25Q02 "Language Spoken at Home - Father" OCOD3 "Parental report on mother's ISCO08 classification" OCOD4 "Parental report on father's ISCO08 classification" OCOD5 "Parental report on career expectations for their children expressed in ISCO08" PARINVOL "Parental involvement in their child's school" PARSUPP "Student support" PQMIMP "Parent attitudes toward mathematics" PQBFMJ "Father ISEI from Parent Questionnaire" PQBMMJ "Mother ISEI from Parent Questionnaire" PQCITIZF "Parental citizenship - Father" PQCITIZM "Parental citizenship - Mother" PQCOB_F "Country of Birth - Father" PQCOB_M "Country of Birth - Mother" PQCOB_MGM "Country of Birth - Maternal Grand-Mother" PQCOB_MGF "Country of Birth - Maternal Grand-Father" PQCOB_PGM "Country of Birth - Paternal Grand-Mother" PQCOB_PGF "Country of Birth - Paternal Grand-Father" PQEDASP "Expected completed levels of education" PQLANGNF "Language at home (3-digit code) - Father" PQLANGNM "Language at home (3-digit code) - Mother" PQMISCED "PQ Educational level of mother (ISCED)" PQFISCED "PQ Educational level of father (ISCED)" PQHISCED "PQ Highest educational level of parents (ISCED)" PQHISEI "PQ Highest Parental Occupation Status (ISEI)" PQIMMIGF "Parental place of birth - Father" PQIMMIGM "Parental place of birth - Mother" PQMCAR "Mathematics Career" PQOCCASP "Expected ISEI of student from Parent Questionnaire" PQSCHOOL "Parents perception of school quality" senwgt_PaQ "Senate weight - sum of weight within the country is 1000" VER_PAQ "Date of the database creation" . value labels CNT "ALB" "Albania" "ARG" "Argentina" "AUS" "Australia" "AUT" "Austria" "BEL" "Belgium" "BRA" "Brazil" "BGR" "Bulgaria" "CAN" "Canada" "CHL" "Chile" "QCN" "Shanghai-China" "TAP" "Chinese Taipei" "COL" "Colombia" "CRI" "Costa Rica" "HRV" "Croatia" "CZE" "Czech Republic" "DNK" "Denmark" "EST" "Estonia" "FIN" "Finland" "FRA" "France" "DEU" "Germany" "GRC" "Greece" "HKG" "Hong Kong-China" "HUN" "Hungary" "ISL" "Iceland" "IDN" "Indonesia" "IRL" "Ireland" "ISR" "Israel" "ITA" "Italy" "JPN" "Japan" "JOR" "Jordan" "KAZ" "Kazakhstan" "KOR" "Korea" "LVA" "Latvia" "LIE" "Liechtenstein" "LTU" "Lithuania" "LUX" "Luxembourg" "MAC" "Macao-China" "MYS" "Malaysia" "MEX" "Mexico" "MNE" "Montenegro" "NLD" "Netherlands" "NZL" "New Zealand" "NOR" "Norway" "QRS" "Perm(Russian Federation)" "PER" "Peru" "POL" "Poland" "PRT" "Portugal" "QAT" "Qatar" "ROU" "Romania" "RUS" "Russian Federation" "SRB" "Serbia" "SGP" "Singapore" "SVK" "Slovak Republic" "SVN" "Slovenia" "ESP" "Spain" "SWE" "Sweden" "CHE" "Switzerland" "THA" "Thailand" "TUN" "Tunisia" "TUR" "Turkey" "GBR" "United Kingdom" "ARE" "United Arab Emirates" "USA" "United States of America" "URY" "Uruguay" "VNM" "Viet Nam" "QUA" "Florida (USA)" "QUB" "Connecticut (USA)" "QUC" "Massachusetts (USA)" "N/A" "Not applicable" /STRATUM "ALB0001" "ALB - stratum 01 : North, Urban, Public" "ALB0002" "ALB - stratum 02 : North, Urban, Private" "ALB0003" "ALB - stratum 03 : North, Rural, Public" "ALB0004" "ALB - stratum 04 : North, Rural, Private" "ALB0005" "ALB - stratum 05 : Center, Urban, Public" "ALB0006" "ALB - stratum 06 : Center, Urban, Private" "ALB0007" "ALB - stratum 07 : Center, Rural, Public" "ALB0008" "ALB - stratum 08 : Center, Rural, Private" "ALB0009" "ALB - stratum 09 : South, Urban, Public" "ALB0010" "ALB - stratum 10 : South, Urban, Private" "ALB0011" "ALB - stratum 11 : South, Rural, Public" "ALB0012" "ALB - stratum 12 : South, Rural, Private" "ARE0101" "ARE - stratum 01 : ABU DHABI,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0102" "ARE - stratum 02 : ABU DHABI,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0104" "ARE - stratum 04 : ABU DHABI,US,PRIVATE" "ARE0106" "ARE - stratum 06 : ABU DHABI,UK,PRIVATE" "ARE0108" "ARE - stratum 08 : ABU DHABI,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0109" "ARE - stratum 09 : ABU DHABI,OTHER,PUBLIC" "ARE0110" "ARE - stratum 10 : ABU DHABI,OTHER,PRIVATE" "ARE0211" "ARE - stratum 11 : DUBAI,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0212" "ARE - stratum 12 : DUBAI,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0214" "ARE - stratum 14 : DUBAI,US,PRIVATE" "ARE0216" "ARE - stratum 16 : DUBAI,UK,PRIVATE" "ARE0218" "ARE - stratum 18 : DUBAI,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0219" "ARE - stratum 19 : DUBAI,OTHER,PUBLIC" "ARE0220" "ARE - stratum 20 : DUBAI,OTHER,PRIVATE" "ARE0321" "ARE - stratum 21 : SHARJAH,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0322" "ARE - stratum 22 : SHARJAH,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0324" "ARE - stratum 24 : SHARJAH,US,PRIVATE" "ARE0326" "ARE - stratum 26 : SHARJAH,UK,PRIVATE" "ARE0328" "ARE - stratum 28 : SHARJAH,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0330" "ARE - stratum 30 : SHARJAH,OTHER,PRIVATE" "ARE0431" "ARE - stratum 31 : AJMAN,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0432" "ARE - stratum 32 : AJMAN,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0434" "ARE - stratum 34 : AJMAN,US,PRIVATE" "ARE0438" "ARE - stratum 38 : AJMAN,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0440" "ARE - stratum 40 : AJMAN,OTHER,PRIVATE" "ARE0541" "ARE - stratum 41 : UMM AL QUWAIN,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0542" "ARE - stratum 42 : UMM AL QUWAIN,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0548" "ARE - stratum 48 : UMM AL QUWAIN,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0651" "ARE - stratum 51 : RAS AL KHAIMAH,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0652" "ARE - stratum 52 : RAS AL KHAIMAH,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0654" "ARE - stratum 54 : RAS AL KHAIMAH,US,PRIVATE" "ARE0658" "ARE - stratum 58 : RAS AL KHAIMAH,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0659" "ARE - stratum 59 : RAS AL KHAIMAH,OTHER,PUBLIC" "ARE0660" "ARE - stratum 60 : RAS AL KHAIMAH,OTHER,PRIVATE" "ARE0761" "ARE - stratum 61 : FUJAIRAH,MOE,PUBLIC" "ARE0762" "ARE - stratum 62 : FUJAIRAH,MOE,PRIVATE" "ARE0766" "ARE - stratum 66 : FUJAIRAH,UK,PRIVATE" "ARE0768" "ARE - stratum 68 : FUJAIRAH,INDIAN,PRIVATE" "ARE0769" "ARE - stratum 69 : FUJAIRAH,OTHER,PUBLIC" "ARE0770" "ARE - stratum 70 : FUJAIRAH,OTHER,PRIVATE" "ARG0001" "ARG - stratum 01 : Centro" "ARG0102" "ARG - stratum 02 : CABA" "ARG0003" "ARG - stratum 03 : NEA" "ARG0004" "ARG - stratum 04 : NOA" "ARG0005" "ARG - stratum 05 : Cuyo" "ARG0006" "ARG - stratum 06 : Patagonia" "AUS0101" "AUS - stratum 01 : ACT_Catholic" "AUS0102" "AUS - stratum 02 : ACT_Government" "AUS0103" "AUS - stratum 03 : ACT_Independent" "AUS0204" "AUS - stratum 04 : NSW_Catholic" "AUS0205" "AUS - stratum 05 : NSW_Government" "AUS0206" "AUS - stratum 06 : NSW_Independent" "AUS0307" "AUS - stratum 07 : VIC_Catholic" "AUS0308" "AUS - stratum 08 : VIC_Government" "AUS0309" "AUS - stratum 09 : VIC_Independent" "AUS0410" "AUS - stratum 10 : QLD_Catholic" "AUS0411" "AUS - stratum 11 : QLD_Government" "AUS0412" "AUS - stratum 12 : QLD_Independent" "AUS0513" "AUS - stratum 13 : SA_Catholic" "AUS0514" "AUS - stratum 14 : SA_Government" "AUS0515" "AUS - stratum 15 : SA_Independent" "AUS0616" "AUS - stratum 16 : WA_Catholic" "AUS0617" "AUS - stratum 17 : WA_Government" "AUS0618" "AUS - stratum 18 : WA_Independent" "AUS0719" "AUS - stratum 19 : TAS_Catholic" "AUS0720" "AUS - stratum 20 : TAS_Government" "AUS0721" "AUS - stratum 21 : TAS_Independent" "AUS0822" "AUS - stratum 22 : NT_Catholic" "AUS0823" "AUS - stratum 23 : NT_Government" "AUS0824" "AUS - stratum 24 : NT_Independent" "AUT0001" "AUT - stratum 01 : TYPE 1 Pflichtschulen" "AUT0002" "AUT - stratum 02 : TYPE 2 Polytechnische Schulen" "AUT0003" "AUT - stratum 03 : TYPE 3 AHS-Langform" "AUT0004" "AUT - stratum 04 : TYPE 4 AHS-Kurzform" "AUT0005" "AUT - stratum 05 : TYPE 5 Schulen mit Statut - Waldorfschulen" "AUT0006" "AUT - stratum 06 : TYPE 6 Schulen mit Statut - Sonstige" "AUT0007" "AUT - stratum 07 : TYPE 7 Berufsschulen kaufmännisch and gewerblich" "AUT0008" "AUT - stratum 08 : TYPE 8 Berufsschulen landwirtschaftlich" "AUT0009" "AUT - stratum 09 : TYPE 9 BMS gewerblich" "AUT0010" "AUT - stratum 10 : TYPE 10 BMS kaufmännisch" "AUT0011" "AUT - stratum 11 : TYPE 11 BMS wirtschaftlich" "AUT0012" "AUT - stratum 12 : TYPE 12 BMS landwirtschaftlich" "AUT0013" "AUT - stratum 13 : TYPE 13 BHS gewerblich" "AUT0014" "AUT - stratum 14 : TYPE 14 BHS kaufmännisch" "AUT0015" "AUT - stratum 15 : TYPE 15 BHS wirtschaftlich" "AUT0016" "AUT - stratum 16 : TYPE 16 BHS landwirtschaftlich" "AUT0017" "AUT - stratum 17 : TYPE 17 BAKIP" "BEL0101" "BEL - stratum 01 : Flanders/Gen Ed only/private subsidized/ISCED2" "BEL0102" "BEL - stratum 02 : Flanders/Gen Ed only/private subsidized/ISCED3" "BEL0103" "BEL - stratum 03 : Flanders/Gen Ed only/private subsidized/Mixed ISCED" "BEL0104" "BEL - stratum 04 : Flanders/Gen Ed only/network comm. Schls/ISCED2" "BEL0105" "BEL - stratum 05 : Flanders/Gen Ed only/network comm. Schls/ISCED3" "BEL0106" "BEL - stratum 06 : Flanders/Gen Ed only/network comm. Schls/Mixed ISCED" "BEL0107" "BEL - stratum 07 : Flanders/Gen Ed and other type/private subsidized/ISCED2" "BEL0108" "BEL - stratum 08 : Flanders/Gen Ed and other type/private subsidized /ISCED3" "BEL0109" "BEL - stratum 09 : Flanders/Gen Ed and other type/private subsidized /Mixed ISCED" "BEL0110" "BEL - stratum 10 : Flanders/Gen Ed and other type/network comm. Schls/ISCED2" "BEL0111" "BEL - stratum 11 : Flanders/Gen Ed and other type/network comm. Schls/ISCED3" "BEL0112" "BEL - stratum 12 : Flanders/Gen Ed and other type/network comm. Schls/Mixed ISCED" "BEL0113" "BEL - stratum 13 : Flanders/Tech or Voc/private subsidized/ISCED2" "BEL0114" "BEL - stratum 14 : Flanders/Tech or Voc/private subsidized/ISCED3" "BEL0115" "BEL - stratum 15 : Flanders/Tech or Voc/private subsidized/Mixed ISCED" "BEL0116" "BEL - stratum 16 : Flanders/Tech or Voc/network comm. Schls/ISCED2" "BEL0117" "BEL - stratum 17 : Flanders/Tech or Voc/network comm. Schls/ISCED3" "BEL0118" "BEL - stratum 18 : Flanders/Tech or Voc/network comm. Schls/Mixed ISCED" "BEL0119" "BEL - stratum 19 : Flanders/Special Ed/ private subsidized" "BEL0120" "BEL - stratum 20 : Flanders/Special Ed/network comm. schls" "BEL0121" "BEL - stratum 21 : Flanders/Part-time Vocational Ed/community" "BEL0222" "BEL - stratum 22 : French com/Regular/ISCED2" "BEL0223" "BEL - stratum 23 : French com/Regular/ Mixed ISCED/Academic only" "BEL0224" "BEL - stratum 24 : French com/Regular/ Mixed ISCED/Mixed" "BEL0225" "BEL - stratum 25 : French com/Regular/ Mixed ISCED/Vocational only" "BEL0226" "BEL - stratum 26 : French com/Special Ed" "BEL0227" "BEL - stratum 27 : French com/Part-time Vocational Ed" "BEL0328" "BEL - stratum 28 : German com/Regular" "BEL0329" "BEL - stratum 29 : German com/Special Ed" "BGR0001" "BGR - stratum 01 : Region 01" "BGR0002" "BGR - stratum 02 : Region 02" "BGR0003" "BGR - stratum 03 : Region 03" "BGR0004" "BGR - stratum 04 : Region 04" "BGR0005" "BGR - stratum 05 : Region 05" "BGR0006" "BGR - stratum 06 : Region 06" "BGR0007" "BGR - stratum 07 : Region 07" "BGR0008" "BGR - stratum 08 : Region 08" "BGR0009" "BGR - stratum 09 : Region 09" "BGR0010" "BGR - stratum 10 : Region 10" "BGR0011" "BGR - stratum 11 : Region 11" "BRA0101" "BRA - stratum 01 : ACRE - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA0102" "BRA - stratum 02 : ACRE - MUNICIPAL " "BRA0103" "BRA - stratum 03 : ACRE - PRIVADA " "BRA0204" "BRA - stratum 04 : ALAGOAS - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA0205" "BRA - stratum 05 : ALAGOAS - MUNICIPAL " "BRA0206" "BRA - stratum 06 : ALAGOAS - PRIVADA " "BRA0307" "BRA - stratum 07 : AMAPÁ - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA0308" "BRA - stratum 08 : AMAPÁ - MUNICIPAL " "BRA0309" "BRA - stratum 09 : AMAPÁ - PRIVADA " "BRA0410" "BRA - stratum 10 : AMAZONAS - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA0411" "BRA - stratum 11 : AMAZONAS - MUNICIPAL" "BRA0412" "BRA - stratum 12 : AMAZONAS - PRIVADA " "BRA0513" "BRA - stratum 13 : BAHIA - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA0514" "BRA - stratum 14 : BAHIA - MUNICIPAL " "BRA0515" "BRA - stratum 15 : BAHIA - PRIVADA " "BRA0616" "BRA - stratum 16 : CEARÁ - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA0617" "BRA - stratum 17 : CEARÁ - MUNICIPAL " "BRA0618" "BRA - stratum 18 : CEARÁ - PRIVADA " "BRA0719" "BRA - stratum 19 : DISTRITO FEDERAL - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA0720" "BRA - stratum 20 : DISTRITO FEDERAL - PRIVADA " "BRA0821" "BRA - stratum 21 : ESPÍRITO SANTO - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA0822" "BRA - stratum 22 : ESPÍRITO SANTO - MUNICIPAL " "BRA0823" "BRA - stratum 23 : ESPÍRITO SANTO - PRIVADA " "BRA0924" "BRA - stratum 24 : GOIÁS - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA0925" "BRA - stratum 25 : GOIÁS - MUNICIPAL" "BRA0926" "BRA - stratum 26 : GOIÁS - PRIVADA" "BRA1027" "BRA - stratum 27 : MARANHÃO - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA1028" "BRA - stratum 28 : MARANHÃO - MUNICIPAL" "BRA1029" "BRA - stratum 29 : MARANHÃO - PRIVADA" "BRA1130" "BRA - stratum 30 : MATO GROSSO - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1131" "BRA - stratum 31 : MATO GROSSO - MUNICIPAL " "BRA1132" "BRA - stratum 32 : MATO GROSSO - PRIVADA " "BRA1233" "BRA - stratum 33 : MATO GROSSO DO SUL - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1234" "BRA - stratum 34 : MATO GROSSO DO SUL - MUNICIPAL " "BRA1235" "BRA - stratum 35 : MATO GROSSO DO SUL - PRIVADA " "BRA1336" "BRA - stratum 36 : MINAS GERAIS - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1337" "BRA - stratum 37 : MINAS GERAIS - MUNICIPAL " "BRA1338" "BRA - stratum 38 : MINAS GERAIS - PRIVADA" "BRA1439" "BRA - stratum 39 : PARÁ - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1440" "BRA - stratum 40 : PARÁ - MUNICIPAL " "BRA1441" "BRA - stratum 41 : PARÁ - PRIVADA" "BRA1542" "BRA - stratum 42 : PARAÍBA - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1543" "BRA - stratum 43 : PARAÍBA - MUNICIPAL" "BRA1544" "BRA - stratum 44 : PARAÍBA - PRIVADA " "BRA1645" "BRA - stratum 45 : PARANÁ - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1646" "BRA - stratum 46 : PARANÁ - MUNICIPAL " "BRA1647" "BRA - stratum 47 : PARANÁ - PRIVADA " "BRA1748" "BRA - stratum 48 : PERNAMBUCO - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1749" "BRA - stratum 49 : PERNAMBUCO - MUNICIPAL " "BRA1750" "BRA - stratum 50 : PERNAMBUCO - PRIVADA " "BRA1851" "BRA - stratum 51 : PIAUÍ - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL " "BRA1852" "BRA - stratum 52 : PIAUÍ - MUNICIPAL" "BRA1853" "BRA - stratum 53 : PIAUÍ - PRIVADA" "BRA1954" "BRA - stratum 54 : RIO DE JANEIRO - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA1955" "BRA - stratum 55 : RIO DE JANEIRO - MUNICIPAL" "BRA1956" "BRA - stratum 56 : RIO DE JANEIRO - PRIVADA" "BRA2057" "BRA - stratum 57 : RIO GRANDE DO NORTE - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2058" "BRA - stratum 58 : RIO GRANDE DO NORTE - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2059" "BRA - stratum 59 : RIO GRANDE DO NORTE - PRIVADA" "BRA2160" "BRA - stratum 60 : RIO GRANDE DO SUL - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2161" "BRA - stratum 61 : RIO GRANDE DO SUL - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2162" "BRA - stratum 62 : RIO GRANDE DO SUL - PRIVADA" "BRA2263" "BRA - stratum 63 : RONDÔNIA - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2264" "BRA - stratum 64 : RONDÔNIA - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2265" "BRA - stratum 65 : RONDÔNIA - PRIVADA" "BRA2366" "BRA - stratum 66 : RORAIMA - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2367" "BRA - stratum 67 : RORAIMA - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2368" "BRA - stratum 68 : RORAIMA - PRIVADA" "BRA2469" "BRA - stratum 69 : SANTA CATARINA - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2470" "BRA - stratum 70 : SANTA CATARINA - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2471" "BRA - stratum 71 : SANTA CATARINA - PRIVADA" "BRA2572" "BRA - stratum 72 : SÃO PAULO - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2573" "BRA - stratum 73 : SÃO PAULO - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2574" "BRA - stratum 74 : SÃO PAULO - PRIVADA" "BRA2675" "BRA - stratum 75 : SERGIPE - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2676" "BRA - stratum 76 : SERGIPE - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2677" "BRA - stratum 77 : SERGIPE - PRIVADA " "BRA2778" "BRA - stratum 78 : TOCANTINS - FEDERAL/ESTADUAL" "BRA2779" "BRA - stratum 79 : TOCANTINS - MUNICIPAL" "BRA2780" "BRA - stratum 80 : TOCANTINS - PRIVADA" "CAN0101" "CAN - stratum 01 : prov 10 Fr.& Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN0102" "CAN - stratum 02 : prov 10 Fr.& Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN0103" "CAN - stratum 03 : prov 10 Fr.& Eng. 35 to 196" "CAN0104" "CAN - stratum 04 : prov 10 Fr.& Eng. 197 to ..." "CAN0210" "CAN - stratum 10 : prov 11 Fr.