* This program reads the txt file data and applies variable and value labes, format and missing valus specifications. * Write the location of the ASCII file on the at the beginning of the controle file. * Write the location of the SPSS file at the end of the controle file. SET decimal=dot. DATA LIST file="c:\***\intstud_math_v3.txt"/ COUNTRY 2 - 4 (a) SCHOOLID 5 - 9 (a) STIDSTD 10 - 14 (a) SUBNATIO 16 - 17 (a) ST01Q02 21 - 22 (a) ST01Q03 23 - 26 (a) ST02Q01 27 - 28 ST03Q01 29 - 29 ST04Q01 30 - 30 ST04Q02 31 - 31 ST04Q03 32 - 32 ST04Q04 33 - 33 ST04Q05 34 - 34 ST04Q06 35 - 35 ST04Q07 36 - 36 ST04Q08 37 - 37 ST05Q01 38 - 38 ST05Q02 39 - 39 ST05Q03 40 - 40 ST06Q01 41 - 41 ST07Q01 42 - 42 ST09Q01 43 - 46 (a) ST11Q01 47 - 50 (a) ST12Q01 51 - 51 ST13Q01 52 - 52 ST14Q01 53 - 53 ST15Q01 54 - 54 ST16Q01 55 - 55 ST16Q02 56 - 56 ST16Q03 57 - 57 ST17Q01 58 - 58 ST18Q01 59 - 59 ST18Q02 60 - 60 ST18Q03 61 - 61 ST18Q04 62 - 62 ST18Q05 63 - 63 ST18Q06 64 - 64 ST19Q01 65 - 65 ST19Q02 66 - 66 ST19Q03 67 - 67 ST19Q04 68 - 68 ST19Q05 69 - 69 ST19Q06 70 - 70 ST20Q01 71 - 71 ST20Q02 72 - 72 ST20Q03 73 - 73 ST20Q04 74 - 74 ST20Q05 75 - 75 ST20Q06 76 - 76 ST21Q01 77 - 77 ST21Q02 78 - 78 ST21Q03 79 - 79 ST21Q04 80 - 80 ST21Q05 81 - 81 ST21Q06 82 - 82 ST21Q07 83 - 83 ST21Q08 84 - 84 ST21Q09 85 - 85 ST21Q10 86 - 86 ST21Q11 87 - 87 ST22Q01 88 - 88 ST22Q02 89 - 89 ST22Q03 90 - 90 ST22Q04 91 - 91 ST22Q05 92 - 92 ST22Q06 93 - 93 ST22Q07 94 - 94 ST23Q01 95 - 95 ST23Q02 96 - 96 ST23Q03 97 - 97 ST23Q04 98 - 98 ST24Q01 99 - 99 ST24Q02 100 - 100 ST24Q03 101 - 101 ST24Q04 102 - 102 ST24Q05 103 - 103 ST24Q06 104 - 104 ST24Q07 105 - 105 ST25Q01 106 - 106 ST26Q01 107 - 107 ST26Q02 108 - 108 ST26Q03 109 - 109 ST26Q04 110 - 110 ST26Q05 111 - 111 ST26Q06 112 - 112 ST26Q07 113 - 113 ST26Q08 114 - 114 ST26Q09 115 - 115 ST26Q10 116 - 116 ST26Q11 117 - 117 ST26Q12 118 - 118 ST26Q13 119 - 119 ST26Q14 120 - 120 ST26Q15 121 - 121 ST26Q16 122 - 122 ST26Q17 123 - 123 ST27Q01 124 - 125 ST27Q02 126 - 126 ST27Q03 127 - 128 ST27Q04 129 - 129 ST27Q05 130 - 131 ST27Q06 132 - 132 ST28Q01 133 - 134 ST28Q02 135 - 136 ST28Q03 137 - 138 ST29Q01 139 - 139 ST29Q02 140 - 140 ST29Q03 141 - 141 ST30Q01 142 - 142 ST30Q02 143 - 143 ST30Q03 144 - 144 ST30Q04 145 - 145 ST30Q05 146 - 146 ST31Q01 147 - 147 ST31Q02 148 - 148 ST31Q03 149 - 149 ST31Q04 150 - 150 ST31Q05 151 - 151 ST31Q06 152 - 152 ST31Q07 153 - 153 ST31Q08 154 - 154 ST32Q01 155 - 155 ST32Q02 156 - 156 ST32Q03 157 - 157 ST32Q04 158 - 158 ST32Q05 159 - 159 ST32Q06 160 - 160 ST32Q07 161 - 161 ST33Q01 162 - 162 ST33Q02 163 - 163 ST33Q03 164 - 164 ST34Q01 165 - 165 ST35Q01 166 - 166 ST35Q02 167 - 167 ST35Q03 168 - 168 ST35Q04 169 - 169 ST35Q05 170 - 170 ST35Q06 171 - 171 ST35Q07 172 - 172 ST35Q08 173 - 173 ST35Q09 174 - 174 ST36Q01 175 - 175 ST36Q02 176 - 176 ST36Q03 177 - 177 ST36Q04 178 - 178 ST36Q05 179 - 179 ST36Q06 180 - 180 ST37Q01 181 - 182 ST38Q01 183 - 183 ST39Q01 184 - 184 ST39Q02 185 - 185 ST39Q03 186 - 186 ST39Q04 187 - 187 ST39Q05 188 - 188 ST40Q01 189 - 192 (a) ST41Q01 193 - 195 ST41Q02 196 - 198 ST41Q03 199 - 201 ST41Q04 202 - 202 ST41Q05 203 - 203 ST41Q06 204 - 204 ST41Q07 205 - 205 ST41Q08 206 - 206 ST41Q09 207 - 207 BMMJ 209 - 210 BFMJ 211 - 212 BTHR 213 - 214 IT01Q01 216 - 216 IT01Q02 217 - 217 IT01Q03 218 - 218 IT01Q04 219 - 219 IT02Q01 220 - 220 IT02Q02 221 - 221 IT02Q03 222 - 222 IT03Q01 223 - 223 IT04Q01 224 - 224 IT04Q02 225 - 225 IT04Q03 226 - 226 IT04Q04 227 - 227 IT05Q01 228 - 228 IT05Q02 229 - 229 IT05Q03 230 - 230 IT05Q04 231 - 231 IT06Q01 232 - 232 IT06Q02 233 - 233 IT06Q03 234 - 234 IT06Q04 235 - 235 IT06Q05 236 - 236 IT07Q01 237 - 237 IT08Q01 238 - 238 