& Eng. 0 to ..." "CAN0320" "CAN - stratum 20 : prov 12 Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN0321" "CAN - stratum 21 : prov 12 Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN0322" "CAN - stratum 22 : prov 12 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN0325" "CAN - stratum 25 : prov 12 Fr. 0 to 17" "CAN0326" "CAN - stratum 26 : prov 12 Fr. 18 to ..." "CAN0430" "CAN - stratum 30 : prov 13 Eng. 0 to 34" "CAN0431" "CAN - stratum 31 : prov 13 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN0435" "CAN - stratum 35 : prov 13 Fr. 0 to 34" "CAN0436" "CAN - stratum 36 : prov 13 Fr. 35 to 117" "CAN0437" "CAN - stratum 37 : prov 13 Fr. 118 to ..." "CAN0540" "CAN - stratum 40 : prov 24 Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN0541" "CAN - stratum 41 : prov 24 Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN0542" "CAN - stratum 42 : prov 24 Eng. 35 to 305" "CAN0543" "CAN - stratum 43 : prov 24 Eng. 306 to ..." "CAN0545" "CAN - stratum 45 : prov 24 Fr. 0 to 17" "CAN0546" "CAN - stratum 46 : prov 24 Fr. 18 to 34" "CAN0547" "CAN - stratum 47 : prov 24 Fr. 35 to ..." "CAN0650" "CAN - stratum 50 : prov 35 Eng. 0 to 2" "CAN0651" "CAN - stratum 51 : prov 35 Eng. 3 to 34" "CAN0652" "CAN - stratum 52 : prov 35 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN0655" "CAN - stratum 55 : prov 35 Fr. 0 to 2" "CAN0656" "CAN - stratum 56 : prov 35 Fr. 3 to 34" "CAN0657" "CAN - stratum 57 : prov 35 Fr. 35 to ..." "CAN0760" "CAN - stratum 60 : prov 46 Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN0761" "CAN - stratum 61 : prov 46 Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN0762" "CAN - stratum 62 : prov 46 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN0765" "CAN - stratum 65 : prov 46 Fr. 0 to 17" "CAN0766" "CAN - stratum 66 : prov 46 Fr. 18 to ..." "CAN0870" "CAN - stratum 70 : prov 47 Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN0871" "CAN - stratum 71 : prov 47 Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN0872" "CAN - stratum 72 : prov 47 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN0875" "CAN - stratum 75 : prov 47 Fr. 0 to 8" "CAN0876" "CAN - stratum 76 : prov 47 Fr. 9 to ..." "CAN0980" "CAN - stratum 80 : prov 48 Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN0981" "CAN - stratum 81 : prov 48 Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN0982" "CAN - stratum 82 : prov 48 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN0985" "CAN - stratum 85 : prov 48 Fr. 0 to 8" "CAN0986" "CAN - stratum 86 : prov 48 Fr. 9 to ..." "CAN1090" "CAN - stratum 90 : prov 59 Eng. 0 to 17" "CAN1091" "CAN - stratum 91 : prov 59 Eng. 18 to 34" "CAN1092" "CAN - stratum 92 : prov 59 Eng. 35 to ..." "CAN1095" "CAN - stratum 95 : prov 59 Fr. 0 to 8" "CAN1096" "CAN - stratum 96 : prov 59 Fr. 9 to ..." "CHE0101" "CHE - stratum 01 :" "CHE1602" "CHE - stratum 02 :" "CHE0303" "CHE - stratum 03 : 3-BE(d)" "CHE0404" "CHE - stratum 04 :" "CHE0706" "CHE - stratum 06 : 6-VS(d)" "CHE0008" "CHE - stratum 08 :" "CHE0009" "CHE - stratum 09 :" "CHE0010" "CHE - stratum 10 :" "CHE0011" "CHE - stratum 11 :" "CHE0012" "CHE - stratum 12 :" "CHE0013" "CHE - stratum 13 : 13-D-CH.gr9.priv." "CHE0814" "CHE - stratum 14 : 14-BE(f)" "CHE0915" "CHE - stratum 15 : 15-FR(f)" "CHE1016" "CHE - stratum 16 :" "CHE1117" "CHE - stratum 17 :" "CHE1218" "CHE - stratum 18 :" "CHE1319" "CHE - stratum 19 :" "CHE1420" "CHE - stratum 20 : 20-VS(f)" "CHE0021" "CHE - stratum 21 :" "CHE0022" "CHE - stratum 22 :" "CHE0023" "CHE - stratum 23 :" "CHE0024" "CHE - stratum 24 :" "CHE0025" "CHE - stratum 25 : 25-F-CH.gr9.priv." "CHE1526" "CHE - stratum 26 :" "CHE0027" "CHE - stratum 27 :" "CHE0028" "CHE - stratum 28 :" "CHE0029" "CHE - stratum 29 : 29-I-CH.gr9.priv." "CHE0661" "CHE - stratum 61 :" "CHE0662" "CHE - stratum 62 :" "CHL0101" "CHL - stratum 01 : Municipal / Primary / Only Primary" "CHL0102" "CHL - stratum 02 : Municipal / Primary andSecondary / HS" "CHL0103" "CHL - stratum 03 : Municipal / Primary andSecondary / TP" "CHL0104" "CHL - stratum 04 : Municipal / Primary andSecondary / HS-TP" "CHL0105" "CHL - stratum 05 : Municipal / Secondary / HS" "CHL0106" "CHL - stratum 06 : Municipal / Secondary / TP" "CHL0107" "CHL - stratum 07 : Municipal / Secondary / HS-TP" "CHL0208" "CHL - stratum 08 : Subsidized / Primary / Only Primary" "CHL0209" "CHL - stratum 09 : Subsidized / Primary andSecondary / HS" "CHL0210" "CHL - stratum 10 : Subsidized / Primary andSecondary / TP" "CHL0211" "CHL - stratum 11 : Subsidized / Primary andSecondary / HS-TP" "CHL0212" "CHL - stratum 12 : Subsidized / Secondary / HS" "CHL0213" "CHL - stratum 13 : Subsidized / Secondary / TP" "CHL0214" "CHL - stratum 14 : Subsidized / Secondary / HS-TP" "CHL0315" "CHL - stratum 15 : Private / Primary / Only Primary" "CHL0316" "CHL - stratum 16 : Private / Primary andSecondary / HS" "CHL0317" "CHL - stratum 17 : Private / Secondary / HS " "CHL0318" "CHL - stratum 18 : Private / Secondary / TP" "COL0101" "COL - stratum 01 : BOGOTÁ" "COL0502" "COL - stratum 02 : REST OF MANIZALES" "COL0303" "COL - stratum 03 : MANIZALES-ESCUELA ACTIVA" "COL0404" "COL - stratum 04 : MEDELLÍN " "COL0205" "COL - stratum 05 : CALI" "COL0606" "COL - stratum 06 : REST OF THE COUNTRY" "CRI0001" "CRI - stratum 01 : Public/ academic/ urban" "CRI0002" "CRI - stratum 02 : Public/ academic/ rural " "CRI0003" "CRI - stratum 03 : Public/ technical/ urban" "CRI0004" "CRI - stratum 04 : Public/ technical/ rural" "CRI0005" "CRI - stratum 05 : private" "CZE0101" "CZE - stratum 01 : Basic/Region1/Large" "CZE0102" "CZE - stratum 02 : Basic/Region1/MSS" "CZE0103" "CZE - stratum 03 : Basic/Region1/VSS" "CZE0204" "CZE - stratum 04 : Basic/Region2/Large" "CZE0205" "CZE - stratum 05 : Basic/Region2/MSS" "CZE0206" "CZE - stratum 06 : Basic/Region2/VSS" "CZE0307" "CZE - stratum 07 : Basic/Region3/Large" "CZE0308" "CZE - stratum 08 : Basic/Region3/MSS" "CZE0309" "CZE - stratum 09 : Basic/Region3/VSS" "CZE0411" "CZE - stratum 11 : Basic/Region4/MSS" "CZE0412" "CZE - stratum 12 : Basic/Region4/VSS" "CZE0513" "CZE - stratum 13 : Basic/Region5/Large" "CZE0514" "CZE - stratum 14 : Basic/Region5/MSS" "CZE0515" "CZE - stratum 15 : Basic/Region5/VSS" "CZE0616" "CZE - stratum 16 : Basic/Region6/Large" "CZE0617" "CZE - stratum 17 : Basic/Region6/MSS" "CZE0618" "CZE - stratum 18 : Basic/Region6/VSS" "CZE0719" "CZE - stratum 19 : Basic/Region7/Large" "CZE0720" "CZE - stratum 20 : Basic/Region7/MSS" "CZE0721" "CZE - stratum 21 : Basic/Region7/VSS" "CZE0822" "CZE - stratum 22 : Basic/Region8/Large" "CZE0823" "CZE - stratum 23 : Basic/Region8/MSS" "CZE0824" "CZE - stratum 24 : Basic/Region8/VSS" "CZE0925" "CZE - stratum 25 : Basic/Region9/Large" "CZE0926" "CZE - stratum 26 : Basic/Region9/MSS" "CZE0927" "CZE - stratum 27 : Basic/Region9/VSS" "CZE1028" "CZE - stratum 28 : Basic/Region10/Large" "CZE1029" "CZE - stratum 29 : Basic/Region10/MSS" "CZE1030" "CZE - stratum 30 : Basic/Region10/VSS" "CZE1131" "CZE - stratum 31 : Basic/Region11/Large" "CZE1132" "CZE - stratum 32 : Basic/Region11/MSS" "CZE1133" "CZE - stratum 33 : Basic/Region11/VSS" "CZE1234" "CZE - stratum 34 : Basic/Region12/Large" "CZE1235" "CZE - stratum 35 : Basic/Region12/MSS" "CZE1236" "CZE - stratum 36 : Basic/Region12/VSS" "CZE1337" "CZE - stratum 37 : Basic/Region13/Large" "CZE1338" "CZE - stratum 38 : Basic/Region13/MSS" "CZE1339" "CZE - stratum 39 : Basic/Region13/VSS" "CZE1440" "CZE - stratum 40 : Basic/Region14/Large" "CZE1441" "CZE - stratum 41 : Basic/Region14/MSS" "CZE1442" "CZE - stratum 42 : Basic/Region14/VSS" "CZE1543" "CZE - stratum 43 : 6-8yrGym/Region1/Large" "CZE1544" "CZE - stratum 44 : 6-8yrGym/Region1/MSS andVSS" "CZE1645" "CZE - stratum 45 : 6-8yrGym/Region2/Large" "CZE1646" "CZE - stratum 46 : 6-8yrGym/Region2/MSS andVSS" "CZE1747" "CZE - stratum 47 : 6-8yrGym/Region3/Large" "CZE1748" "CZE - stratum 48 : 6-8yrGym/Region3/MSS andVSS" "CZE1849" "CZE - stratum 49 : 6-8yrGym/Region4/Large" "CZE1850" "CZE - stratum 50 : 6-8yrGym/Region4/MSS andVSS" "CZE1951" "CZE - stratum 51 : 6-8yrGym/Region5/Large" "CZE1952" "CZE - stratum 52 : 6-8yrGym/Region5/MSS andVSS" "CZE2053" "CZE - stratum 53 : 6-8yrGym/Region6/Large" "CZE2054" "CZE - stratum 54 : 6-8yrGym/Region6/MSS andVSS" "CZE2155" "CZE - stratum 55 : 6-8yrGym/Region7/Large" "CZE2156" "CZE - stratum 56 : 6-8yrGym/Region7/MSS andVSS" "CZE2257" "CZE - stratum 57 : 6-8yrGym/Region8/Large" "CZE2258" "CZE - stratum 58 : 6-8yrGym/Region8/MSS andVSS" "CZE2359" "CZE - stratum 59 : 6-8yrGym/Region9/Large" "CZE2360" "CZE - stratum 60 : 6-8yrGym/Region9/MSS andVSS" "CZE2461" "CZE - stratum 61 : 6-8yrGym/Region10/Large" "CZE2462" "CZE - stratum 62 : 6-8yrGym/Region10/MSS andVSS" "CZE2563" "CZE - stratum 63 : 6-8yrGym/Region11/Large" "CZE2564" "CZE - stratum 64 : 6-8yrGym/Region11/MSS andVSS" "CZE2665" "CZE - stratum 65 : 6-8yrGym/Region12/Large" "CZE2666" "CZE - stratum 66 : 6-8yrGym/Region12/MSS andVSS" "CZE2767" "CZE - stratum 67 : 6-8yrGym/Region13/Large" "CZE2768" "CZE - stratum 68 : 6-8yrGym/Region13/MSS andVSS" "CZE2869" "CZE - stratum 69 : 6-8yrGym/Region14/Large" "CZE2870" "CZE - stratum 70 : 6-8yrGym/Region14/MSS andVSS" "CZE2971" "CZE - stratum 71 : 4yr Gym/Large" "CZE2972" "CZE - stratum 72 : 4yr Gym/MSS" "CZE2973" "CZE - stratum 73 : 4yr Gym/VSS" "CZE3074" "CZE - stratum 74 : Voc-Conservatory with maturate/Large" "CZE3075" "CZE - stratum 75 : Voc-Conservatory with maturate/MSS" "CZE3076" "CZE - stratum 76 : Voc-Conservatory with maturate/VSS" "CZE3177" "CZE - stratum 77 : Voc-Conservatory without maturate/Large" "CZE3178" "CZE - stratum 78 : Voc-Conservatory without maturate/MSS" "CZE3179" "CZE - stratum 79 : Voc-Conservatory without maturate/VSS" "CZE3280" "CZE - stratum 80 : Special/practical/Large" "CZE3281" "CZE - stratum 81 : Special/practical/MSS" "CZE3282" "CZE - stratum 82 : Special/practical/VSS" "DNK0001" "DNK - stratum 01 : 1=high minority " "DNK0002" "DNK - stratum 02 : 2=mid minority" "DNK0003" "DNK - stratum 03 : 3= low minority" "DNK0004" "DNK - stratum 04 : 4= no minority" "DNK0005" "DNK - stratum 05 : 5=Faroe Island" "ESP0101" "ESP - stratum 01 : Andalusia, public, NA" "ESP0102" "ESP - stratum 02 : Andalusia, private, NA" "ESP0203" "ESP - stratum 03 : Aragon, public, NA" "ESP0204" "ESP - stratum 04 : Aragon, private, NA" "ESP0305" "ESP - stratum 05 : Asturias, public, NA" "ESP0306" "ESP - stratum 06 : Asturias, private, NA" "ESP0407" "ESP - stratum 07 : BalearicIslands, public, NA" "ESP0408" "ESP - stratum 08 : BalearicIslands, private, NA" "ESP0509" "ESP - stratum 09 : CanaryIslands, public, NA" "ESP0510" "ESP - stratum 10 : CanaryIslands, private, NA" "ESP0611" "ESP - stratum 11 : Cantabria, public, NA" "ESP0612" "ESP - stratum 12 : Cantabria, private, NA" "ESP0713" "ESP - stratum 13 : CastileandLeon, public, NA" "ESP0714" "ESP - stratum 14 : CastileandLeon, private, NA" "ESP0815" "ESP - stratum 15 : Castile-LaMancha,public,NA" "ESP0816" "ESP - stratum 16 : Castile-LaMancha,private,NA" "ESP0917" "ESP - stratum 17 : Catalonia, public, NA" "ESP0918" "ESP - stratum 18 : Catalonia, private, NA" "ESP1019" "ESP - stratum 19 : Extremadura, public, NA" "ESP1020" "ESP - stratum 20 : Extremadura, private, NA" "ESP1121" "ESP - stratum 21 : Galicia, public, NA" "ESP1122" "ESP - stratum 22 : Galicia, private, NA" "ESP1223" "ESP - stratum 23 : LaRioja, public, NA" "ESP1224" "ESP - stratum 24 : LaRioja, private, NA" "ESP1325" "ESP - stratum 25 : Madrid, public, NA" "ESP1326" "ESP - stratum 26 : Madrid, private, NA" "ESP1427" "ESP - stratum 27 : Murcia, public, NA" "ESP1428" "ESP - stratum 28 : Murcia, private, NA" "ESP1529" "ESP - stratum 29 : Navarra, public, NA" "ESP1530" "ESP - stratum 30 : Navarra, private, NA" "ESP1631" "ESP - stratum 31 : BasqueCountry, public, A" "ESP1632" "ESP - stratum 32 : BasqueCountry, public, B" "ESP1633" "ESP - stratum 33 : BasqueCountry, public, D" "ESP1634" "ESP - stratum 34 : BasqueCountry, private, A" "ESP1635" "ESP - stratum 35 : BasqueCountry, private, B" "ESP1636" "ESP - stratum 36 : BasqueCountry, private, D" "ESP1737" "ESP - stratum 37 : Valencia, public, NA" "ESP1738" "ESP - stratum 38 : Valencia, private, NA" "ESP1839" "ESP - stratum 39 : CeutaandMelilla, public, NA" "ESP1840" "ESP - stratum 40 : CeutaandMelilla, private, NA" "EST0001" "EST - stratum 01 : Est" "EST0002" "EST - stratum 02 : Rus" "EST0003" "EST - stratum 03 : Mix" "FIN0001" "FIN - stratum 01 : South-Urban-High" "FIN0002" "FIN - stratum 02 : South-Urban-Low/Not 0" "FIN0003" "FIN - stratum 03 : South-Urban-Low/Zero" "FIN0004" "FIN - stratum 04 : South-Rural-Low" "FIN0005" "FIN - stratum 05 : West-Urban-High" "FIN0006" "FIN - stratum 06 : West-Urban-Low" "FIN0007" "FIN - stratum 07 : West-Rural-Low" "FIN0008" "FIN - stratum 08 : East-Urban-High" "FIN0009" "FIN - stratum 09 : East-Urban-Low" "FIN0010" "FIN - stratum 10 : East-Rural-Low" "FIN0011" "FIN - stratum 11 : North-Urban-High" "FIN0012" "FIN - stratum 12 : North-Urban-Low" "FIN0013" "FIN - stratum 13 : North-Rural-Low" "FIN0014" "FIN - stratum 14 : Swedish/Aland-Urban-Low" "FIN0015" "FIN - stratum 15 : Swedish/Aland-Rural-Low" "FIN0016" "FIN - stratum 16 : Swedish/Not Aland-Urban-Low" "FIN0017" "FIN - stratum 17 : Swedish/Not Aland-Rural-Low" "FRA0001" "FRA - stratum 01 : Lyc GT LS" "FRA0002" "FRA - stratum 02 : Coll LS" "FRA0003" "FRA - stratum 03 : Lyc PRO LS" "FRA0004" "FRA - stratum 04 : Lyc Agr LS" "FRA0005" "FRA - stratum 05 : MSS" "FRA0006" "FRA - stratum 06 : VSS" "GRC0001" "GRC - stratum 01 : Attica public" "GRC0002" "GRC - stratum 02 : Central Greece public " "GRC0003" "GRC - stratum 03 : Central Macedonia public" "GRC0004" "GRC - stratum 04 : Crete public" "GRC0005" "GRC - stratum 05 : East Macedonia public" "GRC0006" "GRC - stratum 06 : Thrace public" "GRC0007" "GRC - stratum 07 : Epirus public" "GRC0008" "GRC - stratum 08 : Ionian islands public" "GRC0009" "GRC - stratum 09 : North Aegean public" "GRC0010" "GRC - stratum 10 : Peloponnese public" "GRC0011" "GRC - stratum 11 : South Aegean public" "GRC0012" "GRC - stratum 12 : Thessaly public" "GRC0013" "GRC - stratum 13 : West Greece public" "GRC0014" "GRC - stratum 14 : West Macedonia public" "GRC0015" "GRC - stratum 15 : Attica private" "GRC0016" "GRC - stratum 16 : Rest of Greece private" "HKG0001" "HKG - stratum 01 : Government" "HKG0002" "HKG - stratum 02 : Aided or Caput" "HKG0003" "HKG - stratum 03 : Private or International" "HKG0004" "HKG - stratum 04 : Direct Subsidy Scheme" "HRV0001" "HRV - stratum 01 : Four year vocational prog." "HRV0002" "HRV - stratum 02 : Vocational - industrial - crafts prog." "HRV0003" "HRV - stratum 03 : Mixed type" "HRV0004" "HRV - stratum 04 : Art - vocational prog." "HRV0005" "HRV - stratum 05 : Gymnasium" "HRV0006" "HRV - stratum 06 : Primary schools (lower secondary education)" "HUN0001" "HUN - stratum 01 : (1) Prim" "HUN0002" "HUN - stratum 02 : (2) Gram 1" "HUN0003" "HUN - stratum 03 : (3) Gram 2" "HUN0004" "HUN - stratum 04 : (4) Gram 3" "HUN0005" "HUN - stratum 05 : (5) Voc Sec" "HUN0006" "HUN - stratum 06 : (6) Voc" "IDN0001" "IDN - stratum 01 : Indonesia" "IRL0001" "IRL - stratum 01 : Size <=40 / Community/Comprehensive" "IRL0002" "IRL - stratum 02 : Size 41-80 / Community/Comprehensive" "IRL0003" "IRL - stratum 03 : Size > 80 / Community/Comprehensive" "IRL0004" "IRL - stratum 04 : Size <=40 / Secondary" "IRL0005" "IRL - stratum 05 : Size 41-80 / Secondary" "IRL0006" "IRL - stratum 06 : Size > 80 / Secondary" "IRL0007" "IRL - stratum 07 : Size <=40 / Vocational" "IRL0008" "IRL - stratum 08 : Size 41-80 / Vocational" "IRL0009" "IRL - stratum 09 : Size > 80 / Vocational" "IRL0010" "IRL - stratum 10 : Non-Aided" "IRL0011" "IRL - stratum 11 : Project Maths" "ISL0001" "ISL - stratum 01 : Reykjavik / 1-8" "ISL0002" "ISL - stratum 02 : Reykjavik / 9-16" "ISL0003" "ISL - stratum 03 : Reykjavik / 17-35" "ISL0004" "ISL - stratum 04 : Reykjavik / > 35" "ISL0005" "ISL - stratum 05 : Nágrenni Reykjavíkur / 1-8" "ISL0006" "ISL - stratum 06 : Nágrenni Reykjavíkur / 9-16" "ISL0007" "ISL - stratum 07 : Nágrenni Reykjavíkur / 17-35" "ISL0008" "ISL - stratum 08 : Nágrenni Reykjavíkur / > 35" "ISL0009" "ISL - stratum 09 : Suðurnes / 1-8" "ISL0011" "ISL - stratum 11 : Suðurnes / 17-35" "ISL0012" "ISL - stratum 12 : Suðurnes / >35" "ISL0013" "ISL - stratum 13 : Vesturland / 1-8" "ISL0014" "ISL - stratum 14 : Vesturland / 9-16" "ISL0015" "ISL - stratum 15 : Vesturland / 17-35" "ISL0016" "ISL - stratum 16 : Vesturland / >35" "ISL0017" "ISL - stratum 17 : Vestfirðir / 1-8" "ISL0018" "ISL - stratum 18 : Vestfirðir / 9-16" "ISL0020" "ISL - stratum 20 : Vestfirðir / > 35" "ISL0021" "ISL - stratum 21 : Norðurland vestra / 1-8" "ISL0022" "ISL - stratum 22 : Norðurland vestra / 9-16" "ISL0023" "ISL - stratum 23 : Norðurland vestra /17-35" "ISL0024" "ISL - stratum 24 : Norðurland vestra / >35" "ISL0025" "ISL - stratum 25 : Norðurland eystra / 1-8" "ISL0027" "ISL - stratum 27 : Norðurland eystra / 17-35" "ISL0028" "ISL - stratum 28 : Norðurland eystra / > 35" "ISL0029" "ISL - stratum 29 : Austurland / 1-8" "ISL0030" "ISL - stratum 30 : Austurland / 9-16" "ISL0031" "ISL - stratum 31 : Austurland / 17-35" "ISL0033" "ISL - stratum 33 : Suðurland / 1-8" "ISL0034" "ISL - stratum 34 : Suðurland / 9-16" "ISL0035" "ISL - stratum 35 : Suðurland /17-35" "ISL0036" "ISL - stratum 36 : Suðurland / > 35" "ISR0001" "ISR - stratum 01 " "ISR0002" "ISR - stratum 02 " "ISR0003" "ISR - stratum 03 " "ISR0004" "ISR - stratum 04 " "ISR0005" "ISR - stratum 05 " "ISR0006" "ISR - stratum 06 " "ISR0007" "ISR - stratum 07 " "ISR0008" "ISR - stratum 08 " "ISR0009" "ISR - stratum 09 " "ISR0010" "ISR - stratum 10 " "ISR0011" "ISR - stratum 11 " "ISR0012" "ISR - stratum 12 " "ITA0101" "ITA - REGION 01 stratum 01 : [Region 01] Bolzano Licei" "ITA0102" "ITA - REGION 01 stratum 02 : [Region 01] Bolzano Tecnici" "ITA0103" "ITA - REGION 01 stratum 03 : [Region 01] Bolzano Professionali" "ITA0104" "ITA - REGION 01 stratum 04 : [Region 01] Bolzano Medie" "ITA0105" "ITA - REGION 01 stratum 05 : [Region 01] Bolzano Formazione Professionale" "ITA0201" "ITA - REGION 02 stratum 01 : [Region 02] Basilicata Licei" "ITA0202" "ITA - REGION 02 stratum 02 : [Region 02] Basilicata Tecnici" "ITA0203" "ITA - REGION 02 stratum 03 : [Region 02] Basilicata Professionali" "ITA0204" "ITA - REGION 02 stratum 04 : [Region 02] Basilicata Medie" "ITA0301" "ITA - REGION 03 stratum 01 : [Region 03] Campania Licei" "ITA0302" "ITA - REGION 03 stratum 02 : [Region 03] Campania Tecnici" "ITA0303" "ITA - REGION 03 stratum 03 : [Region 03] Campania Professionali" "ITA0304" "ITA - REGION 03 stratum 04 : [Region 03] Campania Medie" "ITA0401" "ITA - REGION 04 stratum 01 : [Region 04] Emilia Romagna Licei" "ITA0402" "ITA - REGION 04 stratum 02 : [Region 04] Emilia Romagna Tecnici" "ITA0403" "ITA - REGION 04 stratum 03 : [Region 04] Emilia Romagna Professionali" "ITA0404" "ITA - REGION 04 stratum 04 : [Region 04] Emilia Romagna Medie" "ITA0405" "ITA - REGION 04 stratum 05 : [Region 04] Emilia Romagna Formazione Professionale" "ITA0501" "ITA - REGION 05 stratum 01 : [Region 05] Friuli Venezia Giulia Licei" "ITA0502" "ITA - REGION 05 stratum 02 : [Region 05] Friuli Venezia Giulia Tecnici" "ITA0503" "ITA - REGION 05 stratum 03 : [Region 05] Friuli Venezia Giulia Professionali" "ITA0504" "ITA - REGION 05 stratum 04 : [Region 05] Friuli Venezia Giulia Medie" "ITA0505" "ITA - REGION 05 stratum 05 : [Region 05] Friuli Venezia Giulia Formazione Professionale" "ITA0601" "ITA - REGION 06 stratum 01 : [Region 06] Liguria Licei" "ITA0602" "ITA - REGION 06 stratum 02 : [Region 06] Liguria Tecnici" "ITA0603" "ITA - REGION 06 stratum 03 : [Region 06] Liguria Professionali" "ITA0604" "ITA - REGION 06 stratum 04 : [Region 06] Liguria Medie" "ITA0605" "ITA - REGION 06 stratum 05 : [Region 06] Liguria Formazione Professionale" "ITA0701" "ITA - REGION 07 stratum 01 : [Region 07] Lombardia Licei" "ITA0702" "ITA - REGION 07 stratum 02 : [Region 07] Lombardia Tecnici" "ITA0703" "ITA - REGION 07 stratum 03 : [Region 07] Lombardia Professionali" "ITA0704" "ITA - REGION 07 stratum 04 : [Region 07] Lombardia Medie" "ITA0705" "ITA - REGION 07 stratum 05 : [Region 07] Lombardia Formazione Professionale" "ITA0801" "ITA - REGION 08 stratum 01 : [Region 08] Piemonte Licei" "ITA0802" "ITA - REGION 08 stratum 02 : [Region 08] Piemonte Tecnici" "ITA0803" "ITA - REGION 08 stratum 03 : [Region 08] Piemonte Professionali" "ITA0804" "ITA - REGION 08 stratum 04 : [Region 08] Piemonte Medie" "ITA0805" "ITA - REGION 08 stratum 05 : [Region 08] Piemonte Formazione Professionale" "ITA0901" "ITA - REGION 09 stratum 01 : [Region 09] Puglia Licei" "ITA0902" "ITA - REGION 09 stratum 02 : [Region 09] Puglia Tecnici" "ITA0903" "ITA - REGION 09 stratum 03 : [Region 09] Puglia Professionali" "ITA0904" "ITA - REGION 09 stratum 04 : [Region 09] Puglia Medie" "ITA0905" "ITA - REGION 09 stratum 05 : [Region 09] Puglia Formazione Professionale" "ITA1001" "ITA - REGION 10 stratum 01 : [Region 10] Sardegna Licei" "ITA1002" "ITA - REGION 10 stratum 02 : [Region 10] Sardegna Tecnici" "ITA1003" "ITA - REGION 10 stratum 03 : [Region 10] Sardegna Professionali" "ITA1004" "ITA - REGION 10 stratum 04 : [Region 10] Sardegna Medie" "ITA1101" "ITA - REGION 11 stratum 01 : [Region 11] Sicilia Licei" "ITA1102" "ITA - REGION 11 stratum 02 : [Region 11] Sicilia Tecnici" "ITA1103" "ITA - REGION 11 stratum 03 : [Region 11] Sicilia Professionali" "ITA1104" "ITA - REGION 11 stratum 04 : [Region 11] Sicilia Medie" "ITA1201" "ITA - REGION 12 stratum 01 : [Region 12] Trento Licei" "ITA1202" "ITA - REGION 12 stratum 02 : [Region 12] Trento Tecnici" "ITA1203" "ITA - REGION 12 stratum 03 : [Region 12] Trento Professionali" "ITA1204" "ITA - REGION 12 stratum 04 : [Region 12] Trento Medie" "ITA1205" "ITA - REGION 12 stratum 05 : [Region 12] Trento Formazione Professionale" "ITA1301" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 01 : [Region 13] Veneto (Other) Licei" "ITA1302" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 02 : [Region 13] Veneto (Other) Tecnici" "ITA1303" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 03 : [Region 13] Veneto (Other) Professionali" "ITA1304" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 04 : [Region 13] Veneto (Other) Medie" "ITA1305" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 05 : [Region 13] Veneto (Other) Formazione Professionale" "ITA1306" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 06 : [Region 13] Veneto (Rovigo) Licei" "ITA1307" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 07 : [Region 13] Veneto (Rovigo) Tecnici" "ITA1308" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 08 : [Region 13] Veneto (Rovigo) Professionali" "ITA1309" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 09 : [Region 13] Veneto (Rovigo) Medie" "ITA1310" "ITA - REGION 13 stratum 10 : [Region 13] Veneto (Rovigo) Formazione Professionale" "ITA1401" "ITA - REGION 14 stratum 01 : [Region 14] Abruzzo Licei" "ITA1402" "ITA - REGION 14 stratum 02 : [Region 14] Abruzzo Tecnici" "ITA1403" "ITA - REGION 14 stratum 03 : [Region 14] Abruzzo Professionali" "ITA1404" "ITA - REGION 14 stratum 04 : [Region 14] Abruzzo Medie" "ITA1405" "ITA - REGION 14 stratum 05 : [Region 14] Abruzzo Formazione Professionale" "ITA1501" "ITA - REGION 15 stratum 01 : [Region 15] Calabria Licei" "ITA1502" "ITA - REGION 15 stratum 02 : [Region 15] Calabria Tecnici" "ITA1503" "ITA - REGION 15 stratum 03 : [Region 15] Calabria Professionali" "ITA1504" "ITA - REGION 15 stratum 04 : [Region 15] Calabria Medie" "ITA1505" "ITA - REGION 15 stratum 05 : [Region 15] Calabria Formazione Professionale" "ITA1601" "ITA - REGION 16 stratum 01 : [Region 16] Lazio Licei" "ITA1602" "ITA - REGION 16 stratum 02 : [Region 16] Lazio Tecnici" "ITA1603" "ITA - REGION 16 stratum 03 : [Region 16] Lazio Professionali" "ITA1604" "ITA - REGION 16 stratum 04 : [Region 16] Lazio Medie" "ITA1701" "ITA - REGION 17 stratum 01 : [Region 17] Marche Licei" "ITA1702" "ITA - REGION 17 stratum 02 : [Region 17] Marche Tecnici" "ITA1703" "ITA - REGION 17 stratum 03 : [Region 17] Marche Professionali" "ITA1704" "ITA - REGION 17 stratum 04 : [Region 17] Marche Medie" "ITA1705" "ITA - REGION 17 stratum 05 : [Region 17] Marche Formazione Professionale" "ITA1801" "ITA - REGION 18 stratum 01 : [Region 18] Molise Licei" "ITA1802" "ITA - REGION 18 stratum 02 : [Region 18] Molise Tecnici" "ITA1803" "ITA - REGION 18 stratum 03 : [Region 18] Molise Professionali" "ITA1804" "ITA - REGION 18 stratum 04 : [Region 18] Molise Medie" "ITA1901" "ITA - REGION 19 stratum 01 : [Region 19] Toscana Licei" "ITA1902" "ITA - REGION 19 stratum 02 : [Region 19] Toscana Tecnici" "ITA1903" "ITA - REGION 19 stratum 03 : [Region 19] Toscana Professionali" "ITA1904" "ITA - REGION 19 stratum 04 : [Region 19] Toscana Medie" "ITA1905" "ITA - REGION 19 stratum 05 : [Region 19] Toscana Formazione Professionale" "ITA2001" "ITA - REGION 20 stratum 01 : [Region 20] Umbria Licei" "ITA2002" "ITA - REGION 20 stratum 02 : [Region 20] Umbria Tecnici" "ITA2003" "ITA - REGION 20 stratum 03 : [Region 20] Umbria Professionali" "ITA2004" "ITA - REGION 20 stratum 04 : [Region 20] Umbria Medie" "ITA2005" "ITA - REGION 20 stratum 05 : [Region 20] Umbria Formazione Professionale" "ITA2101" "ITA - REGION 21 stratum 01 : [Region 21] Valle dAosta Licei" "ITA2102" "ITA - REGION 21 stratum 02 : [Region 21] Valle dAosta Tecnici" "ITA2103" "ITA - REGION 21 stratum 03 : [Region 21] Valle dAosta Professionali" "ITA2104" "ITA - REGION 21 stratum 04 : [Region 21] Valle dAosta Medie" "JOR0001" "JOR - stratum 01 : Public_Discovery" "JOR0002" "JOR - stratum 02 : Public_Madrasati" "JOR0003" "JOR - stratum 03 : Public_ERSP" "JOR0004" "JOR - stratum 04 : Public_CIDA" "JOR0005" "JOR - stratum 05 : Public_other" "JOR0006" "JOR - stratum 06 : UNRWA" "JOR0007" "JOR - stratum 07 : Private" "JPN0101" "JPN - stratum 01 : 01: Public and Academic" "JPN0202" "JPN - stratum 02 : 02: Public and Practical" "JPN0203" "JPN - stratum 03 : 03: Private and Academic" "JPN0204" "JPN - stratum 04 : 04: Private and Practical" "KAZ0001" "KAZ - stratum 01 : Akmolinskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0002" "KAZ - stratum 02 : Akmolinskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0003" "KAZ - stratum 03 : Akmolinskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0004" "KAZ - stratum 04 : Aktubinskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0005" "KAZ - stratum 05 : Aktubinskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0006" "KAZ - stratum 06 : Aktubinskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0007" "KAZ - stratum 07 : Almatinskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0008" "KAZ - stratum 08 : Almatinskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0009" "KAZ - stratum 09 : Almatinskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0010" "KAZ - stratum 10 : Almatinskaya oblast, Kazakh and other or uighur" "KAZ0011" "KAZ - stratum 11 : Almatinskaya oblast, russian and uighur" "KAZ0012" "KAZ - stratum 12 : Almatinskaya oblast, russian and kazakh and uighur" "KAZ0013" "KAZ - stratum 13 : Astana city, kazakh only" "KAZ0014" "KAZ - stratum 14 : Astana city, russian" "KAZ0015" "KAZ - stratum 15 : Astana city, both" "KAZ0016" "KAZ - stratum 16 : Atyrauskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0017" "KAZ - stratum 17 : Atyrauskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0018" "KAZ - stratum 18 : Atyrauskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0019" "KAZ - stratum 19 : East-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0020" "KAZ - stratum 20 : East-Kazakhstan oblast, russian only" "KAZ0021" "KAZ - stratum 21 : East-Kazakhstan oblast, both" "KAZ0022" "KAZ - stratum 22 : Almaty city, kazakh only" "KAZ0023" "KAZ - stratum 23 : Almaty city, russian only" "KAZ0024" "KAZ - stratum 24 : Almaty city, both" "KAZ0025" "KAZ - stratum 25 : Almaty city, russian and uighur w/wo kazakh" "KAZ0026" "KAZ - stratum 26 : Zhambylskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0027" "KAZ - stratum 27 : Zhambylskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0028" "KAZ - stratum 28 : Zhambylskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0029" "KAZ - stratum 29 : West-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0030" "KAZ - stratum 30 : West-Kazakhstan oblast, russian only" "KAZ0031" "KAZ - stratum 31 : West-Kazakhstan oblast, both" "KAZ0032" "KAZ - stratum 32 : Karagandinskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0033" "KAZ - stratum 33 : Karagandinskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0034" "KAZ - stratum 34 : Karagandinskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0035" "KAZ - stratum 35 : Kostanayskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0036" "KAZ - stratum 36 : Kostanayskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0037" "KAZ - stratum 37 : Kostanayskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0038" "KAZ - stratum 38 : Kyzyl-Ordinskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0039" "KAZ - stratum 39 : Kyzyl-Ordinskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0040" "KAZ - stratum 40 : Kyzyl-Ordinskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0041" "KAZ - stratum 41 : Mangystauskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0042" "KAZ - stratum 42 : Mangystauskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0043" "KAZ - stratum 43 : Mangystauskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0044" "KAZ - stratum 44 : Pavlodarskaya oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0045" "KAZ - stratum 45 : Pavlodarskaya oblast, russian only" "KAZ0046" "KAZ - stratum 46 : Pavlodarskaya oblast, both" "KAZ0047" "KAZ - stratum 47 : North-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0048" "KAZ - stratum 48 : North-Kazakhstan oblast, russian only" "KAZ0049" "KAZ - stratum 49 : North-Kazakhstan oblast, both" "KAZ0050" "KAZ - stratum 50 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh only" "KAZ0051" "KAZ - stratum 51 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, russian only" "KAZ0052" "KAZ - stratum 52 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, both" "KAZ0053" "KAZ - stratum 53 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh and other" "KAZ0054" "KAZ - stratum 54 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh and uzbek" "KAZ0055" "KAZ - stratum 55 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, kazakh and uzbek and other" "KAZ0056" "KAZ - stratum 56 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, russian and uzbek " "KAZ0057" "KAZ - stratum 57 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, russian and kazakh and uzbek" "KAZ0058" "KAZ - stratum 58 : South-Kazakhstan oblast, russian and kazakh and other" "KOR0101" "KOR - stratum 01 : Stratum 1: Lower secondary/General" "KOR0202" "KOR - stratum 02 : Stratum 2: Upper secondary/General" "KOR0302" "KOR - stratum 02 : Stratum 2: Upper secondary/General" "KOR0403" "KOR - stratum 03 : Stratum 3: Upper secondary/Vocational" "LIE9901" "LIE - stratum 01 : Liechtenstein" "LTU0001" "LTU - stratum 01 : Capital-Basic" "LTU0002" "LTU - stratum 02 : Capital-Secondary" "LTU0003" "LTU - stratum 03 : Capital-Gymnasium" "LTU0004" "LTU - stratum 04 : Capital-Other" "LTU0005" "LTU - stratum 05 : City-Basic" "LTU0006" "LTU - stratum 06 : City-Secondary" "LTU0007" "LTU - stratum 07 : City-Gymnasium" "LTU0008" "LTU - stratum 08 : City-Other" "LTU0009" "LTU - stratum 09 : Town-Basic" "LTU0010" "LTU - stratum 10 : Town-Secondary" "LTU0011" "LTU - stratum 11 : Town-Gymnasium" "LTU0012" "LTU - stratum 12 : Town-Other" "LTU0013" "LTU - stratum 13 : Village-Basic" "LTU0014" "LTU - stratum 14 : Village-Secondary" "LTU0015" "LTU - stratum 15 : Village-Gymnasium" "LTU0016" "LTU - stratum 16 : Village-Other " "LUX0001" "LUX - stratum 01 : ES government-public" "LUX0002" "LUX - stratum 02 : EST government-public" "LUX0003" "LUX - stratum 03 : ES+EST government-public" "LUX0004" "LUX - stratum 04 : EST government-private" "LUX0005" "LUX - stratum 05 : ES+EST government-private" "LUX0006" "LUX - stratum 06 : Government independent" "LVA0001" "LVA - stratum 01 : Riga" "LVA0002" "LVA - stratum 02 : City" "LVA0003" "LVA - stratum 03 : Town" "LVA0004" "LVA - stratum 04 : Rural" "MAC0001" "MAC - stratum 01 : Stratum 1: Public, Grammar-International, Chinese and Portuguese" "MAC0002" "MAC - stratum 02 : Stratum 2: Public, Technical-vocational, Chinese" "MAC0003" "MAC - stratum 03 : Stratum 3: Private-in-Net, Grammar-International, Chinese" "MAC0004" "MAC - stratum 04 : Stratum 4: Private-in-Net, Grammar-International, English" "MAC0005" "MAC - stratum 05 : Stratum 5: Private-in-Net, Grammar-International, Chinese and English " "MAC0006" "MAC - stratum 06 : Stratum 6: Private-in-Net, Technical-vocational, Chinese" "MAC0007" "MAC - stratum 07 : Stratum 7: Private-not- in-Net, Grammar-International, Chinese" "MAC0008" "MAC - stratum 08 : Stratum 8: Private-not-in-Net, Grammar-International, English" "MAC0009" "MAC - stratum 09 : Stratum 9: Private-not-in-Net, Grammar-International, Portuguese" "MAC0010" "MAC - stratum 10 : Stratum 10: Private-not- in-Net, Grammar-International, Chinese and English" "MEX0101" "MEX - REGION 01 stratum 01 : AGUASCALIENTES, large schools" "MEX0102" "MEX - REGION 01 stratum 02 : AGUASCALIENTES, moderately small schools" "MEX0103" "MEX - REGION 01 stratum 03 : AGUASCALIENTES, very small schools" "MEX0204" "MEX - REGION 02 stratum 04 : BAJA CALIFORNIA, large schools" "MEX0205" "MEX - REGION 02 stratum 05 : BAJA CALIFORNIA, moderately small schools" "MEX0206" "MEX - REGION 02 stratum 06 : BAJA CALIFORNIA, very small schools" "MEX0307" "MEX - REGION 03 stratum 07 : BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, large schools" "MEX0308" "MEX - REGION 03 stratum 08 : BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, moderately small schools" "MEX0309" "MEX - REGION 03 stratum 09 : BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, very small schools" "MEX0410" "MEX - REGION 04 stratum 10 : CAMPECHE, large schools" "MEX0411" "MEX - REGION 04 stratum 11 : CAMPECHE, moderately small schools" "MEX0412" "MEX - REGION 04 stratum 12 : CAMPECHE, very small schools" "MEX0513" "MEX - REGION 05 stratum 13 : COAHUILA, large schools" "MEX0514" "MEX - REGION 05 stratum 14 : COAHUILA, moderately small schools" "MEX0515" "MEX - REGION 05 stratum 15 : COAHUILA, very small schools" "MEX0616" "MEX - REGION 06 stratum 16 : COLIMA, large schools" "MEX0617" "MEX - REGION 06 stratum 17 : COLIMA, moderately small schools" "MEX0618" "MEX - REGION 06 stratum 18 : COLIMA, very small schools" "MEX0719" "MEX - REGION 07 stratum 19 : CHIAPAS, large schools" "MEX0720" "MEX - REGION 07 stratum 20 : CHIAPAS, moderately small schools" "MEX0721" "MEX - REGION 07 stratum 21 : CHIAPAS, very small schools" "MEX0822" "MEX - REGION 08 stratum 22 : CHIHUAHUA, large schools" "MEX0823" "MEX - REGION 08 stratum 23 : CHIHUAHUA, moderately small schools" "MEX0824" "MEX - REGION 08 stratum 24 : CHIHUAHUA, very small schools" "MEX0925" "MEX - REGION 09 stratum 25 : DISTRITO FEDERAL, large schools" "MEX0926" "MEX - REGION 09 stratum 26 : DISTRITO FEDERAL, moderately small schools" "MEX0927" "MEX - REGION 09 stratum 27 : DISTRITO FEDERAL, very small schools" "MEX1028" "MEX - REGION 10 stratum 28 : DURANGO, large schools" "MEX1029" "MEX - REGION 10 stratum 29 : DURANGO, moderately small schools" "MEX1030" "MEX - REGION 10 stratum 30 : DURANGO, very small schools" "MEX1131" "MEX - REGION 11 stratum 31 : GUANAJUATO, large schools" "MEX1132" "MEX - REGION 11 stratum 32 : GUANAJUATO, moderately small schools" "MEX1133" "MEX - REGION 11 stratum 33 : GUANAJUATO, very small schools" "MEX1234" "MEX - REGION 12 stratum 34 : GUERRERO, large schools" "MEX1235" "MEX - REGION 12 stratum 35 : GUERRERO, moderately small schools" "MEX1236" "MEX - REGION 12 stratum 36 : GUERRERO, very small schools" "MEX1337" "MEX - REGION 13 stratum 37 : HIDALGO, large schools" "MEX1338" "MEX - REGION 13 stratum 38 : HIDALGO, moderately small schools" "MEX1339" "MEX - REGION 13 stratum 39 : HIDALGO, very small schools" "MEX1440" "MEX - REGION 14 stratum 40 : JALISCO, large schools" "MEX1441" "MEX - REGION 14 stratum 41 : JALISCO, moderately small schools" "MEX1442" "MEX - REGION 14 stratum 42 : JALISCO, very small schools" "MEX1543" "MEX - REGION 15 stratum 43 : MEXICO, large schools" "MEX1544" "MEX - REGION 15 stratum 44 : MEXICO, moderately small schools" "MEX1545" "MEX - REGION 15 stratum 45 : MEXICO, very small schools" "MEX1749" "MEX - REGION 17 stratum 49 : MORELOS, large schools" "MEX1750" "MEX - REGION 17 stratum 50 : MORELOS, moderately small schools" "MEX1751" "MEX - REGION 17 stratum 51 : MORELOS, very small schools" "MEX1852" "MEX - REGION 18 stratum 52 : NAYARIT, large schools" "MEX1853" "MEX - REGION 18 stratum 53 : NAYARIT, moderately small schools" "MEX1854" "MEX - REGION 18 stratum 54 : NAYARIT, very small schools" "MEX1955" "MEX - REGION 19 stratum 55 : NUEVO LEON, large schools" "MEX1956" "MEX - REGION 19 stratum 56 : NUEVO LEON, moderately small schools" "MEX1957" "MEX - REGION 19 stratum 57 : NUEVO LEON, very small schools" "MEX2161" "MEX - REGION 21 stratum 61 : PUEBLA, large schools" "MEX2162" "MEX - REGION 21 stratum 62 : PUEBLA, moderately small schools" "MEX2163" "MEX - REGION 21 stratum 63 : PUEBLA, very small schools" "MEX2264" "MEX - REGION 22 stratum 64 : QUERETARO, large schools" "MEX2265" "MEX - REGION 22 stratum 65 : QUERETARO, moderately small schools" "MEX2266" "MEX - REGION 22 stratum 66 : QUERETARO, very small schools" "MEX2367" "MEX - REGION 23 stratum 67 : QUINTANA ROO, large schools" "MEX2368" "MEX - REGION 23 stratum 68 : QUINTANA ROO, moderately small schools" "MEX2369" "MEX - REGION 23 stratum 69 : QUINTANA ROO, very small schools" "MEX2470" "MEX - REGION 24 stratum 70 : SAN LUIS POTOSI, large schools" "MEX2471" "MEX - REGION 24 stratum 71 : SAN LUIS POTOSI, moderately small schools" "MEX2472" "MEX - REGION 24 stratum 72 : SAN LUIS POTOSI, very small schools" "MEX2573" "MEX - REGION 25 stratum 73 : SINALOA, large schools" "MEX2574" "MEX - REGION 25 stratum 74 : SINALOA, moderately small schools" "MEX2575" "MEX - REGION 25 stratum 75 : SINALOA, very small