IT09Q01 239 - 239 IT10Q01 240 - 240 CC01Q01 242 - 242 CC01Q02 243 - 243 CC01Q03 244 - 244 CC01Q04 245 - 245 CC01Q05 246 - 246 CC01Q06 247 - 247 CC01Q07 248 - 248 CC01Q08 249 - 249 CC01Q09 250 - 250 CC01Q10 251 - 251 CC01Q11 252 - 252 CC01Q12 253 - 253 CC01Q13 254 - 254 CC01Q14 255 - 255 CC01Q15 256 - 256 CC01Q16 257 - 257 CC01Q17 258 - 258 CC01Q18 259 - 259 CC01Q19 260 - 260 CC01Q20 261 - 261 CC01Q21 262 - 262 CC01Q22 263 - 263 CC01Q23 264 - 264 CC01Q24 265 - 265 CC01Q25 266 - 266 CC01Q26 267 - 267 CC01Q27 268 - 268 CC01Q28 269 - 269 CC02Q01 270 - 270 CC02Q02 271 - 271 CC02Q03 272 - 272 CC02Q04 273 - 273 CC02Q05 274 - 274 CC02Q06 275 - 275 CC02Q07 276 - 276 CC02Q08 277 - 277 CC02Q09 278 - 278 CC02Q10 279 - 279 CC02Q11 280 - 280 CC02Q12 281 - 281 CC02Q13 282 - 282 CC02Q14 283 - 283 CC02Q15 284 - 284 CC02Q16 285 - 285 CC02Q17 286 - 286 CC02Q18 287 - 287 CC02Q19 288 - 288 CC02Q20 289 - 289 CC02Q21 290 - 290 CC02Q22 291 - 291 CC02Q23 292 - 292 CC02Q24 293 - 293 rmins 295 - 298 mmins 299 - 302 smins 303 - 306 age 307 - 309 famstruc 310 - 310 nsib 311 - 312 brthord 313 - 313 isei 314 - 315 hisei 316 - 317 fisced 318 - 318 misced 319 - 319 cultcom 321 - 325 soccom 326 - 330 famedsup 331 - 335 wealth 336 - 340 hedres 341 - 345 cultactv 346 - 350 cultposs 351 - 355 hmwktime 356 - 360 teachsup 361 - 365 disclima 366 - 370 studrel 371 - 375 achpress 376 - 380 belong 381 - 385 joyread 386 - 390 divread 391 - 395 comab 397 - 401 comuse 402 - 406 comatt 407 - 411 cstrat 412 - 416 effper 417 - 421 memor 422 - 426 selfef 427 - 431 cexp 432 - 436 elab 437 - 441 insmot 442 - 446 intmat 447 - 451 matcon 452 - 456 intrea 457 - 461 scacad 462 - 466 scverb 467 - 471 comlrn 472 - 476 coplrn 477 - 481 wlemath 483 - 489 wlerr_m 490 - 496 wleread 497 - 503 wlerr_r 504 - 510 wleread1 511 - 517 wlerr_r1 518 - 524 wleread2 525 - 531 wlerr_r2 532 - 538 wleread3 539 - 545 wlerr_r3 546 - 552 pv1math 568 - 574 pv2math 575 - 581 pv3math 582 - 588 pv4math 589 - 595 pv5math 596 - 602 pv1read 603 - 609 pv2read 610 - 616 pv3read 617 - 623 pv4read 624 - 630 pv5read 631 - 637 pv1read1 638 - 644 pv2read1 645 - 651 pv3read1 652 - 658 pv4read1 659 - 665 pv5read1 666 - 672 pv1read2 673 - 679 pv2read2 680 - 686 pv3read2 687 - 693 pv4read2 694 - 700 pv5read2 701 - 707 pv1read3 708 - 714 pv2read3 715 - 721 pv3read3 722 - 728 pv4read3 729 - 735 pv5read3 736 - 742 w_fstuwt 779 - 787 cntmfac 806 - 814 w_fstr1 834 - 842 w_fstr2 843 - 851 w_fstr3 852 - 860 w_fstr4 861 - 869 w_fstr5 870 - 878 w_fstr6 879 - 887 w_fstr7 888 - 896 w_fstr8 897 - 905 w_fstr9 906 - 914 w_fstr10 915 - 923 w_fstr11 924 - 932 w_fstr12 933 - 941 w_fstr13 942 - 950 w_fstr14 951 - 959 w_fstr15 960 - 968 w_fstr16 969 - 977 w_fstr17 978 - 986 w_fstr18 987 - 995 w_fstr19 996 - 1004 w_fstr20 1005 - 1013 w_fstr21 1014 - 1022 w_fstr22 1023 - 1031 w_fstr23 1032 - 1040 w_fstr24 1041 - 1049 w_fstr25 1050 - 1058 w_fstr26 1059 - 1067 w_fstr27 1068 - 1076 w_fstr28 1077 - 1085 w_fstr29 1086 - 1094 w_fstr30 1095 - 1103 w_fstr31 1104 - 1112 w_fstr32 1113 - 1121 w_fstr33 1122 - 1130 w_fstr34 1131 - 1139 w_fstr35 1140 - 1148 w_fstr36 1149 - 1157 w_fstr37 1158 - 1166 w_fstr38 1167 - 1175 w_fstr39 1176 - 1184 w_fstr40 1185 - 1193 w_fstr41 1194 - 1202 w_fstr42 1203 - 1211 w_fstr43 1212 - 1220 w_fstr44 1221 - 1229 w_fstr45 1230 - 1238 w_fstr46 1239 - 1247 w_fstr47 1248 - 1256 w_fstr48 1257 - 1265 w_fstr49 1266 - 1274 w_fstr50 1275 - 1283 w_fstr51 1284 - 1292 w_fstr52 1293 - 1301 w_fstr53 1302 - 1310 w_fstr54 1311 - 1319 w_fstr55 1320 - 1328 w_fstr56 1329 - 1337 w_fstr57 1338 - 1346 w_fstr58 1347 - 1355 w_fstr59 1356 - 1364 w_fstr60 1365 - 1373 w_fstr61 1374 - 1382 w_fstr62 1383 - 1391 w_fstr63 1392 - 1400 w_fstr64 1401 - 1409 w_fstr65 1410 - 1418 w_fstr66 1419 - 1427 w_fstr67 1428 - 1436 w_fstr68 1437 - 1445 w_fstr69 1446 - 1454 w_fstr70 1455 - 1463 w_fstr71 1464 - 1472 w_fstr72 1473 - 1481 w_fstr73 1482 - 1490 w_fstr74 1491 - 1499 w_fstr75 1500 - 1508 w_fstr76 1509 - 1517 w_fstr77 1518 - 1526 w_fstr78 1527 - 1535 w_fstr79 1536 - 1544 w_fstr80 1545 - 1553 cnt 1555 - 1557 (a) math_waf 1559 - 1566 pv1math1 1568 - 1574 pv2math1 1575 - 1581 pv3math1 1582 - 1588 pv4math1 1589 - 1595 pv5math1 1596 - 1602 pv1math2 1603 - 1609 pv2math2 1610 - 1616 pv3math2 1617 - 1623 pv4math2 1624 - 1630 pv5math2 1631 - 1637. VARIABLE LABELS country "Country three-digit ISO code" schoolid "School ID (unique)" stidstd "Student ID" subnatio "Subnational entities" st01q02 "Birth Month - Q1Month" st01q03 "Birth Year - Q1Year" st02q01 "Grade - Q2" st03q01 "Sex - Q3" st04q01 "Mother - Q4a" st04q02 "Female Guardian - Q4b" st04q03 "Father - Q4c" st04q04 "Male Guardian - Q4d" st04q05 "Brothers - Q4e" st04q06 "Sisters - Q4f" st04q07 "Grandparents - Q4g" st04q08 "Lives with other - Q4h" st05q01 "Older - Q5a" st05q02 "Younger - Q5b" st05q03 "Same age -Q5c" st06q01 "Mother currently doing -Q6" st07q01 "Father currently doing -Q7" st09q01 "Mother's main job - Q8&9" st11q01 "Father's main job - Q10&11" st12q01 "Mother's secondary educ - Q12" st13q01 "Father's secondary educ -Q13" st14q01 "Mother's tertiary educ -Q14" st15q01 "Father's tertiary educ - Q15" st16q01 "Country of birth, self - Q16a" st16q02 "Country of birth, Mother - Q16b" st16q03 "Country of birth, Father - Q16c" st17q01 "Language at home - Q17" st18q01 "Movies - Q18a" st18q02 "Art gallery - Q18b" st18q03 "Pop Music - Q18c" st18q04 "Classics - Q18d" st18q05 "Theatre - Q18e" st18q06 "Sport - Q18f" st19q01 "Discuss politics - Q19a" st19q02 "Discuss books - Q19b" st19q03 "Listen classics - Q19c" st19q04 "Discuss sch probl - Q19d" st19q05 "Eat
- Q19e" st19q06 "Just talking - Q19f" st20q01 "Mother - Q20a" st20q02 "Father - Q20b" st20q03 "Siblings - Q20c" st20q04 "Grandparents - Q20d" st20q05 "Other Rel - Q20e" st20q06 "Parents' friends - Q20f" st21q01 "Dishwasher - Q21a" st21q02 "Own room - Q21b" st21q03 "Educat software - Q21c" st21q04 "Internet - Q21d" st21q05 "Dictionary - Q21e" st21q06 "Study place - Q21f" st21q07 "Desk - Q21g" st21q08 "Text books - Q21h" st21q09 "Classic literature - Q21i" st21q10 "Poetry - Q21j" st21q11 "Art works - Q21k" st22q01 "Phone - Q22a" st22q02 "Television - Q22b" st22q03 "Calculator - Q22c" st22q04 "Computer - Q22d" st22q05 "Piano - Q22e" st22q06 "Car - Q22f" st22q07 "Bathroom - Q22g" st23q01 " - Q23a" st23q02 " in - Q23b" st23q03 " in other subj - Q23c" st23q04 "Skills training - Q23d" st24q01 "In - Q24a" st24q02 "In other subj - Q24b" st24q03 " - Q24c" st24q04 " in - Q24d" st24q05 " in other subj - Q24e" st24q06 "Skills training - Q24f" st24q07 " - Q24g" st25q01 "School program - Q25" st26q01 "Teachers wait long time - Q26a" st26q02 "Teachers want stud to work - Q26b" st26q03 "Teachers tell stud do better - Q26c" st26q04 "Teachers don't like - Q26d" st26q05 "Teachers show interest - Q26e" st26q06 "Teachers give opportunity - Q26f" st26q07 "Teachers help with work - Q26g" st26q08 "Teachers cont teaching - Q26h" st26q09 "Teachers do a lot to help- Q26i" st26q10 "Teachers help with learning - Q26j" st26q11 "Teachers check homework - Q26k" st26q12 "Students cannot work well - Q26l" st26q13 "Students don't listen - Q26m" st26q14 "Students don't start - Q26n" st26q15 "Students learn a lot - Q26o" st26q16 "Noise & disorder - Q26p" st26q17 "Doing nothing - Q26q" st27q01 "Number in < test