schools" "MEX2779" "MEX - REGION 27 stratum 79 : TABASCO, large schools" "MEX2780" "MEX - REGION 27 stratum 80 : TABASCO, moderately small schools" "MEX2781" "MEX - REGION 27 stratum 81 : TABASCO, very small schools" "MEX2882" "MEX - REGION 28 stratum 82 : TAMAULIPAS, large schools" "MEX2883" "MEX - REGION 28 stratum 83 : TAMAULIPAS, moderately small schools" "MEX2884" "MEX - REGION 28 stratum 84 : TAMAULIPAS, very small schools" "MEX2985" "MEX - REGION 29 stratum 85 : TLAXCALA, large schools" "MEX2986" "MEX - REGION 29 stratum 86 : TLAXCALA, moderately small schools" "MEX2987" "MEX - REGION 29 stratum 87 : TLAXCALA, very small schools" "MEX3088" "MEX - REGION 30 stratum 88 : VERACRUZ, large schools" "MEX3089" "MEX - REGION 30 stratum 89 : VERACRUZ, moderately small schools" "MEX3090" "MEX - REGION 30 stratum 90 : VERACRUZ, very small schools" "MEX3191" "MEX - REGION 31 stratum 91 : YUCATAN, large schools" "MEX3192" "MEX - REGION 31 stratum 92 : YUCATAN, moderately small schools" "MEX3193" "MEX - REGION 31 stratum 93 : YUCATAN, very small schools" "MEX3294" "MEX - REGION 32 stratum 94 : ZACATECAS, large schools" "MEX3295" "MEX - REGION 32 stratum 95 : ZACATECAS, moderately small schools" "MEX3296" "MEX - REGION 32 stratum 96 : ZACATECAS, very small schools" "MEX9101" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 01 : [NO Region 99 and above] Prv. Upp. Sec. Large Schools" "MEX9102" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 02 : [NO Region 99 and above] Prv. Upp. Sec. MSS" "MEX9103" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 03 : [NO Region 99 and above] Prv. Upp. Sec. VSS" "MEX9104" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 04 : [NO Region 99 and above] Aut. Gen. Upp. Sec. Pub." "MEX9105" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 05 : [NO Region 99 and above] Cen. St. Gen. Upp. Sec. Pub. " "MEX9106" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 06 : [NO Region 99 and above] Dec. St. Gen. Upp. Sec. Pub." "MEX9107" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 07 : [NO Region 99 and above] Oth. Gen. Upp. Sec. Pub." "MEX9108" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 08 : [NO Region 99 and above] Cen. Fed. Tech. Upp. Sec. Pub." "MEX9109" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 09 : [NO Region 99 and above] Oth. Tech. Upp. Sec. Pub." "MEX9110" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 10 : [NO Region 99 and above] CONALEP-Prof. Tech. Pub. " "MEX9111" "MEX - REGION 91 stratum 11 : [NO Region 99 and above] Oth. Prof. Tech. Pub." "MNE0001" "MNE - stratum 01 : A-Primary-Central" "MNE0002" "MNE - stratum 02 : A-Primary-North" "MNE0003" "MNE - stratum 03 : A-Primary-South" "MNE0004" "MNE - stratum 04 : B-Gimnazija-Central" "MNE0005" "MNE - stratum 05 : B-Gimnazija -North" "MNE0006" "MNE - stratum 06 : B-Gimnazija -South" "MNE0007" "MNE - stratum 07 : C-Vocational-Central" "MNE0008" "MNE - stratum 08 : C-Vocational-North" "MNE0009" "MNE - stratum 09 : C-Vocational-South" "MNE0010" "MNE - stratum 10 : D-Mixed-North" "MNE0011" "MNE - stratum 11 : D-Mixed-South" "MYS0101" "MYS - stratum 01 : MOE Fully Residential School" "MYS0102" "MYS - stratum 02 : MOE National Secondary School" "MYS0103" "MYS - stratum 03 : MOE Religious School" "MYS0104" "MYS - stratum 04 : MOE Technical School" "MYS0106" "MYS - stratum 06 : non-MOE Other Schools" "MYS0201" "MYS - stratum 01 : MOE Fully Residential School" "MYS0202" "MYS - stratum 02 : MOE National Secondary School" "MYS0203" "MYS - stratum 03 : MOE Religious School" "MYS0204" "MYS - stratum 04 : MOE Technical School" "MYS0205" "MYS - stratum 05 : non-MOE MARA Junior Science College" "MYS0206" "MYS - stratum 06 : non-MOE Other Schools" "NLD0001" "NLD - stratum 01 : 01_PRO/VMBO" "NLD0002" "NLD - stratum 02 : 02_HAVO/VWO" "NLD0003" "NLD - stratum 03 : 03_General Education" "NLD0004" "NLD - stratum 04 : 04_Private Education" "NOR0001" "NOR - stratum 01 : Lower secondary schools" "NOR0002" "NOR - stratum 02 : Upper secondary schools" "NOR0003" "NOR - stratum 03 : Mixed/Both" "NZL0101" "NZL - stratum 01 : Stratum 1:Large schools (250+)" "NZL0102" "NZL - stratum 02 : Stratum 2:Medium large schools (> 29 and < 250)" "NZL0202" "NZL - stratum 02 : Stratum 2:Medium large schools (> 29 and < 250)" "NZL0203" "NZL - stratum 03 : Stratum 3:Small schools (<30)" "PER0001" "PER - stratum 01 : Public/Urban " "PER0002" "PER - stratum 02 : Public/Rural" "PER0003" "PER - stratum 03 : Private/Urban " "PER0004" "PER - stratum 04 : Private/Rural" "POL0001" "POL - stratum 01 : 1 – Public Gymnasium" "POL0002" "POL - stratum 02 : 2 – Private Gymnasium" "POL0003" "POL - stratum 03 : 3 – Lycee" "POL0004" "POL - stratum 04 : 4 – Vocational”" "PRI0072" "PRI - stratum 72 : PUERTO RICO" "PRT0001" "PRT - stratum 01 : Alentejo - Alentejo Central" "PRT0002" "PRT - stratum 02 : Alentejo - Alentejo Litoral" "PRT0003" "PRT - stratum 03 : Alentejo - Alto Alentejo" "PRT0004" "PRT - stratum 04 : Alentejo - Baixo Alentejo" "PRT0005" "PRT - stratum 05 : Alentejo - Lezíria do Tejo" "PRT0006" "PRT - stratum 06 : Algarve - Algarve" "PRT0007" "PRT - stratum 07 : Centro - Baixo Mondego" "PRT0008" "PRT - stratum 08 : Centro - Baixo Vouga" "PRT0009" "PRT - stratum 09 : Centro - Beira Interior Norte" "PRT0010" "PRT - stratum 10 : Centro - Beira Interior Sul" "PRT0011" "PRT - stratum 11 : Centro - Cova da Beira" "PRT0012" "PRT - stratum 12 : Centro - Dão Lafões" "PRT0013" "PRT - stratum 13 : Centro - Médio Tejo" "PRT0014" "PRT - stratum 14 : Centro - Oeste" "PRT0015" "PRT - stratum 15 : Centro - Pinhal Interior Norte" "PRT0016" "PRT - stratum 16 : Centro - Pinhal Interior Sul" "PRT0017" "PRT - stratum 17 : Centro - Pinhal Litoral" "PRT0018" "PRT - stratum 18 : Centro - Serra da Estrela" "PRT0019" "PRT - stratum 19 : Lisboa - Grande Lisboa" "PRT0020" "PRT - stratum 20 : Lisboa - Península de Setúbal" "PRT0021" "PRT - stratum 21 : Norte - Alto Trás-os-Montes" "PRT0022" "PRT - stratum 22 : Norte - Ave" "PRT0023" "PRT - stratum 23 : Norte - Cávado" "PRT0024" "PRT - stratum 24 : Norte - Douro" "PRT0025" "PRT - stratum 25 : Norte - Entre Douro e Vouga" "PRT0026" "PRT - stratum 26 : Norte - Grande Porto" "PRT0027" "PRT - stratum 27 : Norte - Minho Lima" "PRT0028" "PRT - stratum 28 : Norte - Tâmega" "PRT0029" "PRT - stratum 29 : Região Autónoma da Madeira " "PRT0030" "PRT - stratum 30 : Região Autónoma dos Açores" "QAT0001" "QAT - stratum 01 : 1 – Independent" "QAT0002" "QAT - stratum 02 : 2 – Independent complex" "QAT0003" "QAT - stratum 03 : 3 – Community" "QAT0004" "QAT - stratum 04 : 4 – International" "QAT0005" "QAT - stratum 05 : 5 – Private" "QAT0006" "QAT - stratum 06 : 6 – Private complex" "QCN0001" "QCN - stratum 01 : ISCED2/General/no selectivity" "QCN0002" "QCN - stratum 02 : Mixed ISCED/General/no selectivity" "QCN0003" "QCN - stratum 03 : ISCED3/General/model" "QCN0004" "QCN - stratum 04 : ISCED3/General/ordinary" "QCN0005" "QCN - stratum 05 : Vocational/no selectivity" "QRS0059" "QRS - stratum 59 : Perm Territory" "GBR2001" "QSC - stratum 01 : Scotland 1-public/lowest band" "GBR2002" "QSC - stratum 02 : Scotland 2-public/second lowest band" "GBR2003" "QSC - stratum 03 : Scotland 3-public/middle band" "GBR2004" "QSC - stratum 04 : Scotland 4-public/second highest band" "GBR2005" "QSC - stratum 05 : Scotland 5-public/highest band" "GBR2006" "QSC - stratum 06 : Scotland 6-public/missing" "GBR2007" "QSC - stratum 07 : Scotland 7-independent/lowest band" "GBR2008" "QSC - stratum 08 : Scotland 8-independent/second lowest band" "GBR2009" "QSC - stratum 09 : Scotland 9-independent/middle band" "GBR2010" "QSC - stratum 10 : Scotland 10-independent/second highest band" "GBR2011" "QSC - stratum 11 : Scotland 11-independent/highest band" "GBR2012" "QSC - stratum 12 : Scotland 12-independent/missing" "GBR1101" "QUK - stratum 01 : England, Maintained selective, North" "GBR1102" "QUK - stratum 02 : England, Maintained selective, Midlands" "GBR1103" "QUK - stratum 03 : England, Maintained selective, South" "GBR1104" "QUK - stratum 04 : England, Maintained selective, Greater London" "GBR1105" "QUK - stratum 05 : England, Maintained non-selective, North" "GBR1106" "QUK - stratum 06 : England, Maintained non-selective, Midlands" "GBR1107" "QUK - stratum 07 : England, Maintained non-selective, South" "GBR1108" "QUK - stratum 08 : England, Maintained non-selective, Greater London" "GBR1109" "QUK - stratum 09 : England, Independent, North" "GBR1110" "QUK - stratum 10 : England, Independent, Midlands" "GBR1111" "QUK - stratum 11 : England, Independent, South" "GBR1112" "QUK - stratum 12 : England, Independent, Greater London" "GBR1313" "QUK - stratum 13 : Wales, Maintained, North" "GBR1314" "QUK - stratum 14 : Wales, Maintained, Powys and South West" "GBR1315" "QUK - stratum 15 : Wales, Maintained, South East" "GBR1316" "QUK - stratum 16 : Wales, Independent, North" "GBR1317" "QUK - stratum 17 : Wales, Independent, Powys and South West" "GBR1318" "QUK - stratum 18 : Wales, Independent, South East" "GBR1219" "QUK - stratum 19 : Northern Ireland, Maintained selective, Belfast" "GBR1220" "QUK - stratum 20 : Northern Ireland, Maintained selective, Western" "GBR1221" "QUK - stratum 21 : Northern Ireland, Maintained selective, North Eastern" "GBR1222" "QUK - stratum 22 : Northern Ireland, Maintained selective, South Eastern" "GBR1223" "QUK - stratum 23 : Northern Ireland, Maintained selective, Southern" "GBR1224" "QUK - stratum 24 : Northern Ireland, Maintained non-selective, Belfast" "GBR1225" "QUK - stratum 25 : Northern Ireland, Maintained non-selective, Western" "GBR1226" "QUK - stratum 26 : Northern Ireland, Maintained non-selective, North Eastern" "GBR1227" "QUK - stratum 27 : Northern Ireland, Maintained non-selective, South Eastern" "GBR1228" "QUK - stratum 28 : Northern Ireland, Maintained non-selective, Southern" "GBR1229" "QUK - stratum 29 : Northern Ireland, Independent" "ROU0001" "ROU - stratum 01 : (1) GIM" "ROU0002" "ROU - stratum 02 : (2) LIC " "RUS0003" "RUS - stratum 03 : Republic of Bashkortostan" "RUS0004" "RUS - stratum 04 : Republic of Buryatia" "RUS0005" "RUS - stratum 05 : Republic of Dagestan" "RUS0007" "RUS - stratum 07 : Kabardino-Balkarian Republic" "RUS0009" "RUS - stratum 09 : Karachaevo-Chercessian Republic " "RUS0012" "RUS - stratum 12 : Republic of Marij El" "RUS0016" "RUS - stratum 16 : Republic of Tatarstan" "RUS0021" "RUS - stratum 21 : Chuvashi Republic " "RUS0022" "RUS - stratum 22 : Altai territory " "RUS0023" "RUS - stratum 23 : Krasnodar territory " "RUS0024" "RUS - stratum 24 : Krasnoyarsk territory " "RUS0025" "RUS - stratum 25 : Primorsky territory " "RUS0026" "RUS - stratum 26 : Stavropol territory " "RUS0027" "RUS - stratum 27 : Khabarovsk territory " "RUS0029" "RUS - stratum 29 : Arkhangelsk region " "RUS0032" "RUS - stratum 32 : Bryansk region " "RUS0034" "RUS - stratum 34 : Volgograd region " "RUS0036" "RUS - stratum 36 : Voronezh region " "RUS0038" "RUS - stratum 38 : Irkutsk region " "RUS0039" "RUS - stratum 39 : Kaliningrad region " "RUS0040" "RUS - stratum 40 : Kaluga region " "RUS0042" "RUS - stratum 42 : Kemerovo region " "RUS0043" "RUS - stratum 43 : Kirov region " "RUS0048" "RUS - stratum 48 : Lipetzk region " "RUS0050" "RUS - stratum 50 : Moscow region " "RUS0052" "RUS - stratum 52 : Nizhni Novgorod region " "RUS0053" "RUS - stratum 53 : Novgorod region " "RUS0054" "RUS - stratum 54 : Novosibirsk region " "RUS0055" "RUS - stratum 55 : Omsk region " "RUS0056" "RUS - stratum 56 : Orenburg region " "RUS0059" "RUS - stratum 59 : Perm territory " "RUS0061" "RUS - stratum 61 : Rostov region " "RUS0062" "RUS - stratum 62 : Ryazan region " "RUS0063" "RUS - stratum 63 : Samara region " "RUS0064" "RUS - stratum 64 : Saratov region " "RUS0066" "RUS - stratum 66 : Sverdlovsk region " "RUS0071" "RUS - stratum 71 : Tula region " "RUS0072" "RUS - stratum 72 : Tyumen region " "RUS0074" "RUS - stratum 74 : Chelyabinsk region " "RUS0077" "RUS - stratum 77 : The City of Moscow" "RUS0078" "RUS - stratum 78 : The City of Sankt-Petersburg" "RUS0079" "RUS - stratum 79 : Jewish autonomous region" "SGP0101" "SGP - stratum 01 : Public Secondary" "SGP0201" "SGP - stratum 01 : Public Secondary" "SGP0203" "SGP - stratum 03 : Private Secondary " "SRB0001" "SRB - stratum 01 : Prim" "SRB0002" "SRB - stratum 02 : Voj Gym" "SRB0003" "SRB - stratum 03 : Voj Tech" "SRB0004" "SRB - stratum 04 : Voj Oth" "SRB0005" "SRB - stratum 05 : Bel Gym" "SRB0006" "SRB - stratum 06 : Bel Tech" "SRB0007" "SRB - stratum 07 : Bel Oth" "SRB0008" "SRB - stratum 08 : West Gym" "SRB0009" "SRB - stratum 09 : West Tech" "SRB0010" "SRB - stratum 10 : West Oth" "SRB0011" "SRB - stratum 11 : East Gym" "SRB0012" "SRB - stratum 12 : East Tech" "SRB0013" "SRB - stratum 13 : East Oth" "SRB0014" "SRB - stratum 14 : South Gym" "SRB0015" "SRB - stratum 15 : South Tech" "SRB0016" "SRB - stratum 16 : South Oth" "SVK0001" "SVK - stratum 01 : Region 1 / ZS" "SVK0002" "SVK - stratum 02 : Region 1 / GYM" "SVK0003" "SVK - stratum 03 : Region 1 / others" "SVK0004" "SVK - stratum 04 : Region 2 / ZS" "SVK0005" "SVK - stratum 05 : Region 2 / GYM" "SVK0006" "SVK - stratum 06 : Region 2 / others" "SVK0007" "SVK - stratum 07 : Region 3 / ZS" "SVK0008" "SVK - stratum 08 : Region 3 / GYM" "SVK0009" "SVK - stratum 09 : Region 3 / others" "SVK0010" "SVK - stratum 10 : Region 4 / ZS" "SVK0011" "SVK - stratum 11 : Region 4 / GYM" "SVK0012" "SVK - stratum 12 : Region 4 / others" "SVK0013" "SVK - stratum 13 : Region 5 / ZS" "SVK0014" "SVK - stratum 14 : Region 5 / GYM" "SVK0015" "SVK - stratum 15 : Region 5 / others" "SVK0016" "SVK - stratum 16 : Region 6 / ZS" "SVK0017" "SVK - stratum 17 : Region 6 / GYM" "SVK0018" "SVK - stratum 18 : Region 6 / others" "SVK0019" "SVK - stratum 19 : Region 7 / ZS" "SVK0020" "SVK - stratum 20 : Region 7 / GYM" "SVK0021" "SVK - stratum 21 : Region 7 / others" "SVK0022" "SVK - stratum 22 : Region 8 / ZS" "SVK0023" "SVK - stratum 23 : Region 8 / GYM" "SVK0024" "SVK - stratum 24 : Region 8 / others" "SVN0006" "SVN - stratum 00 : OS - elementary school" "SVN0007" "SVN - stratum 00 : IO-adult educational programme" "SVN0101" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0102" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0103" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0104" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0105" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0201" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0202" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0203" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0204" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0205" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0301" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0302" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0303" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0304" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0305" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0401" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0403" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0404" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0405" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0501" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0503" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0504" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0505" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0601" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0602" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0603" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0604" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0605" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0701" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0702" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0703" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0704" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0705" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0801" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0802" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0803" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0804" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0805" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN0901" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN0902" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN0903" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN0904" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN0905" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN1001" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN1002" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN1003" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN1004" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN1005" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN1101" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN1102" "SVN - stratum 02 : GIMs - gymnasia specialist" "SVN1103" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN1104" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN1105" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SVN1201" "SVN - stratum 01 : GIMg - gymnasia general" "SVN1203" "SVN - stratum 03 : STSI - technical educational programmes" "SVN1204" "SVN - stratum 04 : SPI - vocational of medium duration" "SVN1205" "SVN - stratum 05 : NPI - vocational of short duration" "SWE0001" "SWE - stratum 01 : PUB/ LOWER SEC/ METRO" "SWE0002" "SWE - stratum 02 : PUB/ LOWER SEC/ OTHER LARGE" "SWE0003" "SWE - stratum 03 : PUB/ LOWER SEC/ AT LEAST 12500" "SWE0004" "SWE - stratum 04 : PUB/ LOWER SEC/ MANUFACTURING" "SWE0005" "SWE - stratum 05 : PUB/ LOWER SEC/ SPARSE POP" "SWE0006" "SWE - stratum 06 : PUB/ UPPER SEC" "SWE0007" "SWE - stratum 07 : INDEP/ LOWER SEC/ METRO" "SWE0008" "SWE - stratum 08 : INDEP/ LOWER SEC/ OTHER LARGE" "SWE0009" "SWE - stratum 09 : INDEP/ LOWER SEC/ AT LEAST 12500" "SWE0010" "SWE - stratum 10 : INDEP/ LOWER SEC/ MANUFACTURING" "SWE0011" "SWE - stratum 11 : INDEP/ LOWER SEC/ SPARSE POP" "SWE0012" "SWE - stratum 12 : INDEP/ UPPER SEC" "TAP0101" "TAP - stratum 01 : Gen. Jr. HS. Pub. Rur." "TAP0102" "TAP - stratum 02 : Gen. Jr. HS. Pub. Urb." "TAP0103" "TAP - stratum 03 : Gen. Jr. HS. Prv. Rur." "TAP0104" "TAP - stratum 04 : Gen. Jr. HS. Prv. Urb." "TAP0105" "TAP - stratum 05 : Gen. Sr. HS. Pub. Rur." "TAP0106" "TAP - stratum 