language> - Q27a" st27q02 "Usual in - Q27aa" st27q03 "Number in Mathematics - Q27b" st27q04 "Usual in Mathematics - Q27bb" st27q05 "Number in Science - Q27c" st27q06 "Usual in Science - Q27cc" st28q01 "In < test language> - Q28a" st28q02 "In Mathematics - Q28b" st28q03 "In Science - Q28c" st29q01 "Miss school - Q29a" st29q02 " classes - Q29b" st29q03 "Late for school - Q29c" st30q01 "Well with students - Q30a" st30q02 "Interested in students - Q30b" st30q03 "Listen to me - Q30c" st30q04 "Give extra help - Q30d" st30q05 "Treat me fairly - Q30e" st31q01 "Feel an outsider - Q31a" st31q02 "Make friends - Q31b" st31q03 "Feel I belong - Q31c" st31q04 "Feel awkward - Q31d" st31q05 "Think I'm liked - Q31e" st31q06 "Feel lonely - Q31f" st31q07 "Don't want to be - Q31g" st31q08 "Feel Bored - Q31h" st32q01 "I complete on time - Q32a" st32q02 "I do watching TV - Q32b" st32q03 "Teachers grade - Q32c" st32q04 "I finish at school - Q32d" st32q05 "Teachers comment on - Q32e" st32q06 "Is interesting - Q32f" st32q07 "Is counted in - Q32g" st33q01 "Homework - Q33a" st33q02 "Homework - Q33b" st33q03 "Homework - Q33c" st34q01 "Read each day - Q34" st35q01 "Only if I have to - Q35a" st35q02 "Favourite hobby - Q35b" st35q03 "Talking about books - Q35c" st35q04 "Hard to finish - Q35d" st35q05 "Feel happy - Q35e" st35q06 "Waste of time - Q35f" st35q07 "Enjoy library - Q35g" st35q08 "For information - Q35h" st35q09 "Few minutes only - Q35i" st36q01 "Magazines - Q36a" st36q02 "Comics - Q36b" st36q03 "Fictions - Q36c" st36q04 "Non-fiction - Q36d" st36q05 "E-mail & Web - Q36e" st36q06 "Newspapers - Q36f" st37q01 "How many books at home - Q37" st38q01 "Borrow books - Q38" st39q01 "How often use school library - Q39a" st39q02 "How often use computers - Q39b" st39q03 "How often use calculators - Q39c" st39q04 "How often use Internet - Q39d" st39q05 "How often use science labs - Q39e" st40q01 "Job at 30 - Q40" st41q01 "Mark in - Q41 numeric" st41q02 "Mark in - Q41numeric" st41q03 "Mark in - Q41numeric" st41q04 "Mark in - Q41nominal" st41q05 "Mark in - Q41nominal" st41q06 "Mark in - Q41nominal" st41q07 "Mark in - Q41ordinal" st41q08 "Mark in - Q41ordinal" st41q09 "Mark in - Q41ordinal" bmmj "Mother international social and economical index" bfmj "Father international social and economical index" bthr "Student self-expected international social and economical index" it01q01 "At home - IT1a" it01q02 "At school - IT1b" it01q03 "In library - IT1c" it01q04 "Another place - IT1d" it02q01 "Using - IT2a" it02q02 "Write paper - IT2b" it02q03 "Take test - IT2c" it03q01 "Compare - IT3" it04q01 "At home - IT4a" it04q02 "At school - IT4b" it04q03 "In library - IT4c" it04q04 "Another place - IT4d" it05q01 "Internet - IT5a" it05q02 "Communication - IT5b" it05q03 "Help learn - IT5c" it05q04 "Programming - IT5d" it06q01 "Games - IT6a" it06q02 "Word proc - IT6b" it06q03 "Spreadsheet - IT6c" it06q04 "Drawing - IT6d" it06q05 "Educational - IT6e" it07q01 "Very important - IT7" it08q01 "Play or work - IT8" it09q01 "Very interested - IT9" it10q01 "Forget the time - IT10" cc01q01 "Memorise - CC1/1" cc01q02 "Understand - CC1/2" cc01q03 "Need to learn - CC1/3" cc01q04 "Difficult - CC1/4" cc01q05 "Much as possible - CC1/5" cc01q06 "Job- CC1/6" cc01q07 "Work as hard - CC1/7" cc01q08 "Most Complex - CC1/8" cc01q09 "Relate New - CC1/9" cc01q10 "Recite - CC1/10" cc01q11 "Bad Grades - CC1/11" cc01q12 "Keep Working - CC1/12" cc01q13 "Force myself - CC1/13" cc01q14 "Future - CC1/14" cc01q15 "Over and over - CC1/15" cc01q16 "Problems wrong - CC1/16" cc01q17 "Real world - CC1/17" cc01q18 "Excellent - CC1/18" cc01q19 "Concepts - CC1/19" cc01q20 "Best to