06 : Gen. Sr. HS. Pub. Urb." "TAP0107" "TAP - stratum 07 : Gen. Sr. HS. Prv. Rur." "TAP0108" "TAP - stratum 08 : Gen. Sr. HS. Prv. Urb." "TAP0109" "TAP - stratum 09 : Voc. Sr. HS. Pub. Rur." "TAP0110" "TAP - stratum 10 : Voc. Sr. HS. Pub. Urb." "TAP0111" "TAP - stratum 11 : Voc. Sr. HS. Prv. Rur." "TAP0112" "TAP - stratum 12 : Voc. Sr. HS. Prv. Urb." "TAP0213" "TAP - stratum 13 : Mix. Sr. HS. Pub. Rur." "TAP0214" "TAP - stratum 14 : Mix. Sr. HS. Pub. Urb." "TAP0215" "TAP - stratum 15 : Mix. Sr. HS. Prv. Rur." "TAP0216" "TAP - stratum 16 : Mix. Sr. HS. Prv. Urb." "TAP0317" "TAP - stratum 17 : Comh. HS. Pub. Rur." "TAP0318" "TAP - stratum 18 : Comh. HS. Pub. Urb." "TAP0319" "TAP - stratum 19 : Comh. HS. Prv. Rur." "TAP0320" "TAP - stratum 20 : Comh. HS. Prv. Urb." "TAP0321" "TAP - stratum 21 : Cmpx. HS. Pub. Rur." "TAP0322" "TAP - stratum 22 : Cmpx. HS. Pub. Urb." "TAP0323" "TAP - stratum 23 : Cmpx. HS. Prv. Rur." "TAP0324" "TAP - stratum 24 : Cmpx. HS. Prv. Urb." "TAP0325" "TAP - stratum 25 : FY Coll. Pub. Rur." "TAP0326" "TAP - stratum 26 : FY Coll. Pub. Urb." "TAP0327" "TAP - stratum 27 : FY Coll. Prv. Rur." "TAP0328" "TAP - stratum 28 : FY Coll. Prv. Urb." "THA0101" "THA - stratum 01 : Office of the Basic Education Commission/Lower secondary" "THA0102" "THA - stratum 02 : Office of the Basic Education Commission/Mixed" "THA0103" "THA - stratum 03 : Office of the Basic Education Commission/Upper secondary" "THA0204" "THA - stratum 04 : Office of the Private Education Commission/Lower Secondary" "THA0205" "THA - stratum 05 : Office of the Private Education Commission/Mixed " "THA0206" "THA - stratum 06 : Office of the Private Education Commission/Upper Secondary" "THA0207" "THA - stratum 07 : Department of Education of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration/Lower secondary" "THA0208" "THA - stratum 08 : Department of Education of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration/Mixed" "THA0209" "THA - stratum 09 : Bureau of Local Educational Development and Co-ordination/ Lower Secondary" "THA0210" "THA - stratum 10 : Bureau of Local Educational Development and Co-ordination/Mixed" "THA0211" "THA - stratum 11 : Bureau of Local Educational Development and Co-ordination/Upper Secondary" "THA0212" "THA - stratum 12 : Commission of Higher Education/Lower secondary" "THA0213" "THA - stratum 13 : Commission of Higher Education/Mixed" "THA0214" "THA - stratum 14 : Vocational Education Commission/Upper Secondary" "THA0215" "THA - stratum 15 : Special schools with Math/Science focus/Mixed" "TUN0001" "TUN - stratum 01 : North-east/Urban" "TUN0002" "TUN - stratum 02 : North-east/Periphery" "TUN0003" "TUN - stratum 03 : North-east/Rural" "TUN0004" "TUN - stratum 04 : North-west/Urban" "TUN0005" "TUN - stratum 05 : North-west/Periphery" "TUN0006" "TUN - stratum 06 : North-west/Rural" "TUN0007" "TUN - stratum 07 : South-east/Urban" "TUN0008" "TUN - stratum 08 : South-east/Periphery" "TUN0009" "TUN - stratum 09 : South-east/Rural" "TUN0010" "TUN - stratum 10 : South-west/Urban" "TUN0011" "TUN - stratum 11 : South-west/Periphery" "TUN0012" "TUN - stratum 12 : South-west/Rural" "TUN0013" "TUN - stratum 13 : Center-east/Urban" "TUN0014" "TUN - stratum 14 : Center-east/Periphery" "TUN0015" "TUN - stratum 15 : Center-east/Rural" "TUN0016" "TUN - stratum 16 : Center-west/Urban" "TUN0017" "TUN - stratum 17 : Center-west/Periphery" "TUN0018" "TUN - stratum 18 : Center-west/Rural" "TUR0001" "TUR - stratum 01 : TR1 PRIMARY" "TUR0002" "TUR - stratum 02 : TR1 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0003" "TUR - stratum 03 : TR1 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0004" "TUR - stratum 04 : TR2 PRIMARY" "TUR0005" "TUR - stratum 05 : TR2 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0006" "TUR - stratum 06 : TR2 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0007" "TUR - stratum 07 : TR3 PRIMARY" "TUR0008" "TUR - stratum 08 : TR3 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0009" "TUR - stratum 09 : TR3 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0010" "TUR - stratum 10 : TR4 PRIMARY" "TUR0011" "TUR - stratum 11 : TR4 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0012" "TUR - stratum 12 : TR4 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0013" "TUR - stratum 13 : TR4 POLICE EDUCATION" "TUR0014" "TUR - stratum 14 : TR5 PRIMARY" "TUR0015" "TUR - stratum 15 : TR5 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0016" "TUR - stratum 16 : TR5 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0017" "TUR - stratum 17 : TR5 POLICE EDUCATION" "TUR0018" "TUR - stratum 18 : TR6 PRIMARY" "TUR0019" "TUR - stratum 19 : TR6 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0020" "TUR - stratum 20 : TR6 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0021" "TUR - stratum 21 : TR7 PRIMARY" "TUR0022" "TUR - stratum 22 : TR7 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0023" "TUR - stratum 23 : TR7 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0024" "TUR - stratum 24 : TR8 PRIMARY" "TUR0025" "TUR - stratum 25 : TR8 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0026" "TUR - stratum 26 : TR8 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0027" "TUR - stratum 27 : TR9 PRIMARY" "TUR0028" "TUR - stratum 28 : TR9 GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0029" "TUR - stratum 29 : TR9 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0030" "TUR - stratum 30 : TRA PRIMARY" "TUR0031" "TUR - stratum 31 : TRA GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0032" "TUR - stratum 32 : TRA VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0033" "TUR - stratum 33 : TRB PRIMARY" "TUR0034" "TUR - stratum 34 : TRB GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0035" "TUR - stratum 35 : TRB VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "TUR0036" "TUR - stratum 36 : TRC PRIMARY" "TUR0037" "TUR - stratum 37 : TRC GENERAL SECONDARY" "TUR0038" "TUR - stratum 38 : TRC VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY" "URY0001" "URY - stratum 01 : Public General Secondary Schools and Military School,Lower secondary only" "URY0002" "URY - stratum 02 : Public General Secondary Schools and Military School,Mixed" "URY0003" "URY - stratum 03 : Public General Secondary Schools and Military School,Upper secondary only" "URY0004" "URY - stratum 04 : Private General Secondary Schools,Lower secondary only" "URY0005" "URY - stratum 05 : Private General Secondary Schools,Mixed" "URY0006" "URY - stratum 06 : Private General Secondary Schools,Upper secondary only" "URY0007" "URY - stratum 07 : Public Technical Secondary Schools,Lower secondary only" "URY0008" "URY - stratum 08 : Public Technical Secondary Schools,Mixed" "URY0009" "URY - stratum 09 : Public Technical Secondary Schools,Upper secondary only" "URY0010" "URY - stratum 10 : Rural Schools with Lower Secondary Degree,Lower secondary only" "USA1001" "USA - stratum 01 : Northeast-Private" "USA1002" "USA - stratum 02 : Northeast-Public" "USA1003" "USA - stratum 03 : Midwest-Private" "USA1004" "USA - stratum 04 : Midwest-Public" "USA1104" "USA - stratum 04 : Midwest-Public" "USA1105" "USA - stratum 05 : South-Private" "USA1106" "USA - stratum 06 : South-Public" "USA1206" "USA - stratum 06 : South-Public" "USA1207" "USA - stratum 07 : West-Private" "USA1208" "USA - stratum 08 : West-Public" "QUA0112" "Florida (USA) - Stratum 12" "QUB0209" "Connecticut (USA) - Stratum 09" "QUC0325" "Massachusetts (USA) - Stratum 25" "QUD0472" "Puerto Rico (USA) - Stratum 72" "VNM0101" "VNM - stratum 01 : North Viet Nam / Public / Urban" "VNM0102" "VNM - stratum 02 : North Viet Nam / Public / Rural" "VNM0103" "VNM - stratum 03 : North Viet Nam / Public / Remote area" "VNM0104" "VNM - stratum 04 : North Viet Nam / Private / Urban" "VNM0105" "VNM - stratum 05 : North Viet Nam / Private / Rural" "VNM0106" "VNM - stratum 06 : North Viet Nam / Private / Remote area" "VNM0207" "VNM - stratum 07 : Central Viet Nam / Public / Urban" "VNM0208" "VNM - stratum 08 : Central Viet Nam / Public / Rural" "VNM0209" "VNM - stratum 09 : Central Viet Nam / Public / Remote area" "VNM0210" "VNM - stratum 10 : Central Viet Nam / Private / Urban" "VNM0211" "VNM - stratum 11 : Central Viet Nam / Private / Rural" "VNM0313" "VNM - stratum 13 : Southern Viet Nam / Public / Urban" "VNM0314" "VNM - stratum 14 : Southern Viet Nam / Public / Rural" "VNM0315" "VNM - stratum 15 : Southern Viet Nam / Public / Remote area" "VNM0316" "VNM - stratum 16 : Southern Viet Nam / Private / Urban" "VNM0317" "VNM - stratum 17 : Southern Viet Nam / Private / Rural" "ALB9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Albania" "ARG9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Argentina" "AUS9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Australia" "AUT9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Austria" "BEL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Belgium" "BRA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Brazil" "BGR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Bulgaria" "CAN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Canada" "CHL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Chile" "QCN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Shanghai-China" "TAP9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Chinese Taipei" "COL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Colombia" "CRI9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Costa Rica" "HRV9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Croatia" "CZE9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Czech Republic" "DNK9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Denmark" "EST9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Estonia" "FIN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Finland" "FRA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - France" "DEU9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Germany" "GRC9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Greece" "HKG9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Hong Kong-China" "HUN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Hungary" "ISL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Iceland" "IDN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Indonesia" "IRL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Ireland" "ISR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Israel" "ITA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Italy" "JPN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Japan" "JOR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Jordan" "KAZ9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Kazakhstan" "KOR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Korea" "LVA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Latvia" "LIE9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Liechtenstein" "LTU9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Lithuania" "LUX9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Luxembourg" "MAC9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Macao-China" "MYS9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Malaysia" "MEX9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Mexico" "MNE9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Montenegro" "NLD9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Netherlands" "NZL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - New Zealand" "NOR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Norway" "QRS9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Perm(Russian Federation)" "PER9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Peru" "POL9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Poland" "PRT9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Portugal" "QAT9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Qatar" "ROU9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Romania" "RUS9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Russian Federation" "SRB9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Serbia" "SGP9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Singapore" "SVK9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Slovak Republic" "SVN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Slovenia" "ESP9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Spain" "SWE9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Sweden" "CHE9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Switzerland" "THA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Thailand" "TUN9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Tunisia" "TUR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Turkey" "GBR9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - United Kingdom" "ARE9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - United Arab Emirates" "USA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - United States of America" "URY9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Uruguay" "VNM9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Viet Nam" "QUA9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Florida (USA)" "QUB9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Connecticut (USA)" "QUC9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Massachusetts (USA)" "QUD9797" "Undisclosed STRATUM - Puerto Rico" /SUBNATIO "0080000" "Albania" "7840000" "UAE - Rest of the country (not adjudicated)" "7840100" "UAE - Abu Dhabi" "7840200" "UAE - Dubai" "0320000" "Argentina - Rest of the country (not adjudicated)" "0320100" "Argentina - CABA" "0360000" "Australia" "0400000" "Austria" "0560000" "Belgium - French & German regions (not adjudicated)" "0560100" "Belgium - Flemish Community" "1000000" "Bulgaria" "0760000" "Brazil" "1240000" "Canada" "7560000" "Switzerland" "1520000" "Chile" "1700000" "Colombia" "1880000" "Costa Rica" "2030000" "Czech Republic" "2760000" "Germany" "2080000" "Denmark" "7240000" "Spain - Rest of the country (not adjudicated)" "7240100" "Spain - Andalusia" "7241600" "Spain - Basque Country" "7240600" "Spain - Cantabria" "7241300" "Spain - Madrid" "7241000" "Spain - Extremadura" "7241100" "Spain - Galicia" "7240400" "Spain - Balearic Islands" "7241200" "Spain - La Rioja" "7240700" "Spain - Castile and Leon" "7241500" "Spain - Navarre" "7240200" "Spain - Aragon" "7240900" "Spain - Catalonia" "7240300" "Spain - Asturias" "7241400" "Spain - Murcia" "2330000" "Estonia" "2460000" "Finland" "2500000" "France" "8260000" "United Kingdom - England, Wales & Northern Ireland" "8262000" "United Kingdom - Scotland" "3000000" "Greece" "3440000" "Hong Kong-China" "1910000" "Croatia" "3480000" "Hungary" "3600000" "Indonesia" "3720000" "Ireland" "3520000" "Iceland" "3760000" "Israel" "3800000" "Italy" "4000000" "Jordan" "3920000" "Japan" "3980000" "Kazakhstan" "4100000" "Korea" "4380000" "Liechtenstein" "4400000" "Lithuania" "4420000" "Luxembourg" "4280000" "Latvia" "4460000" "Macao-China" "4840000" "Mexico" "4990000" "Montenegro" "4580000" "Malaysia" "5280000" "Netherlands" "5780000" "Norway" "5540000" "New Zealand" "6040000" "Peru" "6160000" "Poland" "6200000" "Portugal" "6340000" "Qatar" "1560000" "Shanghai-China" "6430059" "Russia - Perm Region" "6420000" "Romania" "6430000" "Russian Federation" "7020000" "Singapore" "6880000" "Serbia" "7030000" "Slovak Republic" "7050000" "Slovenia" "7520000" "Sweden" "1580000" "Chinese Taipei" "7640000" "Thailand" "7880000" "Tunisia" "7920000" "Turkey" "8580000" "Uruguay" "8400000" "United States of America" "8400100" "United States - Florida" "8400200" "United States - Connecticut" "8400300" "United States - Massachusetts" "7040000" "Viet Nam" / NC PA24N0101 to PA24N0113 PA24N0201 to PA24N0213 PQCOB_F PQCOB_M PQCOB_MGM PQCOB_MGF PQCOB_PGM PQCOB_PGF "000400" "Afghanistan" "000800" "Albania" "001200" "Algeria" "001600" "American Samoa " "002000" "Andorra" "002400" "Angola " "002800" "Antigua and Barbuda" "002900" "Caribbean" "003100" "Azerbaijan " "003200" "Argentina" "003600" "Australia" "004000" "Austria" "004400" "Bahamas" "004800" "Bahrain" "005000" "Bangladesh " "005100" "Armenia" "005200" "Barbados " "005600" "Belgium" "005601" "Belgium (Flanders) " "005602" "Belgium (French community) " "005603" "Belgium (German community) " "006000" "Bermuda" "006400" "Bhutan " "006800" "Bolivia (Plurinational State of) " "007000" "Bosnia and Herzegovina " "007200" "Botswana " "007600" "Brazil " "008400" "Belize " "009200" "British Virgin Islands " "009600" "Brunei Darussalam" "010000" "Bulgaria " "010400" "Myanmar" "010800" "Burundi" "011200" "Belarus" "011600" "Cambodia " "012000" "Cameroon " "012400" "Canada " "013200" "Cape Verde " "013600" "Cayman Islands " "014000" "Central African Republic " "014400" "Sri Lanka" "014800" "Chad " "015200" "Chile" "015600" "China" "015601" "China (Shanghai) " "015604" "China (Beijing)" "015610" "China (incl. Hong Kong)" "015800" "Chinese Taipei " "017000" "Colombia " "017400" "Comoros" "017500" "Mayotte" "017800" "Congo" "018000" "Democratic Republic of the Congo " "018400" "Cook Islands " "018800" "Costa Rica " "019100" "Croatia" "019200" "Cuba " "020300" "Czech Republic " "020400" "Benin" "020800" "Denmark" "021200" "Dominica " "021400" "Dominican Republic " "021800" "Ecuador" "022200" "El Salvador" "022600" "Equatorial Guinea" "023100" "Ethiopia " "023200" "Eritrea" "023300" "Estonia" "023400" "Faeroe Islands " "023800" "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" "024200" "Fiji " "024600" "Finland" "024800" "Åland Islands" "025000" "France " "025400" "French Guiana" "025800" "French Polynesia " "026200" "Djibouti " "026600" "Gabon" "026800" "Georgia" "027000" "Gambia " "027500" "Occupied Palestinian Territory " "027600" "Germany" "028800" "Ghana" "029200" "Gibraltar" "029600" "Kiribati " "030000" "Greece " "030400" "Greenland" "030800" "Grenada" "031200" "Guadeloupe " "031600" "Guam " "032000" "Guatemala" "032400" "Guinea " "032800" "Guyana " "033200" "Haiti" "033600" "Holy See " "034000" "Honduras " "034400" "Hong Kong-China" "034800" "Hungary" "035200" "Iceland" "035600" "India" "035610" "India (2009 States)" "036000" "Indonesia" "036400" "Iran, Islamic Republic of" "036800" "Iraq " "037200" "Ireland" "037600" "Israel " "038000" "Italy" "038001" "Provincia Autonoma of Bolzano (ITA)" "038002" "Provincia Basilicata (ITA) " "038003" "Provincia Campania (ITA) " "038004" "Provincia Emilia Romagna (ITA) " "038005" "Provincia Friuli