acquire - CC1/20" cc01q21 "Relating - CC1/21" cc01q22 "Good job - CC1/22" cc01q23 "Important- CC1/23" cc01q24 "Learn well - CC1/24" cc01q25 "Fits in - CC1/25" cc01q26 "Can master - CC1/26" cc01q27 "Additional info - CC1/27" cc01q28 "Best effort - CC1/Q28" cc02q01 "Math absorbed - CC2/29" cc02q02 "Like other - CC2/30" cc02q03 "Quickly in most - CC2/31" cc02q04 "Better - CC2/32" cc02q05 "Hopeless - CC2/33" cc02q06 "Reading fun - CC2/34" cc02q07 "Good most - CC2/35" cc02q08 "Learn most - CC2/36" cc02q09 "Learn quickly - CC2/37" cc02q10 "Math fun - CC2/38" cc02q11 "Trying better - CC2/39" cc02q12 "Good marks Math - CC2/Q40" cc02q13 "Read spare - CC2/41" cc02q14 "Best work - CC2/42" cc02q15 "Math best - CC2/43" cc02q16 "Like to be best - CC2/44" cc02q17 "Read absorbed - CC2/45" cc02q18 "Done well - CC2/46" cc02q19 "Help others - CC2/47" cc02q20 "Well in tests - CC2/48" cc02q21 "Math important - CC2/49" cc02q22 "Helpful ideas - CC2/50" cc02q23 "Good marks - CC2/51" cc02q24 "Learn faster - CC2/52" rmins "Number of minutes per week in language courses" mmins "Number of minutes per week in mathematics courses" smins "Number of minutes per week in science courses" age "Student age in months" famstruc "Family structure" nsib "Number of siblings" brthord "Birth oder" isei "In. Socio-Econ. Index of father or mother" hisei "Highest In. Socio-Econ. Index" fisced "Father ISCED qualification" misced "Mother ISCED qualification" cultcom "Parental Academic interest (WLE)" soccom "Patental Social interest (WLE)" famedsup "Family educational support (WLE)" wealth "Family wealth (WLE)" hedres "Home educational resources (WLE)" cultactv "Cultural activities of students (WLE)" cultposs "Cultural possession of the family (WLE)" hmwktime "Time spent on homework (WLE)" teachsup "Teacher support (WLE)" disclima "School disciplinary climate (WLE)" studrel "Teacher-student relationship (WLE)" achpress "Achievement press (WLE)" belong "Sense of belonging (WLE)" joyread "Enjoyment of Reading (WLE)" divread "Reading diversity (WLE)" COMAB "Comfort and ability with computers (WLE)" COMUSE "Computer usage and experience (WLE)" COMATT "Attitudes towards computers (WLE)" cstrat "Control strategies (WLE)" effper "Effort and Perseverance (WLE)" memor "Memorisation (WLE)" selfef "Self Efficacy (WLE)" cexp "Control Expectation (WLE)" elab "Elaboration Strategies (WLE)" insmot "Instrumental Motivation (WLE)" intmat "Interest in Maths (WLE)" matcon "Maths Self Concept (WLE)" intrea "Interest in Reading (WLE)" scacad "Self Concept (Academic) (WLE)" scverb "Self Concept (Verbal) (WLE)" comlrn "Competitive Learning (WLE)" coplrn "Co-operative Learning (WLE)" wlemath "Warm estimate in mathematics" wlerr_m "Estimation Error of WLEMATH" wleread "Warm estimate in reading" wlerr_r "Estimation Error of WLEREAD" wleread1 "Warm estimate in reading - retrieving" wlerr_r1 "Estimation Error of WLEREAD1" wleread2 "Warm estimate in reading - interpreting" wlerr_r2 "Estimation Error of WLEREAD2" wleread3 "Warm estimate in reading - reflecting" wlerr_r3 "Estimation Error of WLEREAD3" pv1math "Plausible value in mathematics" pv2math "Plausible value in mathematics" pv3math "Plausible value in mathematics" pv4math "Plausible value in mathematics" pv5math "Plausible value in mathematics" pv1math1 " Plausible value in math - Space and Shape" pv2math1 " Plausible value in math - Space and Shape" pv3math1 " Plausible value in math - Space and Shape" pv4math1 " Plausible value in math - Space and Shape" pv5math1 " Plausible value in math - Space and Shape" pv1math2 "Plausible value in math- Change and Relationships" pv2math2 "Plausible value in math- Change and Relationships" pv3math2 "Plausible value in math- Change and Relationships" pv4math2 "Plausible value in math- Change and Relationships" pv5math2 "Plausible value in math- Change and Relationships" pv1read "Plausible value in reading" pv2read "Plausible value in reading" pv3read "Plausible value in reading" pv4read "Plausible value in reading" pv5read "Plausible value in reading" pv1read1 "Plausible value in reading - retrieving" pv2read1 "Plausible value in reading - retrieving" pv3read1 "Plausible value in reading - retrieving" pv4read1 "Plausible value in reading - retrieving" pv5read1 "Plausible value in reading - retrieving" pv1read2 "Plausible value in reading - interpreting" pv2read2 "Plausible value in reading - interpreting" pv3read2 "Plausible value in reading - interpreting" pv4read2 "Plausible value in reading - interpreting" pv5read2 "Plausible value in reading - interpreting" pv1read3 "Plausible value in reading - reflecting" pv2read3 "Plausible value in reading - reflecting" pv3read3 "Plausible value in reading - reflecting" pv4read3 "Plausible value in reading - reflecting" pv5read3 "Plausible value in reading - reflecting" w_fstuwt "Student population weight" cntmfac "Adjustment factor to compute Senate weights for Mathematics" w_fstr1 "BRR replicate" w_fstr2 "BRR replicate" w_fstr3 "BRR replicate" w_fstr4 "BRR replicate" w_fstr5 "BRR replicate" w_fstr6 "BRR replicate" w_fstr7 "BRR replicate" w_fstr8 "BRR replicate" w_fstr9 "BRR replicate" w_fstr10 "BRR replicate" w_fstr11 "BRR replicate" w_fstr12 "BRR replicate" w_fstr13 "BRR replicate" w_fstr14 "BRR replicate" w_fstr15 "BRR replicate" w_fstr16 "BRR replicate" w_fstr17 "BRR replicate" w_fstr18 "BRR replicate" w_fstr19 "BRR replicate" w_fstr20 "BRR replicate" w_fstr21 "BRR replicate" w_fstr22 "BRR replicate" w_fstr23 "BRR replicate" w_fstr24 "BRR replicate" w_fstr25 "BRR replicate" w_fstr26 "BRR replicate" w_fstr27 "BRR replicate" w_fstr28 "BRR replicate" w_fstr29 "BRR replicate" w_fstr30 "BRR replicate" w_fstr31 "BRR replicate" w_fstr32 "BRR replicate" w_fstr33 "BRR replicate" w_fstr34 "BRR replicate" w_fstr35 "BRR replicate" w_fstr36 "BRR replicate" w_fstr37 "BRR replicate" w_fstr38 "BRR replicate" w_fstr39 "BRR replicate" w_fstr40 "BRR replicate" w_fstr41 "BRR replicate" w_fstr42 "BRR replicate" w_fstr43 "BRR replicate" w_fstr44 "BRR replicate" w_fstr45 "BRR replicate" w_fstr46 "BRR replicate" w_fstr47 "BRR replicate" w_fstr48 "BRR replicate" w_fstr49 "BRR replicate" w_fstr50 "BRR replicate" w_fstr51 "BRR replicate" w_fstr52 "BRR replicate" w_fstr53 "BRR replicate" w_fstr54 "BRR replicate" w_fstr55 "BRR replicate" w_fstr56 "BRR replicate" w_fstr57 "BRR replicate" w_fstr58 "BRR replicate" w_fstr59 "BRR replicate" w_fstr60 "BRR replicate" w_fstr61 "BRR replicate" w_fstr62 "BRR replicate" w_fstr63 "BRR replicate" w_fstr64 "BRR replicate" w_fstr65 "BRR replicate" w_fstr66 "BRR replicate" w_fstr67 "BRR replicate" w_fstr68 "BRR replicate" w_fstr69 "BRR replicate" w_fstr70 "BRR replicate" w_fstr71 "BRR replicate" w_fstr72 "BRR replicate" w_fstr73 "BRR replicate" w_fstr74 "BRR replicate" w_fstr75 "BRR replicate" w_fstr76 "BRR replicate" w_fstr77 "BRR replicate" w_fstr78 "BRR replicate" w_fstr79 "BRR replicate" w_fstr80 "BRR replicate" cnt "Country alphanumerical ISO code" math_waf "AUT weight adjustment factor" . VALUE LABELS COUNTRY "036" "AUSTRALIA" "040" "AUSTRIA" "056" "BELGIUM" "076" "BRAZIL" "124" "CANADA" "203" "CZECH REPUBLIC" "208" "DENMARK" "246" "FINLAND" "250" "FRANCE" "276" "GERMANY" "300" "GREECE" "348" "HUNGARY" "352" "ICELAND" "372" "IRELAND" "380" "ITALY" "392" "JAPAN" "410" "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF" "428" "LATVIA" "438" "LIECHTENSTEIN" "442" "LUXEMBOURG" "484" "MEXICO" "528" "NETHERLANDS" "554" "NEW