Venezia Giulia (ITA)" "038006" "Provincia Liguria (ITA)" "038007" "Provincia Lombardia (ITA)" "038008" "Provincia Piemonte (ITA) " "038009" "Provincia Puglia (ITA) " "038010" "Provincia Sardegna (ITA) " "038011" "Provincia Sicilia (ITA)" "038012" "Provincia Trento (ITA) " "038013" "Provincia Veneto (ITA) " "038014" "The rest of Italy (ITA)" "038400" "Côte d'Ivoire" "038800" "Jamaica" "039200" "Japan" "039800" "Kazakhstan " "040000" "Jordan " "040400" "Kenya" "040800" "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" "041000" "Republic of Korea" "041400" "Kuwait " "041700" "Kyrgyzstan " "041800" "Lao People's Democratic Republic " "042200" "Lebanon" "042600" "Lesotho" "042800" "Latvia " "043000" "Liberia" "043400" "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya " "043800" "Liechtenstein" "044000" "Lithuania" "044200" "Luxembourg " "044600" "Macao-China" "045000" "Madagascar " "045400" "Malawi " "045800" "Malaysia " "046200" "Maldives " "046600" "Mali " "047000" "Malta" "047400" "Martinique " "047800" "Mauritania " "048000" "Mauritius" "048400" "Mexico " "049200" "Monaco " "049600" "Mongolia " "049800" "Republic of Moldova" "049900" "Montenegro " "050000" "Montserrat " "050400" "Morocco" "050800" "Mozambique " "051200" "Oman " "051600" "Namibia" "052000" "Nauru" "052400" "Nepal" "052800" "Netherlands" "053000" "Netherlands Antilles " "053300" "Aruba" "054000" "New Caledonia" "054800" "Vanuatu" "055400" "New Zealand" "055800" "Nicaragua" "056200" "Niger" "056600" "Nigeria" "057000" "Niue " "057400" "Norfolk Island " "057800" "Norway " "058000" "Northern Mariana Islands " "058300" "Micronesia, Federated States of" "058400" "Marshall Islands " "058500" "Palau" "058600" "Pakistan " "059100" "Panama " "059800" "Papua New Guinea " "060000" "Paraguay " "060400" "Peru " "060800" "Philippines" "061200" "Pitcairn " "061600" "Poland " "062000" "Portugal " "062400" "Guinea-Bissau" "062600" "Timor-Leste" "063000" "Puerto Rico" "063400" "Qatar" "063800" "Réunion" "064200" "Romania" "064300" "Russian Federation " "064600" "Rwanda " "065200" "Saint-Barthélemy " "065400" "Saint Helena " "065900" "Saint Kitts and Nevis" "066000" "Anguilla " "066200" "Saint Lucia" "066300" "Saint-Martin (French part) " "066600" "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" "067000" "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines " "067400" "San Marino " "067800" "Sao Tome and Principe" "068200" "Saudi Arabia " "068600" "Senegal" "068800" "Serbia " "069000" "Seychelles " "069400" "Sierra Leone " "070200" "Singapore" "070300" "Slovak Republic" "070400" "Viet Nam " "070500" "Slovenia " "070600" "Somalia" "071000" "South Africa " "071600" "Zimbabwe " "072400" "Spain" "072401" "Andalusia (ESP)" "072402" "Aragon (ESP) " "072403" "Asturias (ESP) " "072404" "Balearic Islands (ESP) " "072405" "Canary Islands (ESP) " "072406" "Cantabria (ESP)" "072407" "Castile-La Mancha (ESP)" "072408" "Castile and Leon (ESP) " "072409" "Catalonia (ESP)" "072410" "Extremadura (ESP)" "072411" "Galicia (ESP)" "072412" "La Rioja (ESP) " "072413" "Madrid (ESP) " "072414" "Murcia (ESP) " "072415" "Navarre (ESP)" "072416" "Basque Country (ESP) " "072417" "Valencian Community (ESP)" "072418" "Ceuta and Melilla (ESP)" "072419" "The rest of Spain (ESP)" "073200" "Western Sahara " "073600" "Sudan" "074000" "Suriname " "074400" "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands " "074800" "Swaziland" "075200" "Sweden " "075600" "Switzerland" "075601" "Switzerland (German-speaking community)" "075602" "Switzerland (French-speaking community)" "075603" "Switzerland (Italian-speaking community) " "076000" "Syrian Arab Republic " "076200" "Tajikistan " "076400" "Thailand " "076800" "Togo " "077200" "Tokelau" "077600" "Tonga" "078000" "Trinidad and Tobago" "078400" "United Arab Emirates " "078410" "United Arab Emirates (Dubai) " "078411" "Another Arabic country (ARE)" "078420" "United Arab Emirates (ex.Dubai)" "078800" "Tunisia" "079200" "Turkey " "079500" "Turkmenistan " "079600" "Turks and Caicos Islands " "079800" "Tuvalu " "080000" "Uganda " "080400" "Ukraine" "080700" "FYR Macedonia" "081800" "Egypt" "082600" "United Kingdom " "082610" "United Kingdom (excl.Scotland) " "082611" "United Kingdom (England) " "082612" "United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)" "082613" "United Kingdom (Wales) " "082620" "United Kingdom (Scotland)" "082640" "United Kingdom (Great Britain) " "083000" "Channel Islands" "083100" "Guernsey " "083200" "Jersey " "083300" "Isle of Man" "083400" "United Republic of Tanzania" "084000" "United States of America " "085000" "United States Virgin Islands " "085400" "Burkina Faso " "085800" "Uruguay" "086000" "Uzbekistan " "086200" "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) " "087600" "Wallis and Futuna Islands" "088200" "Samoa" "088700" "Yemen" "089400" "Zambia " "009000" "Solomon Islands" "100200" "Africa " "100201" "African country with Portuguese as the official language " "100202" "A Sub-Saharan country (Africa excl. Maghreb) " "100204" "North African country (Maghreb)" "114500" "Middle Eastern country " "115000" "A European country " "115001" "Other Western European country (BEL) " "115009" "Another country within the European Union (MLT)" "115002" "Another country within the European Union (ITA)" "115003" "Other European Union Country (LUX) " "115004" "A country from European Union (PRT)" "115005" "A European country that is not a member of the European Union" "115007" "Other European country (NLD) " "115008" "Other European country (QSC) " "115100" "An Eastern European country" "115106" "An Eastern European country outside the EU " "181000" "One of the former USSR republics " "181001" "In another former USSR republic (RUS)" "181002" "In another former USSR republic (EST)" "189000" "One of the former Yugoslav republics " "189001" "One of the other former Yugoslav republics (HRV) " "189002" "One of the other former Yugoslav republics (SRB) " "189003" "Serbia and Montenegro" "900800" "Another country (ALB)" "903100" "Another country (AZE)" "903200" "Another country (ARG)" "903600" "Another country (AUS)" "904000" "Another country (AUT)" "905600" "Another country (BEL)" "907600" "Another country (BRA)" "910000" "Another country (BGR)" "912400" "Another country (CAN)" "915200" "Another country (CHL)" "915601" "Another country (QCN ) " "915604" "Another country (QCH ) " "915800" "Another country (TAP)" "917000" "Another country (COL)" "919100" "Another country (HRV)" "920300" "Another country (CZE)" "920800" "Another country (DNK)" "921400" "Another country (DOM)" "923300" "Another country (EST)" "924600" "Another country (FIN)" "925000" "Another country (FRA)" "927600" "Another country (DEU)" "930000" "Another country (GRC)" "934400" "Another country (HKG)" "934800" "Another country (HUN)" "935200" "Another country (ISL)" "936000" "Another country (IDN)" "937200" "Another country (IRL)" "937600" "Another country (ISR)" "938000" "Another country (ITA)" "939200" "Another country (JPN)" "939800" "Another country (KAZ)" "940000" "Another country (JOR)" "941000" "Another country (KOR)" "941700" "Another country (KGZ)" "942800" "Another country (LVA)" "943800" "Another country (LIE)" "944000" "Another country (LTU)" "944200" "Another country (LUX)" "944600" "Another country (MAC)" "948400" "Another country (MEX)" "949800" "Another country (MDA)" "949900" "Another country (MNE)" "952800" "Another country (NLD)" "955400" "Another country (NZL)" "957800" "Another country (NOR)" "959100" "Another country (PAN ) " "960400" "Another country (PER)" "961600" "Another country (POL)" "962000" "Another country (PRT)" "963400" "Another country (QAT)" "964200" "Another country (ROU)" "964300" "Another country (RUS)" "968800" "Another country (SRB)" "970200" "Another country (SGP)" "970300" "Another country (SVK)" "970500" "Another country (SVN)" "972400" "Another country (ESP)" "975200" "Another country (SWE)" "975600" "Another country (CHE)" "976400" "Another country (THA)" "985800" "Another country (URY)" "978000" "Another country (TTO)" "978410" "Another country (QAR)" "978800" "Another country (TUN)" "979200" "Another country (TUR)" "980700" "Another country (MKD)" "982600" "Another country (GBR)" "982610" "Another country (QUK)" "982620" "Another country (QSC)" "984000" "Another country (USA)" "918800" "Another country (CRI)" "926800" "Another country (GEO)" "935610" "Another country (QIN)" "945800" "Another country (MYS)" "947000" "Another country (MLT)" "948000" "Another country (MUS)" "978420" "Another country (QRE)" "015602" "Another province in mainland China (QCN) " "015605" "Another province in mainland China (QCH) " "015603" "Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan " "119001" "Another American country [URY] " "178411" "Another Arabic country (QAR) " "100501" "South, Latin and Central America " "078421" "Abu Dhabi (QRE)" "078422" "Al Ain (QRE) " "078423" "Western Region (QRE) " "078424" "Sharjah (QRE)" "078425" "Ajman (QRE)" "078426" "Umm Al Quain (QRE) " "078427" "Fujaurah (QRE) " "078428" "Ras Al Khaimah (QRE) " "086201" "Venezuela (Miranda)" "986201" "Another country (QVE ) " "086220" "Venezuela (ex. Miranda)" "181003" "In another former USSR republic (GEO)" "099000" "ZedlandA " "099100" "ZedlandB " "099200" "ZedlandC " "099300" "ZedlandD " "099400" "ZedlandE " "099500" "ZedlandF " "099600" "ZedlandG " "099700" "ZedlandH " "099800" "ZedlandJ " "099900" "ZedlandK " "999000" "Another country (ZZA)" "999100" "Another country (ZZB)" "999200" "Another country (ZZC)" "999300" "Another country (ZZD)" "999400" "Another country (ZZE)" "999500" "Another country (ZZF)" "999600" "Another country (ZZG)" "999700" "Another country (ZZH)" "999800" "Another country (ZZJ)" "999900" "Another country (ZZK)" "978400" "Another Country (ARE)" "919600" "Another Country (CYP)" "970400" "Another Country (VNM)" "181004" "In another former USSR republic (KAZ)" "115006" "Other European country (ITA) " "178401" "Another State of the Gulf Cooperation Council (ARE)" "189004" "Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo" "089005" "Kosovo " "064301" "Perm (Russian Federation)" "064302" "Another region of the Russian Federation " "000000" "Not selected" "777777" "N/A" "888888" "Invalid" "999997" "N/A" "999998" "Invalid" "999999" "Missing" /PQLANGNF PQLANGNM "104" "Mauritian French Creole" "367" "Afar " "124" "Achinese " "346" "Acoli" "491" "Adangme" "150" "Afrikaans" "285" "Akan " "140" "Albanian " "147" "Amharic" "500" "Arabic " "617" "Arabic dialect (TUN) " "117" "Aragonese Spanish" "547" "Armenian " "462" "Arawak " "335" "Assamese " "463" "Australian languages " "468" "Awadhi " "527" "Aymara " "369" "Azerbaijani" "289" "Banda" "163" "Baluchi" "177" "Bambara" "310" "Balinese " "451" "Basque " "533" "Basa " "448" "Beja " "428" "Belarusian " "394" "Bemba" "162" "Bengali" "297" "Berber (Other) " "283" "Bhojpuri " "127" "Bihari " "246" "Bikol" "245" "Bislama" "103" "Siksika" "192" "Bosnian" "136" "Braj " "446" "Breton " "282" "Batak" "457" "Bugis" "351" "Bulgarian" "173" "Burmese" "450" "Caddo" "445" "Carib" "160" "Catalan" "186" "Cebuano" "429" "Chamorro " "316" "Chinese" "603" "Shanghai dialect " "625" "Cantonese" "641" "Mandarin " "221" "Chuukese " "372" "Choctaw" "485" "Cheyenne " "352" "Coptic " "556" "Cornish" "142" "Corsican " "244" "Czech" "264" "Danish " "484" "Dayak" "251" "Dinka" "341" "Divehi " "417" "Dogri" "377" "Duala" "322" "Dutch" "511" "Dyula" "267" "Dzongkha " "182" "Efik " "321" "Ekajuk " "313" "English" "121" "Estonian " "461" "Ewe" "525" "Ewondo " "161" "Fang " "404" "Faroese" "145" "Fanti" "314" "Fijian " "420" "Finnish" "219" "Fon" "493" "French " "274" "Fula " "452" "Friulian " "159" "Gã " "395" "Gayo " "299" "Gbaya" "130" "Georgian " "148" "German " "648" "Swiss German " "649" "German (LIE) " "171" "Ethiopic " "128" "Gilbertese " "382" "Scottish Gaelic" "434" "Irish" "474" "Galician " "271" "Gondi" "269" "Gorontalo" "356" "Grebo" "449" "Greek" "517" "Guarani" "432" "Gujarati " "199" "Gwich'in " "374" "Haida" "385" "Haitian French Creole" "426" "Hausa" "174" "Hawaiian " "422" "Hebrew " "440" "Herero " "338" "Hiligaynon " "292" "Himachali" "415" "Hindi" "157" "Hittite" "298" "Hmong" "172" "Hiri Motu" "496" "Hungarian" "405" "Hupa " "290" "Iban " "255" "Igbo " "467" "Icelandic" "345" "Ido" "510" "Sichuan Yi " "334" "Ijo" "371" "Iloko" "113" "Indonesian " "222" "Inupiaq" "200" "Italian" "370" "Javanese " "286" "Japanese " "438" "Kabyle " "138" "Kachin " "536" "Greenlandic" "502" "Kamba" "437" "Kannada" "425" "Karen" "470" "Kashmiri " "498" "Kanuri " "233" "Kawi " "275" "Kazakh " "302" "Kazakh " "218" "Khasi" "520" "Khmer" "384" "Khotanese" "291" "Kikuyu " "183" "Kinyarwanda" "363" "Kyrgyz " "277" "Kimbundu " "211" "Konkani" "499" "Kongo" "301" "Korean " "424" "Kusaie " "169" "Kpelle " "198" "Kru" "225" "Kurukh " "508" "Kuanyama " "167" "Kumyk" "105" "Kurdish" "333" "Kutenai" "487" "Ladino " "427" "Lahnda " "469" "Lamba" "414" "Lao" "325" "Latvian" "339" "Limburgish " "212" "Lingala" "375" "Lithuanian " "242" "Mongo'-Nkundu" "349" "Lozi " "507" "Luxembourgish" "328" "Luba'-Lulua" "357" "Luba'-Katanga" "512" "Ganda" "323" "Luiseño" "119" "Lunda" "194" "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) " "396" "Lushai " "492" "Macedonian " "402" "Madurese " "347" "Magahi " "423" "Marshallese" "400" "Maithili " "220" "Makasar" "151" "Malayalam" "330" "Mandingo " "465" "Maori" "522" "Marathi" "387" "Masai" "204" "Malay" "359" "Mandar " "303" "Mende" "526" "Micmac " "207" "Minangkabau" "504" "Malagasy " "409" "Maltese" "397" "Manchu " "543" "Manipuri " "260" "Mohawk " "366" "Moldavian" "202" "Mongolian" "294" "Mooré" "354" "Creek" "189" "Marwari" "528" "Nahuatl" "178" "Neapolitan Italian " "557" "Nauru" "300" "Ndebele (South Africa) " "489" "Ndebele (Zimbabwe) " "378" "Ndonga " "516" "Low German " "553" "Nepali " "392" "Newari " "360" "Nias " "217" "Niuean " "513" "Norwegian (Nynorsk)" "141" "Norwegian (Bokmål) " "238" "Nogai" "523" "Norwegian" "312" "Northern Sotho " "431" "Nubian languages " "348" "Nyanja " "307" "Nyamwezi " "501" "Nyankole " "143" "Nyoro" "318" "Nzima" "368" "Ojibwa " "280" "Oriya" "206" "Oromo" "453" "Osage" "558" "Ossetic" "254" "Pangasinan " "231" "Pahlavi" "407" "Pampanga " "412" "Panjabi" "481" "Papiamento " "293" "Palauan" "106" "Phoenician " "466" "Pali " "273" "Polish " "158" "Ponape " "232" "Portuguese " "340" "Pushto " "650" "Aboriginal dialect (TAP) " "631" "Amazonic language (PER)" "629" "Indigenouslanguage (ARG) " "602" "Minority languages and Bulgarian dialects (BGR)" "654" "Another local Chinese dialect (QCN)" "604" "Swiss Italian" "640" "German dialect (BEL) " "615" "Eastern European languages " "623" "Other European Languages (NLD) " "605" "Other European languages (QSC) " "606" "Western European languages " "621" "Flemish dialect (BEL)" "607" "Regional languages (FRA) " "661" "Hakka dialect (TAP)" "609" "Chinese dialects or languages (HKG)" "642" "Local language in Indonesia" "611" "A dialect (ITA)" "610" "Another official language (ITA)" "624" "Another EU language (ITA)" "613" "Chinese dialects or languages (MAC)" "622" "Serbian of a yekavian variant or Montenegrin " "628" "Indian Languages (MEX) " "627" "Other National dialects or languages (ROU) " "643" "Rusyn (SRB)" "612" "Shanghai dialect " "620" "A dialect (SVK)" "614" "Languages of the former USSR " "639" "Other former Yugoslavian languages (SVN) " "616" "National dialects or languages (THA) " "630" "Taiwanese dialect" "358" "Quechua" "626" "Ulster Scots " "608" "Valencian" "600" "Yugoslavian - Serbian, Croatian, etc " "332" "Rajasthani " "234" "Rapanui" "226" "Rarotongan " "133" "Raeto'-Romance " "381" "Romani " "118" "Romanian " "355" "Rundi" "495" "Russian" "393" "Sandawe" "287" "Sango (Ubangi Creole)" "208" "Salishan languages " "398" "Sasak" "228" "Santali" "317" "Serbian" "195" "Scots" "266" "Croatian " "456" "Selkup " "552" "Shan " "223" "Sidamo " "261" "Sinhalese" "170" "Slovak " "442" "Slovenian" "135" "Southern Sami" "326" "Northern Sami" "540" "Sami " "259" "Lule Sami" "518" "Inari Sami " "272" "Samoan " "342" "Skolt Sami " "430" "Shona" "270" "Sindhi " "149" "Soninke" "560" "Sogdian" "137" "Somali " "521" "Songhai" "268" "Sotho" "156" "Spanish" "408" "Sardinian" "288" "Sranan " "239" "Serer" "380" "Swazi" "296" "Sukuma " "224" "Sundanese" "281" "Susu " "403" "Sumerian " "530" "Swahili" "494" "Swedish" "210" "Syriac " "236" "Tahitian " "154" "Tamil" "401" "Telugu " "433" "Temne" "249" "Terena " "131" "Tetum" "237" "Tajik" "108" "Tagalog" "555" "Thai " "247" "Tibetan" "129" "Tigré" "153" "Tigrinya " "416" "Tiv" "304" "Tokelauan" "311" "Tlingit" "305" "Tamashek " "123" "Tonga (Nyasa)" "383" "Tongan " "235" "Tok Pisin" "180" "Tsimshian" "188" "Tswana " "241" "Tsonga " "175" "Turkmen" "248" "Tumbuka" "344" "Turkish" "601" "Gagauz " "337" "Twi" "324" "Tuvinian " "114" "Ugaritic " "515" "Uighur " "514" "Ukrainian" "559" "Umbundu" "258" "Urdu " "471" "Uzbek" "139" "Vai" "279" "Venda" "329" "Vietnamese " "253" "Votic" "475" "Walamo " "112" "Waray" "122" "Washo" "379" "Welsh" "230" "Walloon" "419" "Wolof" "184" "Xhosa" "193" "Yapese " "350" "Yiddish" "134" "Yoruba " "110" "Zapotec" "532" "Zenaga " "418" "Zhuang " "331" "Zande" "455" "Zulu " "176" "Zuni " "800" "Another language (ARG) " "801" "Another language (AUS) " "802" "Another language (AUT) " "803" "Another language (AZE) " "804" "Another language (BEL) " "805" "Another language (BRA) " "806" "Another language (BGR) " "864" "Another language (QCN) " "854" "Another language (CHE) " "808" "Another language (CHL) " "807" "Another language (CAN) " "810" "Another language (COL) " "812" "Another language (CZE) " "818" "Another language (DEU) " "868" "Another language (DOM) " "813" "Another language (DNK) " "814" "Another language (EST) " "815" "Another language (FIN) " "816" "Another language (FRA) " "829" "Another language (GBR) " "819" "Another language (GRC) " "820" "Another language (HKG) " "821" "Another language (HUN) " "811" "Another language (HRV) " "823" "Another language (IDN) " "824" "Another language (IRL) " "822" "Another language (ISL) " "826" "Another language (ITA) " "827" "Another language (JPN) " "828" "Another language (JOR) " "830" "Another language (KGZ) " "845" "Another language (KOR) " "817" "Another language (KAZ) " "865" "Another language (ALB) " "849" "Another language (LIE) " "833" "Another language (LTU) " "834" "Another language (LUX) " "831" "Another language (LVA) " "835" "Another language (MAC) " "866" "Another language (MKD) " "869" "Another language (MDA) " "836" "Another language (MEX) " "837" "Another language (MNE) " "838" "Another language (NLD) " "840" "Another language (NOR) " "839" "Another language (NZL) " "863" "Another language (PAN) " "841" "Another language (PER) " "842" "Another language (POL) " "843" "Another language (PRT) " "844" "Another language (QAT) " "871" "Another language (QAR) " "846" "Another language (ROU) " "847" "Another language (RUS) " "861" "Another language (SRB) " "848" "Another language (QSC) " "867" "Another language (SGP) " "850" "Another language (SVK) " "851" "Another language (SVN) " "852" "Another language (ESP) " "825" "Another language (ISR) " "853" "Another language (SWE) " "855" "Another language (THA) " "856" "Another language (TUN) " "857" "Another language (TUR) " "862" "Another language (TTO) " "809" "Another language (TAP) " "858" "Another language (QUK) " "860" "Another language (URY) " "859" "Another language (USA) " "832" "Another language (CRI) " "870" "Another language (GEO) " "880" "Another language (QIN) " "872" "Another language (MYS) " "873" "Another language (MLT) " "874" "Another language (MUS) " "875" "Another language (QRE) " "876" "Another language (QVN )" "877" "Another language (ARE )" "879" "Another Language (VNM) " "144" "Filipino " "618" "Another Language (QCH) " "662" "Portugués del Uruguay" "996" "Hybrid - English + Arabic (QAT)" "997" "N/A" "998" "Invalid" "999" "Missing" /OCOD3 OCOD4 OCOD5 "1000" "Managers" "1100" "Chief executives, senior officials and legislators" "1110" "Legislators and senior officials" "1111" "Legislators" "1112" "Senior government officials" "1113" "Traditional chiefs and heads of village" "1114" "Senior officials of special-interest organizations" "1120" "Managing directors and chief executives" "1200" "Administrative and commercial managers" "1210" "Business services and administration managers" "1211" "Finance managers" "1212" "Human resource managers" "1213" "Policy and planning managers" "1219" "Business services and administration managers not elsewhere classified" "1220" "Sales, marketing and development managers" "1221" "Sales and marketing managers" "1222" "Advertising and public relations managers" "1223" "Research and development managers" "1300" "Production and specialised services managers" "1310" "Production managers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries" "1311" "Agricultural and forestry production managers" "1312" "Aquaculture and fisheries production managers" "1320" "Manufacturing, mining, construction, and distribution managers" "1321" "Manufacturing managers" "1322" "Mining managers" "1323" "Construction managers" "1324" "Supply, distribution and related managers" "1330" "Information and communications technology service managers" "1340" "Professional services managers" "1341" "Child care services managers" "1342" "Health services managers" "1343" "Aged care services managers" "1344" "Social welfare managers" "1345" "Education managers" "1346" "Financial and insurance services branch managers" "1349" "Professional services managers not elsewhere classified" "1400" "Hospitality, retail and other services managers" "1410" "Hotel and restaurant managers" "1411" "Hotel managers" "1412" "Restaurant managers" "1420" "Retail and wholesale trade managers" "1430" "Other services managers" "1431" "Sports, recreation and cultural centre managers" "1439" "Services managers not elsewhere classified" "2000" "Professionals" "2100" "Science and engineering professionals" "2110" "Physical and earth science professionals" "2111" "Physicists and astronomers" "2112" "Meteorologists" "2113" "Chemists" "2114" "Geologists and geophysicists" "2120" "Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians" "2130" "Life science professionals" "2131" "Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals" "2132" "Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers" "2133" "Environmental protection professionals" "2140" "Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology)" "2141" "Industrial and production engineers" "2142" "Civil engineers" "2143" "Environmental engineers" "2144" "Mechanical engineers" "2145" "Chemical engineers" "2146" "Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals" "2149" "Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified" "2150" "Electrotechnology engineers" "2151" "Electrical engineers" "2152" "Electronics engineers" "2153" "Telecommunications engineers" "2160" "Architects, planners, surveyors and designers" "2161" "Building architects" "2162" "Landscape architects" "2163" "Product and garment designers" "2164" "Town and traffic planners" "2165" "Cartographers and surveyors" "2166" "Graphic and multimedia designers" "2200" "Health professionals" "2210" "Medical doctors" "2211" "Generalist medical practitioners " "2212" "Specialist medical practitioners " "2220" "Nursing and midwifery professionals" "2221" "Nursing professionals" "2222" "Midwifery professionals" "2230" "Traditional and complementary medicine professionals" "2240" "Paramedical practitioners" "2250" "Veterinarians" "2260" "Other health professionals" "2261" "Dentists" "2262" "Pharmacists" "2263" "Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals" "2264" "Physiotherapists " "2265" "Dieticians and nutritionists" "2266" "Audiologists and speech therapists" "2267" "Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians" "2269" "Health professionals not elsewhere classified" "2300" "Teaching professionals" "2310" "University and higher education teachers" "2320" "Vocational education teachers" "2330" "Secondary education teachers" "2340" "Primary school and early childhood teachers" "2341" "Primary school teachers" "2342" "Early childhood educators" "2350" "Other teaching professionals" "2351" "Education methods specialists" "2352" "Special needs teachers" "2353" "Other language teachers" "2354" "Other music teachers" "2355" "Other arts teachers" "2356" "Information technology trainers" "2359" "Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified" "2400" "Business and administration professionals" "2410" "Finance professionals" "2411" "Accountants" "2412" "Financial and investment advisers" "2413" "Financial analysts" "2420" "Administration professionals" "2421" "Management and organization analysts" "2422" "Policy administration professionals" "2423" "Personnel and careers professionals" "2424" "Training and staff development professionals" "2430" "Sales, marketing and public relations professionals" "2431" "Advertising and marketing professionals" "2432" "Public relations professionals" "2433" "Technical and medical sales professionals (excluding ICT)" "2434" "Information and communications technology sales professionals" "2500" "Information and communications technology professionals" "2510" "Software and applications developers and analysts" "2511" "Systems analysts" "2512" "Software developers" "2513" "Web and multimedia developers" "2514" "Applications programmers" "2519" "Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified" "2520" "Database and network professionals" "2521" "Database designers and administrators" "2522" "Systems administrators" "2523" "Computer network professionals" "2529" "Database and network professionals not elsewhere classified" "2600" "Legal, social and cultural professionals" "2610" "Legal professionals" "2611" "Lawyers" "2612" "Judges" "2619" "Legal professionals not elsewhere classified" "2620" "Librarians, archivists and curators " "2621" "Archivists and curators" "2622" "Librarians and related information professionals" "2630" "Social and religious professionals" "2631" "Economists" "2632" "Sociologists, anthropologists and related professionals" "2633" "Philosophers, historians and political scientists" "2634" "Psychologists" "2635" "Social work and counselling professionals" "2636" "Religious professionals" "2640" "Authors, journalists and linguists" "2641" "Authors and related writers" "2642" "Journalists" "2643" "Translators, interpreters and other linguists" "2650" "Creative and performing artists" "2651" "Visual artists" "2652" "Musicians, singers and composers" "2653" "Dancers and choreographers" "2654" "Film, stage and related directors and producers" "2655" "Actors" "2656" "Announcers on radio, television and other media" "2659" "Creative and performing artists not elsewhere classified" "3000" "Technicians and associate professionals" "3100" "Science and engineering associate professionals" "3110" "Physical and engineering science technicians" "3111" "Chemical and physical science technicians" "3112" "Civil engineering technicians" "3113" "Electrical engineering technicians" "3114" "Electronics engineering technicians" "3115" "Mechanical engineering technicians" "3116" "Chemical engineering technicians" "3117" "Mining and metallurgical technicians" "3118" "Draughtspersons" "3119" "Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classified" "3120" "Mining, manufacturing and construction supervisors" "3121" "Mining supervisors" "3122" "Manufacturing supervisors" "3123" "Construction supervisors" "3130" "Process control technicians" "3131" "Power production plant operators" "3132" "Incinerator and water treatment plant operators" "3133" "Chemical processing plant controllers" "3134" "Petroleum and natural gas refining plant operators" "3135" "Metal production process controllers" "3139" "Process control technicians not elsewhere classified" "3140" "Life science technicians and related associate professionals" "3141" "Life science technicians (excluding medical)" "3142" "Agricultural technicians" "3143" "Forestry technicians" "3150" "Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians" "3151" "Ships engineers" "3152" "Ships deck officers and pilots" "3153" "Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals" "3154" "Air traffic controllers" "3155" "Air traffic safety electronics technicians" "3200" "Health associate professionals" "3210" "Medical and pharmaceutical technicians" "3211" "Medical imaging and therapeutic equipment technicians" "3212" "Medical and pathology Labouratory technicians " "3213" "Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants" "3214" "Medical and dental prosthetic technicians" "3220" "Nursing and midwifery associate professionals" "3221" "Nursing associate professionals" "3222" "Midwifery associate professionals" "3230" "Traditional and complementary medicine associate professionals" "3240" "Veterinary technicians and assistants" "3250" "Other health associate professionals" "3251" "Dental assistants and therapists" "3252" "Medical records and health information technicians" "3253" "Community health workers" "3254" "Dispensing opticians" "3255" "Physiotherapy technicians and assistants" "3256" "Medical assistants" "3257" "Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates" "3258" "Ambulance workers" "3259" "Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified" "3300" "Business and administration associate professionals" "3310" "Financial and mathematical associate professionals" "3311" "Securities and finance dealers and brokers" "3312" "Credit and loans officers" "3313" "Accounting associate professionals" "3314" "Statistical, mathematical and related associate professionals" "3315" "Valuers and loss assessors" "3320" "Sales and purchasing agents and brokers" "3321" "Insurance representatives" "3322" "Commercial sales representatives" "3323" "Buyers" "3324" "Trade brokers" "3330" "Business services agents" "3331" "Clearing and forwarding agents" "3332" "Conference and event planners" "3333" "Employment agents and contractors" "3334" "Real estate agents and property managers" "3339" "Business services agents not elsewhere classified" "3340" "Administrative and specialised secretaries" "3341" "Office supervisors" "3342" "Legal secretaries" "3343" "Administrative and executive secretaries" "3344" "Medical secretaries" "3350" "Regulatory government associate professionals" "3351" "Customs and border inspectors" "3352" "Government tax and excise officials" "3353" "Government social benefits officials" "3354" "Government licensing officials" "3355" "Police inspectors and detectives" "3359" "Regulatory government associate professionals not elsewhere classified" "3400" "Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals" "3410" "Legal, social and religious associate professionals" "3411" "Police inspectors and detectives" "3412" "Social work associate professionals" "3413" "Religious associate professionals" "3420" "Sports and fitness workers" "3421" "Athletes and sports players" "3422" "Sports coaches, instructors and officials" "3423" "Fitness and recreation instructors and program leaders" "3430" "Artistic, cultural and culinary associate professionals" "3431" "Photographers" "3432" "Interior designers and decorators" "3433" "Gallery, museum and library technicians" "3434" "Chefs" "3435" "Other artistic and cultural associate professionals" "3500" "Information and communications technicians" "3510" "Information and communications technology operations and user support technicians" "3511" "Information and communications technology operations technicians" "3512" "Information and communications technology user support technicians" "3513" "Computer network and systems technicians" "3514" "Web technicians" "3520" "Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians" "3521" "Broadcasting and audio-visual technicians" "3522" "Telecommunications engineering technicians" "4000" "Clerical support workers" "4100" "General and keyboard clerks" "4110" "General office clerks" "4120" "Secretaries (general)" "4130" "Keyboard operators" "4131" "Typists and word processing operators" "4132" "Data entry clerks" "4200" "Customer services clerks" "4210" "Tellers, money collectors and related clerks" "4211" "Bank tellers and related clerks" "4212" "Bookmakers, croupiers and related gaming workers" "4213" "Pawnbrokers and money-lenders" "4214" "Debt-collectors and related workers" "4220" "Client information workers" "4221" "Travel consultants and clerks" "4222" "Contact centre information clerks" "4223" "Telephone switchboard operators" "4224" "Hotel receptionists" "4225" "Enquiry clerks" "4226" "Receptionists (general)" "4227" "Survey and market research interviewers" "4229" "Client information workers not elsewhere classified" "4300" "Numerical and material recording clerks" "4310" "Numerical clerks" "4311" "Accounting and bookkeeping clerks" "4312" "Statistical, finance and insurance clerks" "4313" "Payroll clerks" "4320" "Material-recording and transport clerks" "4321" "Stock clerks" "4322" "Production clerks" "4323" "Transport clerks" "4400" "Other clerical support workers" "4410" "Other clerical support workers" "4411" "Library clerks" "4412" "Mail carriers and sorting clerks" "4413" "Coding, proof-reading and related clerks" "4414" "Scribes and related workers" "4415" "Filing and copying clerks" "4416" "Personnel clerks" "4419" "Clerical support workers not elsewhere classified" "5000" "Service and sales workers" "5100" "Personal service workers" "5110" "Travel attendants, conductors and guides" "5111" "Travel attendants and travel stewards" "5112" "Transport conductors" "5113" "Travel guides" "5120" "Cooks" "5130" "Waiters and bartenders" "5131" "Waiters" "5132" "Bartenders" "5140" "Hairdressers, beauticians and related workers" "5141" "Hairdressers" "5142" "Beauticians and related workers" "5150" "Building and housekeeping supervisors" "5151" "Cleaning and housekeeping supervisors in offices, hotels and other establishments" "5152" "Domestic housekeepers" "5153" "Building caretakers" "5160" "Other personal services workers" "5161" "Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers" "5162" "Companions and valets" "5163" "Undertakers and embalmers" "5164" "Pet groomers and animal care workers" "5165" "Driving instructors" "5169" "Personal services workers not elsewhere classified" "5200" "Sales workers" "5210" "Street and market salespersons" "5211" "Stall and market salespersons" "5212" "Street food salespersons" "5220" "Shop salespersons " "5221" "Shop keepers" "5222" "Shop supervisors" "5223" "Shop sales assistants" "5230" "Cashiers and ticket clerks" "5240" "Other sales workers" "5241" "Fashion and other models" "5242" "Sales demonstrators" "5243" "Door to door salespersons" "5244" "Contact centre salespersons" "5245" "Service station attendants" "5246" "Food service counter attendants" "5249" "Sales workers not elsewhere classified" "5300" "Personal care workers" "5310" "Child care workers and teachers aides" "5311" "Child care workers" "5312" "Teachers aides" "5320" "Personal care workers in health services" "5321" "Health care assistants" "5322" "Home-based personal care workers" "5329" "Personal care workers in health services not elsewhere classified" "5400" "Protective services workers" "5410" "Protective services workers" "5411" "Fire-fighters" "5412" "Police officers" "5413" "Prison guards" "5414" "Security guards" "5419" "Protective services workers not elsewhere classified" "6000" "Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers" "6100" "Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers" "6110" "Market gardeners and crop growers" "6111" "Field crop and vegetable growers" "6112" "Tree and shrub crop growers" "6113" "Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers" "6114" "Mixed crop growers" "6120" "Animal producers" "6121" "Livestock and dairy producers" "6122" "Poultry producers" "6123" "Apiarists and sericulturists" "6129" "Animal producers not elsewhere classified" "6130" "Mixed crop and animal producers" "6200" "Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers" "6210" "Forestry and related workers" "6220" "Fishery workers, hunters and trappers" "6221" "Aquaculture workers" "6222" "Inland and coastal waters fishery workers" "6223" "Deep-sea fishery workers" "6224" "Hunters and trappers" "6300" "Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers" "6310" "Subsistence crop farmers" "6320" "Subsistence livestock farmers" "6330" "Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers" "6340" "Subsistence fishers, hunters, trappers and gatherers" "7000" "Craft and related trades workers" "7100" "Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians" "7110" "Building frame and related trades workers" "7111" "House builders" "7112" "Bricklayers and related workers" "7113" "Stonemasons, stone cutters, splitters and carvers" "7114" "Concrete placers, concrete finishers and related workers" "7115" "Carpenters and joiners" "7119" "Building frame and related trades workers not elsewhere classified" "7120" "Building finishers and related trades workers" "7121" "Roofers" "7122" "Floor layers and tile setters" "7123" "Plasterers" "7124" "Insulation workers" "7125" "Glaziers" "7126" "Plumbers and pipe fitters" "7127" "Air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics" "7130" "Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades workers" "7131" "Painters and related workers" "7132" "Spray painters and varnishers" "7133" "Building structure cleaners" "7200" "Metal, machinery and related trades workers" "7210" "Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders, and related workers" "7211" "Metal moulders and coremakers" "7212" "Welders and flamecutters" "7213" "Sheet-metal workers" "7214" "Structural-metal preparers and erectors" "7215" "Riggers and cable splicers" "7220" "Blacksmiths, toolmakers and related trades workers" "7221" "Blacksmiths, hammersmiths and forging press workers" "7222" "Toolmakers and related workers" "7223" "Metal working machine tool setters and operators" "7224" "Metal polishers, wheel grinders and tool sharpeners" "7230" "Machinery mechanics and repairers" "7231" "Motor vehicle mechanics and repairers" "7232" "Aircraft engine mechanics and repairers" "7233" "Agricultural and industrial machinery mechanics and repairers" "7234" "Bicycle and related repairers" "7300" "Handicraft and printing workers" "7310" "Handicraft workers" "7311" "Precision-instrument makers and repairers" "7312" "Musical instrument makers and tuners" "7313" "Jewellery and precious-metal workers" "7314" "Potters and related workers" "7315" "Glass makers, cutters, grinders and finishers" "7316" "Sign writers, decorative painters, engravers and etchers" "7317" "Handicraft workers in wood, basketry and related materials" "7318" "Handicraft workers in textile, leather and related materials" "7319" "Handicraft workers not elsewhere classified" "7320" "Printing trades workers" "7321" "Pre-press technicians" "7322" "Printers " "7323" "Print finishing and binding workers" "7400" "Electrical and electronic trades workers" "7410" "Electrical equipment installers and repairers" "7411" "Building and related electricians" "7412" "Electrical mechanics and fitters" "7413" "Electrical line installers and repairers " "7420" "Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers" "7421" "Electronics mechanics and servicers" "7422" "Information and communications technology installers and servicers" "7500" "Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers" "7510" "Food processing and related trades workers" "7511" "Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers" "7512" "Bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionery makers" "7513" "Dairy-products makers" "7514" "Fruit, vegetable and related preservers" "7515" "Food and beverage tasters and graders" "7516" "Tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers" "7520" "Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers" "7521" "Wood treaters" "7522" "Cabinet-makers and related workers" "7523" "Woodworking-machine tool setters and operators" "7530" "Garment and related trades workers" "7531" "Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and hatters" "7532" "Garment and related pattern-makers and cutters" "7533" "Sewing, embroidery and related workers" "7534" "Upholsterers and related workers" "7535" "Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers" "7536" "Shoemakers and related workers" "7540" "Other craft and related workers" "7541" "Underwater divers" "7542" "Shotfirers and blasters" "7543" "Product graders and testers (excluding foods and beverages)" "7544" "Fumigators and other pest and weed controllers" "7549" "Craft and related workers not elsewhere classified" "8000" "Plant and machine operators, and assemblers" "8100" "Stationary plant and machine operators" "8110" "Mining and mineral processing plant operators" "8111" "Miners and quarriers" "8112" "Mineral and stone processing plant operators" "8113" "Well drillers and borers and related workers" "8114" "Cement, stone and other mineral products machine operators" "8120" "Metal processing and finishing plant operators" "8121" "Metal processing plant operators" "8122" "Metal finishing, plating and coating machine operators" "8130" "Chemical and photographic products plant and machine operators" "8131" "Chemical products plant and machine operators" "8132" "Photographic products machine operators" "8140" "Rubber, plastic and paper products machine operators" "8141" "Rubber products machine operators" "8142" "Plastic products machine operators" "8143" "Paper products machine operators" "8150" "Textile, fur and leather products machine operators" "8151" "Fibre preparing, spinning and winding machine operators" "8152" "Weaving and knitting machine operators" "8153" "Sewing machine operators" "8154" "Bleaching, dyeing and fabric cleaning machine operators" "8155" "Fur and leather preparing machine operators" "8156" "Shoemaking and related machine operators" "8157" "Laundry machine operators" "8159" "Textile, fur and leather products machine operators not elsewhere classified" "8160" "Food and related products machine operators" "8170" "Wood processing and papermaking plant operators" "8171" "Pulp and papermaking plant operators" "8172" "Wood processing plant operators" "8180" "Other stationary plant and machine operators" "8181" "Glass and ceramics plant operators" "8182" "Steam engine and boiler operators" "8183" "Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators" "8189" "Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classified" "8200" "Assemblers" "8210" "Assemblers" "8211" "Mechanical machinery assemblers" "8212" "Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers" "8219" "Assemblers not elsewhere classified" "8300" "Drivers and mobile plant operators" "8310" "Locomotive engine drivers and related workers" "8311" "Locomotive engine drivers" "8312" "Railway brake, signal and switch operators" "8320" "Car, van and motorcycle drivers" "8321" "Motorcycle drivers" "8322" "Car, taxi and van drivers" "8330" "Heavy truck and bus drivers" "8331" "Bus and tram drivers" "8332" "Heavy truck and lorry drivers" "8340" "Mobile plant operators" "8341" "Mobile farm and forestry plant operators" "8342" "Earthmoving and related plant operators" "8343" "Crane, hoist and related plant operators" "8344" "Lifting truck operators" "8350" "Ships deck crews and related workers" "9000" "Elementary occupations" "9100" "Cleaners and helpers" "9110" "Domestic, hotel and office cleaners and helpers" "9111" "Domestic cleaners and helpers" "9112" "Cleaners and helpers in offices, hotels and other establishments" "9120" "Vehicle, window, laundry and other hand cleaning workers" "9121" "Hand launderers and pressers" "9122" "Vehicle cleaners" "9123" "Window cleaners" "9129" "Other cleaning workers" "9200" "Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers" "9210" "Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers" "9211" "Crop farm labourers" "9212" "Livestock farm labourers" "9213" "Mixed crop and livestock farm labourers" "9214" "Garden and horticultural labourers" "9215" "Forestry labourers" "9216" "Fishery and aquaculture labourers" "9300" "Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport" "9310" "Mining and construction labourers" "9311" "Mining and quarrying labourers" "9312" "Civil engineering labourers" "9313" "Building construction labourers" "9320" "Manufacturing labourers" "9321" "Hand packers" "9329" "Manufacturing labourers not elsewhere classified" "9330" "Transport and storage labourers" "9331" "Hand and pedal vehicle drivers" "9332" "Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery" "9333" "Freight handlers" "9334" "Shelf fillers" "9400" "Food preparation assistants" "9410" "Food preparation assistants" "9411" "Fast food preparers" "9412" "Kitchen helpers" "9500" "Street and related sales and service workers" "9510" "Street and related service workers" "9520" "Street vendors (excluding food)" "9600" "Refuse workers and other elementary workers" "9610" "Refuse workers" "9611" "Garbage and recycling collectors" "9612" "Refuse sorters" "9613" "Sweepers and related labourers" "9620" "Other elementary workers" "9621" "Messengers, package deliverers and luggage porters" "9622" "Odd job persons" "9623" "Meter readers and vending-machine collectors" "9624" "Water and firewood collectors" "9629" "Elementary workers not elsewhere classified" "0000" "Armed forces occupations" "0100" "Commissioned armed forces officers" "0110" "Commissioned armed forces officers" "0200" "Non-commissioned armed forces officers" "0210" "Non-commissioned armed forces officers" "0300" "Armed forces occupations, other ranks" "0310" "Armed forces occupations, other ranks" "9701" "Housewife" "9702" "Student" "9703" "Social beneficiary (unemployed, retired, sickness, etc.)" "9704" "Do not know" "9705" "Vague(a good job, a quiet job, a well paid job, an office job)" "9997" "N/A" "9999" "Missing" "9998" "Invalid" /OECD 0 "Non-OECD" 1 "OECD" /PA22Q01 PA23Q01 "9997" "N/A" "9998" "Invalid" "9999" "Missing" /senwgt_PaQ 9997 "N/A" 9998 "Invalid" 9999 "Missing" /PA01Q01 PA01Q02 PA01Q03 1 "Tick" 2 "No tick" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" /PA02Q01 PA02Q02 1 "Younger than 36 years" 2 "36 – 40 years" 3 "41 – 45 years" 4 "46 – 50 years" 5 "51 years or older" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA03Q01 PA03Q02 PA03Q03 PA03Q04 PA05Q01 PA05Q02 PA05Q03 PA05Q04 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA07Q01 1 "Less than <$A>" 2 "<$A> or more but less than <$B>" 3 "<$B> or more but less than <$C>" 4 "<$C> or more but less than <$D>" 5 "<$D> or more but less than <$E>" 6 "<$E> or more" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA08Q01 1 "Nothing" 2 "" 3 "<$W or more but less than $X>" 4 "<$X or more but less than $Y>" 5 "<$Y or more but less than $Z>" 6 "<$Z> or more" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA09Q01 PA09Q02 PA09Q03 PA09Q04 PA09Q05 PA09Q06 PA09Q07 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA10Q01 PA10Q02 PA10Q03 PA10Q04 PA10Q05 PA10Q06 PA10Q07 PA10Q08 PA10Q09 PA10Q10 PA10Q11 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA11Q01 1 "Two or more" 2 "One other" 3 "No others" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA12Q01 PA12Q02 PA12Q03 PA12Q04 PA12Q05 PA12Q06 PA12Q07 PA12Q08 PA12Q09 PA12Q10 PA12Q11 1 "Not important" 2 "Somewhat important" 3 "Important" 4 "Very important" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA13Q01 PA13Q02 PA13Q03 PA13Q04 PA13Q05 PA13Q06 PA13Q07 1 "Never or hardly ever" 2 "Once or twice a year" 3 "Once or twice a month" 4 "Once or twice a week" 5 "Every day or almost every day" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA14Q01 PA14Q02 PA14Q03 PA14Q04 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA15Q01 PA15Q02 PA15Q03 PA15Q04 PA15Q05 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA18Q01 PA18Q02 PA18Q03 1 "No, Never" 2 "Yes, Once" 3 "Yes, Twice or More" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA19Q01 PA19Q02 PA19Q03 PA19Q04 PA19Q05 PA19Q06 1 "Tick" 2 "No tick" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" /PA21Q01 PA21Q02 PA21Q03 PA21Q04 PA21Q05 PA21Q06 1 "Country of test" 2 "Other country" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PA22Q01 PA23Q01 "9997" "N/A" "9998" "Invalid" "9999" "Missing" /PA25Q01 PA25Q02 1 "Language of test" 2 "Other language" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PARINVOL PARSUPP PQMIMP PQMCAR PQSCHOOL 9997 "N/A" 9998 "Invalid" 9999 "Missing" /PQBFMJ PQBMMJ PQOCCASP PQHISEI 97 "N/A" 98 "Invalid" 99 "Missing" /PQCITIZF PQCITIZM 1 "Country of the test only" 2 "Country of the test and other country(s)" 3 "Other country(s)" 9 "Missing" /PQEDASP 1 "ISCED 2" 2 "ISCED 3B, C" 3 "ISCED 3A" 4 "ISCED 4" 5 "ISCED 5B" 6 "ISCED 5A, 6" 9 "Missing" /PQFISCED PQHISCED PQMISCED 0 "None" 1 "ISCED 3A" 2 "ISCED 4" 3 "ISCED 5B" 4 "ISCED 5A, 6" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" /PQIMMIGF PQIMMIGM 1 "Native" 2 "Second-Generation" 3 "First-Generation" 7 "N/A" 8 "Invalid" 9 "Missing" . Missing values OECD (9,8,7). Missing values NC ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA01Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA01Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA01Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA02Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA02Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA03Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA03Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA03Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA03Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA05Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA05Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA05Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA05Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA07Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA08Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q06 (9,8,7). Missing values PA09Q07 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q06 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q07 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q08 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q09 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q10 (9,8,7). Missing values PA10Q11 (9,8,7). Missing values PA11Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q06 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q07 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q08 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q09 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q10 (9,8,7). Missing values PA12Q11 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q06 (9,8,7). Missing values PA13Q07 (9,8,7). Missing values PA14Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA14Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA14Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA14Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA15Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA15Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA15Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA15Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA15Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA18Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA18Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA18Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA19Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA19Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA19Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA19Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA19Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA19Q06 (9,8,7). Missing values PA21Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA21Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values PA21Q03 (9,8,7). Missing values PA21Q04 (9,8,7). Missing values PA21Q05 (9,8,7). Missing values PA21Q06 (9,8,7). Missing values PA22Q01 ('9999','9998','9997'). Missing values PA23Q01 ('9999','9998','9997'). Missing values PA24N0101 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0102 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0103 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0104 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0105 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0106 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0107 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0108 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0109 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0110 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0111 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0112 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0113 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0201 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0202 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0203 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0204 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0205 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0206 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0207 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0208 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0209 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0210 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0211 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0212 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA24N0213 ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PA25Q01 (9,8,7). Missing values PA25Q02 (9,8,7). Missing values OCOD3 ('9999','9998','9997'). Missing values OCOD4 ('9999','9998','9997'). Missing values OCOD5 ('9999','9998','9997'). Missing values PARINVOL (9999,9998,9997). Missing values PARSUPP (9999,9998,9997). Missing values PQBFMJ (99,98,97). Missing values PQBMMJ (99,98,97). Missing values PQCITIZF (9,8,7). Missing values PQCITIZM (9,8,7). Missing values PQCOB_F ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PQCOB_M ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PQCOB_MGM ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PQCOB_MGF ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PQCOB_PGM ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PQCOB_PGF ('999999','888888','777777'). Missing values PQEDASP (9,8,7). Missing values PQFISCED (9,8,7). Missing values PQHISCED (9,8,7). Missing values PQHISEI (99,98,97). Missing values PQIMMIGF (9,8,7). Missing values PQIMMIGM (9,8,7). Missing values PQLANGNF ('999','998','997'). Missing values PQLANGNM ('999','998','997'). Missing values PQMCAR (9999,9998,9997). Missing values PQMIMP (9999,9998,9997). Missing values PQMISCED (9,8,7). Missing values PQOCCASP (99,98,97). Missing values PQSCHOOL (9999,9998,9997). Missing values senwgt_PaQ (9999,9998,9997).