ZEALAND" "578" "NORWAY" "616" "POLAND" "620" "PORTUGAL" "643" "RUSSIAN FEDERATION" "724" "SPAIN" "752" "SWEDEN" "756" "SWITZERLAND" "826" "UNITED KINGDOM" "840" "UNITED STATES" "008" "ALBANIA" "032" "ARGENTINA" "100" "BULGARIA" "152" "CHILE" "344" "HONG KONG" "360" "INDONESIA" "376" "ISRAEL" "604" "PERU" "642" "ROMANIA" "764" "THAILAND" "807" "MACEDONIA"/ ST01Q02 "97" "N/A" "99" "Mis"/ ST01Q03 "9997" "N/A" "9999" "Mis"/ ST02Q01 97 "N/A" 99 "Mis"/ ST03Q01 1 "Female" 2 "Male" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST04Q01 to ST04Q08 ST14Q01 ST15Q01 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST05Q01 to ST05Q03 1 "None" 2 "One" 3 "Two" 4 "Three" 5 "Four or more" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST06Q01 ST07Q01 1 "Working full-time" 2 "Working part-time" 3 "Looking for job" 4 "Other" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST09Q01 "9997" "N/A" "9999" "Mis"/ ST11Q01 "9997" "N/A" "9999" "Mis"/ ST12Q01 ST13Q01 1 "Didn't go to school" 2 "Completed (level 1)" 3 "Completed (level 2)" 4 "Completed (level 3B or 3C)" 5 "Completed (level 3A)" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST16Q01 to ST16Q03 1 "" 2 "Other" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST17Q01 1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST18Q01 to ST18Q06 1 "Never" 2 "1 or 2 times a year" 3 "3 or 4 times a year" 4 "More 4 times a year" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST19Q01 to ST20Q06 1 "Never" 2 "Few times/year" 3 "Once a month" 4 "Several times/month" 5 "Several times/week" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST21Q01 to ST21Q11 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST22Q01 to ST22Q07 1 "None" 2 "One" 3 "Two" 4 "3 or more" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST23Q01 to ST23Q04 1 "Never" 2 "Some" 3 "Regular" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST24Q01 to ST24Q07 1 "Never" 2 "Some" 3 "Regular" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST25Q01 0 "" 1 "" 2 "" 3 "" 4 "" 5 "" 6 "" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST26Q01 to ST26Q17 1 "Never" 2 "Some lessons" 3 "Most lessons" 4 "Every lesson" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST27Q01 st27q03 st27q05 97 "N/A" 99 "Mis"/ ST27Q02 ST27Q04 st27q06 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST28Q01 to ST28Q03 97 "N/A" 99 "Mis"/ ST29Q01 to ST29Q03 1 "None" 2 "1 or 2" 3 "3 or 4" 4 "5 or more" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST30Q01 to ST30Q05 1 "Strongly disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Agree" 4 "Strongly agree" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST31Q01 to ST31Q08 1 "Strongly disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Agree" 4 "Strongly agree" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST32Q01 to ST32Q07 1 "Never" 2 "Smtime" 3 "Mostly" 4 "Always" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST33Q01 to ST33Q03 1 "No time" 2 "< 1 h/week" 3 "1 to 3 h/week" 4 "> 3 h/week" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST34Q01 1 "Don't read" 2 "30 min or less" 3 "31- 60 min" 4 "1-2 hours" 5 "More than 2 hours" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST35Q01 to ST35Q09 1 "Strongly disagree" 2 "Disagree" 3 "Agree" 4 "Strongly agree" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST36Q01 to ST36Q06 1 "Never" 2 "Few times/year" 3 "Once/month" 4 "Several times/month" 5 "Several times/week" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST37Q01 1 "None" 2 "1-10" 3 "11-50" 4 "51-100" 5 "101-250" 6 "251-500" 7 "More than 500" 98 "M/R" 99 "Mis" 97 "N/A"/ ST38Q01 1 "Never" 2 "Few times/year" 3 "Once a month" 4 "Several times/month" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST39Q01 to ST39Q05 1 "Never" 2 "Few times/year" 3 "Once/month" 4 "Several times/month" 5 "Several times/week" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ ST40Q01 "9997" "N/A" "9999" "Mis"/ ST41Q01 ST41Q02 ST41Q03 997 "N/A" 999 "Mis"/ ST41Q04 ST41Q05 ST41Q06 1 "Above" 2 "At the mark" 3 "Below" 7 "N/A" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis"/ ST41Q07 ST41Q08 ST41Q09 7 "N/A" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis"/ BMMJ 97 "N/A" 99 "Mis"/ BFMJ 97 "N/A" 99 "Mis"/ BTHR 97 "N/A" 99 "Mis"/ IT01Q01 to IT01Q04 1 "Every day" 2 "Few times / week" 3 "1-4 / month" 4 "< 1 / Month" 5 "Never" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ IT02Q01 to IT02Q03 1 "Very" 2 "Just" 3 "Somewhat" 4 "Not at all" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ IT03Q01 1 "Excellent" 2 "Good" 3 "Fair" 4 "Poor" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ IT04Q01 to IT04Q04 1 "Every day" 2 "Few times / week" 3 "1-4 / month" 4 "< 1 / Month" 5 "Never" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ IT05Q01 to IT05Q04 1 "Every day" 2 "Few times / week" 3 "1-4 / month" 4 "< 1 / Month" 5 "Never" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ IT06Q01 to IT06Q05 1 "Every day" 2 "Few times / week" 3 "1-4 / month" 4 "< 1 / Month" 5 "Never" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ IT07Q01 to IT10Q01 1 "Yes" 2 "No" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ CC01Q01 to CC01Q28 1 "Never" 2 "Some" 3 "Often" 4 "Always" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ CC02Q01 to CC02Q24 1 "Disagree" 2 "Disagree some" 3 "Agree some" 4 "Agree" 8 "M/R" 9 "Mis" 7 "N/A"/ FAMSTRUC 1 "Single" 2 "Nuclear" 3 "Mixed" 4 "Other" 8 "Invalid" 7 "Not applicable" 9 "Missing"/ CNT "ALB" "ALBANIA" "ARG" "ARGENTINA" "BGR" "BULGARIA" "CHL" "CHILE" "HKG" "HONG KONG" "IDN" "INDONESIA" "ISR" "ISRAEL" "PER" "PERU" "ROM" "ROMANIA" "THA" "THAILAND" "MKD" "MACEDONIA" "AUS" "AUSTRALIA" "AUT" "AUSTRIA" "BEL" "BELGIUM" "BRA" "BRAZIL" "CAN" "CANADA" "CZE" "CZECH REPUBLIC" "DNK" "DENMARK" "FIN" "FINLAND" "FRA" "FRANCE" "DEU" "GERMANY" "GRC" "GREECE" "HUN" "HUNGARY" "ISL" "ICELAND" "IRL" "IRELAND" "ITA" "ITALY" "JPN" "JAPAN" "KOR" "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF" "LVA" "LATVIA" "LIE" "LIECHTENSTEIN" "LUX" "LUXEMBOURG" "MEX" "MEXICO" "NLD" "NETHERLANDS" "NZL" "NEW ZEALAND" "NOR" "NORWAY" "POL" "POLAND" "PRT" "PORTUGAL" "RUS" "RUSSIAN FEDERATION" "ESP" "SPAIN" "SWE" "SWEDEN" "CHE" "SWITZERLAND" "GBR" "UNITED KINGDOM" "USA" "UNITED STATES". FORMATS cultcom to divread comab to coplrn (f5.2). FORMATS wlemath to pv5read3 pv1math1 to pv5math2(f7.2). FORMATS w_fstuwt w_fstr1 to w_fstr80 math_waf (f9.4). FORMATS cntmfac (f9.7). execute. MISSING VALUES ST03Q01 to ST07Q01 ST12Q01 to ST26Q17 ST27Q02 ST27Q04 ST27Q06 ST29Q01 to ST36Q06 ST38Q01 to ST39Q05 ST41Q04 to ST41Q09 IT01Q01 to CC02Q24 famstruc brthord fisced misced (8,9,7) / ST02Q01 ST27Q01 ST27Q03 ST27Q05 ST28Q01 to ST28Q03 ST37Q01 BMMJ BFMJ BTHR nsib isei hisei (97, 98, 99) / cultcom to divread comab to coplrn (97) / ST41Q01 to ST41Q03 age (997,998,999) / rmins mmins smins (9997,9999) / wlemath to pv5read3 pv1math1 to pv5math2 (9997) / ST01Q02 ("97","99") / ST01Q03 ST09Q01 ST11Q01 ST40Q01 ("9997","9999"). recode pv5read3 pv1math1 to pv5math2 (sysmis=9997). EXECUTE. *SAVE OUTFILE="c:\****\intstud_math.sav".